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In a new public-private pilot, the region’s first 5G experimental spectrum gaming test was carried out in real time.

The popular gamer and influencer, Swaggron, participated in this online gaming demonstration in Entel’s 5G Experimental Zone, catching pokemons in augmented reality and 4K, an experience that he broadcast live to all his followers through a Samsung S21 connected to this technology.

Seven months after the launch of the 5G Experimental Zone, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with Entel, presented a new experimental test of 5G technology, in order to show people the new potential offered by the new network. This time, it is the first experimental test of Gaming 5G in Latin America.

The activity was led by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications; Gloria Hutt, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, and the CEO of Entel; Antonio Büchi. On the occasion, the gamer Swaggron played Pokemon Go in the Titanium Park sector with the augmented reality option turned on, catching several pokemon like Charmander, Squirtie and Bulbasaur that roamed the place. Thus, the influencer transmitted live and in 4K this experience to all his followers through his Instagram and Twitch accounts, using a Samsung S21 cell phone enabled with fifth-generation mobile technology.

At the event, Swaggron explained the benefits of the technology to play and transmit seamlessly in real time, unlike streaming in 4G, where he had to pre-record the tour and explain his adventure while editing the video in front of the computer screen.

In a second activity, a Cloud Gaming space was presented, which included three experience modules. In the demonstration, gamer Nicole Piri, connected to 5G with cell phones, notebook, and Entel TV participated in different games such as Tennis World Tour and Darksiders, through the AWG Games solution, without connecting to fixed networks.


“Chile’s telecommunications sector stands out again in the region with this test that allows citizens to try a new experience of a connected ecosystem, this time, through Gaming", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “online video games, are no longer merely entertainment and we have seen how they have been enhanced in Europe for years, as important tools to optimize education and that children and young people can gain knowledge about various areas in a didactic way, as well as develop digital literacy skills. In this way, technology will continue to be present in our different daily activities and will be fundamental for the technological revolution”.


Likewise, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno, highlighted that “through the deployment of 5G mobile technology, a long list of productive sectors will benefit. To date, we have developed multiple pilots to visualize its application in diverse areas such as salmon farming, process automation in the industrial sector, accounting and incident detection in real time in intelligent transportation, remote monitoring and analysis of environmental parameters in the agricultural and forestry sector, among many others. Entertainment will be no exception, which will have a major impact on gaming, an industry that is on the rise worldwide”.

For gamers, mobility plays an important role, since before 5G, the user of a Cloud Gaming solution was limited to having to play only at home, or near a router/modem, since the available data connections (3G and 4G) were not powerful and fast enough to enable this experience. Today 5G, with its advantages in bandwidth and low latency, make it possible to have a high quality gamer experience on a mobile device.


“Our purpose as a company is to bring technology closer to people’s daily lives to expand their possibilities, so for us it is of utmost importance to show the benefits that 5G will have. So far we had done demonstrations of social or industrial uses, but today we wanted to give a touch of entertainment with prominent gamers in the national arena. Gamers use different types of access to play, but in Chile close to 80% do so through their smartphones, and with this demo we are giving a concrete sample of what 5G will allow for these everyday uses", explained Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel.


The executive added that the gradual implementation that this new technology will generate will be fundamental in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, opening the way to a more connected, digital and intelligent society, with new developments in areas such as education, connected cities, medicine or industry “all of which will have a great impact on improving the quality of life of all Chileans”.


For Juan Francisco Di Nucci, CEO of Avatar World Group (AWG), “Cloud Gaming, as well as 5G, promise a democratization in the access to first level technologies, because it will allow users to achieve a gaming experience without large hardware investments. The cloud and high-speed internet connection will remove a barrier to access. That is why we believe it is important for these developments to advance in Latin America”.

This test is part of a series of experimental demonstrations that Entel has been carrying out since 2018 to bring this technology closer to people, which have covered areas such as industry, agriculture, health, smart cities and, in this case, entertainment.

Finally, it is important to note that the main characteristics of 5G are its low latency and higher speed, which will facilitate the implementation of use cases such as IoT, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others. This technology allows a huge amount of devices connected to each other, enabling devices to send data over the internet and interact in a fast, secure and intelligent way, of course in a way that reinforces the privacy and cybersecurity so necessary today.

About AWG

Avatar World Group is a company with more than 15 years of experience in the monetization of digital services. With operations in more than 20 countries and working together with more than 35 telecommunications operators in three continents, it is one of the leading companies in Direct Carrier Billing in Latin America. In 2020 it launched AWG Games, its own Cloud Gaming solution, a pioneer in Latin America.


MTT and Entel held the first Gaming demo with 5G technology in Latin America

13 Ago, 2021

In a new public-private pilot, the region’s first 5G experimental spectrum gaming test was carried out in real time.

The popular gamer and influencer, Swaggron, participated in this online gaming demonstration in Entel’s 5G Experimental Zone, catching pokemons in augmented reality and 4K, an experience that he broadcast live to all his followers through a Samsung S21 connected to this technology.

Seven months after the launch of the 5G Experimental Zone, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with Entel, presented a new experimental test of 5G technology, in order to show people the new potential offered by the new network. This time, it is the first experimental test of Gaming 5G in Latin America.

The activity was led by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications; Gloria Hutt, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, and the CEO of Entel; Antonio Büchi. On the occasion, the gamer Swaggron played Pokemon Go in the Titanium Park sector with the augmented reality option turned on, catching several pokemon like Charmander, Squirtie and Bulbasaur that roamed the place. Thus, the influencer transmitted live and in 4K this experience to all his followers through his Instagram and Twitch accounts, using a Samsung S21 cell phone enabled with fifth-generation mobile technology.

At the event, Swaggron explained the benefits of the technology to play and transmit seamlessly in real time, unlike streaming in 4G, where he had to pre-record the tour and explain his adventure while editing the video in front of the computer screen.

In a second activity, a Cloud Gaming space was presented, which included three experience modules. In the demonstration, gamer Nicole Piri, connected to 5G with cell phones, notebook, and Entel TV participated in different games such as Tennis World Tour and Darksiders, through the AWG Games solution, without connecting to fixed networks.


“Chile’s telecommunications sector stands out again in the region with this test that allows citizens to try a new experience of a connected ecosystem, this time, through Gaming", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “online video games, are no longer merely entertainment and we have seen how they have been enhanced in Europe for years, as important tools to optimize education and that children and young people can gain knowledge about various areas in a didactic way, as well as develop digital literacy skills. In this way, technology will continue to be present in our different daily activities and will be fundamental for the technological revolution”.


Likewise, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno, highlighted that “through the deployment of 5G mobile technology, a long list of productive sectors will benefit. To date, we have developed multiple pilots to visualize its application in diverse areas such as salmon farming, process automation in the industrial sector, accounting and incident detection in real time in intelligent transportation, remote monitoring and analysis of environmental parameters in the agricultural and forestry sector, among many others. Entertainment will be no exception, which will have a major impact on gaming, an industry that is on the rise worldwide”.

For gamers, mobility plays an important role, since before 5G, the user of a Cloud Gaming solution was limited to having to play only at home, or near a router/modem, since the available data connections (3G and 4G) were not powerful and fast enough to enable this experience. Today 5G, with its advantages in bandwidth and low latency, make it possible to have a high quality gamer experience on a mobile device.


“Our purpose as a company is to bring technology closer to people’s daily lives to expand their possibilities, so for us it is of utmost importance to show the benefits that 5G will have. So far we had done demonstrations of social or industrial uses, but today we wanted to give a touch of entertainment with prominent gamers in the national arena. Gamers use different types of access to play, but in Chile close to 80% do so through their smartphones, and with this demo we are giving a concrete sample of what 5G will allow for these everyday uses", explained Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel.


The executive added that the gradual implementation that this new technology will generate will be fundamental in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, opening the way to a more connected, digital and intelligent society, with new developments in areas such as education, connected cities, medicine or industry “all of which will have a great impact on improving the quality of life of all Chileans”.


For Juan Francisco Di Nucci, CEO of Avatar World Group (AWG), “Cloud Gaming, as well as 5G, promise a democratization in the access to first level technologies, because it will allow users to achieve a gaming experience without large hardware investments. The cloud and high-speed internet connection will remove a barrier to access. That is why we believe it is important for these developments to advance in Latin America”.

This test is part of a series of experimental demonstrations that Entel has been carrying out since 2018 to bring this technology closer to people, which have covered areas such as industry, agriculture, health, smart cities and, in this case, entertainment.

Finally, it is important to note that the main characteristics of 5G are its low latency and higher speed, which will facilitate the implementation of use cases such as IoT, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others. This technology allows a huge amount of devices connected to each other, enabling devices to send data over the internet and interact in a fast, secure and intelligent way, of course in a way that reinforces the privacy and cybersecurity so necessary today.

About AWG

Avatar World Group is a company with more than 15 years of experience in the monetization of digital services. With operations in more than 20 countries and working together with more than 35 telecommunications operators in three continents, it is one of the leading companies in Direct Carrier Billing in Latin America. In 2020 it launched AWG Games, its own Cloud Gaming solution, a pioneer in Latin America.


In a new public-private pilot, the region’s first 5G experimental spectrum gaming test was carried out in real time.

The popular gamer and influencer, Swaggron, participated in this online gaming demonstration in Entel’s 5G Experimental Zone, catching pokemons in augmented reality and 4K, an experience that he broadcast live to all his followers through a Samsung S21 connected to this technology.

Seven months after the launch of the 5G Experimental Zone, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with Entel, presented a new experimental test of 5G technology, in order to show people the new potential offered by the new network. This time, it is the first experimental test of Gaming 5G in Latin America.

The activity was led by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications; Gloria Hutt, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, and the CEO of Entel; Antonio Büchi. On the occasion, the gamer Swaggron played Pokemon Go in the Titanium Park sector with the augmented reality option turned on, catching several pokemon like Charmander, Squirtie and Bulbasaur that roamed the place. Thus, the influencer transmitted live and in 4K this experience to all his followers through his Instagram and Twitch accounts, using a Samsung S21 cell phone enabled with fifth-generation mobile technology.

At the event, Swaggron explained the benefits of the technology to play and transmit seamlessly in real time, unlike streaming in 4G, where he had to pre-record the tour and explain his adventure while editing the video in front of the computer screen.

In a second activity, a Cloud Gaming space was presented, which included three experience modules. In the demonstration, gamer Nicole Piri, connected to 5G with cell phones, notebook, and Entel TV participated in different games such as Tennis World Tour and Darksiders, through the AWG Games solution, without connecting to fixed networks.


“Chile’s telecommunications sector stands out again in the region with this test that allows citizens to try a new experience of a connected ecosystem, this time, through Gaming", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “online video games, are no longer merely entertainment and we have seen how they have been enhanced in Europe for years, as important tools to optimize education and that children and young people can gain knowledge about various areas in a didactic way, as well as develop digital literacy skills. In this way, technology will continue to be present in our different daily activities and will be fundamental for the technological revolution”.


Likewise, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno, highlighted that “through the deployment of 5G mobile technology, a long list of productive sectors will benefit. To date, we have developed multiple pilots to visualize its application in diverse areas such as salmon farming, process automation in the industrial sector, accounting and incident detection in real time in intelligent transportation, remote monitoring and analysis of environmental parameters in the agricultural and forestry sector, among many others. Entertainment will be no exception, which will have a major impact on gaming, an industry that is on the rise worldwide”.

For gamers, mobility plays an important role, since before 5G, the user of a Cloud Gaming solution was limited to having to play only at home, or near a router/modem, since the available data connections (3G and 4G) were not powerful and fast enough to enable this experience. Today 5G, with its advantages in bandwidth and low latency, make it possible to have a high quality gamer experience on a mobile device.


“Our purpose as a company is to bring technology closer to people’s daily lives to expand their possibilities, so for us it is of utmost importance to show the benefits that 5G will have. So far we had done demonstrations of social or industrial uses, but today we wanted to give a touch of entertainment with prominent gamers in the national arena. Gamers use different types of access to play, but in Chile close to 80% do so through their smartphones, and with this demo we are giving a concrete sample of what 5G will allow for these everyday uses", explained Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel.


The executive added that the gradual implementation that this new technology will generate will be fundamental in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, opening the way to a more connected, digital and intelligent society, with new developments in areas such as education, connected cities, medicine or industry “all of which will have a great impact on improving the quality of life of all Chileans”.


For Juan Francisco Di Nucci, CEO of Avatar World Group (AWG), “Cloud Gaming, as well as 5G, promise a democratization in the access to first level technologies, because it will allow users to achieve a gaming experience without large hardware investments. The cloud and high-speed internet connection will remove a barrier to access. That is why we believe it is important for these developments to advance in Latin America”.

This test is part of a series of experimental demonstrations that Entel has been carrying out since 2018 to bring this technology closer to people, which have covered areas such as industry, agriculture, health, smart cities and, in this case, entertainment.

Finally, it is important to note that the main characteristics of 5G are its low latency and higher speed, which will facilitate the implementation of use cases such as IoT, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others. This technology allows a huge amount of devices connected to each other, enabling devices to send data over the internet and interact in a fast, secure and intelligent way, of course in a way that reinforces the privacy and cybersecurity so necessary today.

About AWG

Avatar World Group is a company with more than 15 years of experience in the monetization of digital services. With operations in more than 20 countries and working together with more than 35 telecommunications operators in three continents, it is one of the leading companies in Direct Carrier Billing in Latin America. In 2020 it launched AWG Games, its own Cloud Gaming solution, a pioneer in Latin America.
