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To increase visibility and national reach:

Reaching every person in the country with medicines is one of the objectives of the digital pharmacy, which, with the support of the technology and telecommunications company, seeks to provide a solution to more than 300 thousand people who currently do not have access to medicines.

An important alliance was signed between the digital pharmacy Fracción and Entel to promote the project “Comunas sin Farmacia” ("Communes without Pharmacy" in English), whose objective is to reach with medicines 50 communes of the country, in 15 regions, that do not have an establishment of this type. This is part of the ongoing work carried out by the technology and telecommunications company to support SMEs and partners seeking to be agents of change.

Specifically, the alliance seeks to facilitate access to medicines through mobile and digital pharmacies, in addition to pharmaceutical stores in regions, whose network and connectivity will be provided by Entel, and to promote the initiative, which consists of implementing four pharmaceutical formats in the communes, depending on the number of inhabitants in each one. The target? To provide a solution to more than 300,000 people in the next few years.

To achieve this goal, the first of the formats will be the digital pharmacy, in communities with less than 2 thousand inhabitants, where they will be able to see Fracción’s medicines and buy them and pick them up at a specific point in the commune. Meanwhile, in communes with between 2 thousand and up to 5 thousand inhabitants, people will be able to go in person to a pharmaceutical store (where over-the-counter products can be sold without prescription), while in those with more than 5 thousand inhabitants a physical pharmacy will be implemented. The fourth format is the mobile pharmacy, through which the products will reach communes that do not have access to them in the short term, making it possible to acquire the medicines with a certain frequency, accelerating their arrival and impact.

“From Entel Empresas we seek to be a technology partner for SMEs, accompanying their processes, for which we also deliver digital tools that facilitate the daily management of Fracción. In addition, in several of the 50 communes we are the only mobile network operator, so providing the technology and network to deliver medicines is undoubtedly a contribution to the social development of our country, making our purpose of bringing technology closer to the people to responsibly transform society”, explains Gonzalo Martinich, assistant manager of Marketing of Entel Empresas.

Javier Vega, founder and executive director of Fracción, has a similar opinion. “This alliance with Entel allows us to connect all our systems to the network, which gives us access to connection throughout Chile, allowing people to access our pharmacy in any territory throughout the country. This alliance is a true reflection of how a large company like Entel collaborates with a small one like Fracción, since both have the common goal of changing people’s lives”.

Information regarding the new communes to which the different solutions of this initiative will reach is being provided through the social networks of Fracción (@fraccionchile), Entel Empresas (@entelempresas) and more information can be found on the website fraccion.cl

About Fracción

One of the great benefits offered by Farmacias Fracción is precisely the fractioning of medicines. This refers to the process by which the number of units that the patient needs is extracted from a clinical container, according to the medical prescription issued by a doctor, allowing users to reduce expenses and, in addition, generate less waste. In addition, Fracción signed an alliance with CENABAST that allows it to deliver a group of medicines with savings of up to 80% given the public-private collaboration, which seeks to lower the price of hundreds of medicines.


Entel and Fracción signing alliance that will bring medicines to isolated communes without pharmacies

22 Sep, 2022

To increase visibility and national reach:

Reaching every person in the country with medicines is one of the objectives of the digital pharmacy, which, with the support of the technology and telecommunications company, seeks to provide a solution to more than 300 thousand people who currently do not have access to medicines.

An important alliance was signed between the digital pharmacy Fracción and Entel to promote the project “Comunas sin Farmacia” ("Communes without Pharmacy" in English), whose objective is to reach with medicines 50 communes of the country, in 15 regions, that do not have an establishment of this type. This is part of the ongoing work carried out by the technology and telecommunications company to support SMEs and partners seeking to be agents of change.

Specifically, the alliance seeks to facilitate access to medicines through mobile and digital pharmacies, in addition to pharmaceutical stores in regions, whose network and connectivity will be provided by Entel, and to promote the initiative, which consists of implementing four pharmaceutical formats in the communes, depending on the number of inhabitants in each one. The target? To provide a solution to more than 300,000 people in the next few years.

To achieve this goal, the first of the formats will be the digital pharmacy, in communities with less than 2 thousand inhabitants, where they will be able to see Fracción’s medicines and buy them and pick them up at a specific point in the commune. Meanwhile, in communes with between 2 thousand and up to 5 thousand inhabitants, people will be able to go in person to a pharmaceutical store (where over-the-counter products can be sold without prescription), while in those with more than 5 thousand inhabitants a physical pharmacy will be implemented. The fourth format is the mobile pharmacy, through which the products will reach communes that do not have access to them in the short term, making it possible to acquire the medicines with a certain frequency, accelerating their arrival and impact.

“From Entel Empresas we seek to be a technology partner for SMEs, accompanying their processes, for which we also deliver digital tools that facilitate the daily management of Fracción. In addition, in several of the 50 communes we are the only mobile network operator, so providing the technology and network to deliver medicines is undoubtedly a contribution to the social development of our country, making our purpose of bringing technology closer to the people to responsibly transform society”, explains Gonzalo Martinich, assistant manager of Marketing of Entel Empresas.

Javier Vega, founder and executive director of Fracción, has a similar opinion. “This alliance with Entel allows us to connect all our systems to the network, which gives us access to connection throughout Chile, allowing people to access our pharmacy in any territory throughout the country. This alliance is a true reflection of how a large company like Entel collaborates with a small one like Fracción, since both have the common goal of changing people’s lives”.

Information regarding the new communes to which the different solutions of this initiative will reach is being provided through the social networks of Fracción (@fraccionchile), Entel Empresas (@entelempresas) and more information can be found on the website fraccion.cl

About Fracción

One of the great benefits offered by Farmacias Fracción is precisely the fractioning of medicines. This refers to the process by which the number of units that the patient needs is extracted from a clinical container, according to the medical prescription issued by a doctor, allowing users to reduce expenses and, in addition, generate less waste. In addition, Fracción signed an alliance with CENABAST that allows it to deliver a group of medicines with savings of up to 80% given the public-private collaboration, which seeks to lower the price of hundreds of medicines.


To increase visibility and national reach:

Reaching every person in the country with medicines is one of the objectives of the digital pharmacy, which, with the support of the technology and telecommunications company, seeks to provide a solution to more than 300 thousand people who currently do not have access to medicines.

An important alliance was signed between the digital pharmacy Fracción and Entel to promote the project “Comunas sin Farmacia” ("Communes without Pharmacy" in English), whose objective is to reach with medicines 50 communes of the country, in 15 regions, that do not have an establishment of this type. This is part of the ongoing work carried out by the technology and telecommunications company to support SMEs and partners seeking to be agents of change.

Specifically, the alliance seeks to facilitate access to medicines through mobile and digital pharmacies, in addition to pharmaceutical stores in regions, whose network and connectivity will be provided by Entel, and to promote the initiative, which consists of implementing four pharmaceutical formats in the communes, depending on the number of inhabitants in each one. The target? To provide a solution to more than 300,000 people in the next few years.

To achieve this goal, the first of the formats will be the digital pharmacy, in communities with less than 2 thousand inhabitants, where they will be able to see Fracción’s medicines and buy them and pick them up at a specific point in the commune. Meanwhile, in communes with between 2 thousand and up to 5 thousand inhabitants, people will be able to go in person to a pharmaceutical store (where over-the-counter products can be sold without prescription), while in those with more than 5 thousand inhabitants a physical pharmacy will be implemented. The fourth format is the mobile pharmacy, through which the products will reach communes that do not have access to them in the short term, making it possible to acquire the medicines with a certain frequency, accelerating their arrival and impact.

“From Entel Empresas we seek to be a technology partner for SMEs, accompanying their processes, for which we also deliver digital tools that facilitate the daily management of Fracción. In addition, in several of the 50 communes we are the only mobile network operator, so providing the technology and network to deliver medicines is undoubtedly a contribution to the social development of our country, making our purpose of bringing technology closer to the people to responsibly transform society”, explains Gonzalo Martinich, assistant manager of Marketing of Entel Empresas.

Javier Vega, founder and executive director of Fracción, has a similar opinion. “This alliance with Entel allows us to connect all our systems to the network, which gives us access to connection throughout Chile, allowing people to access our pharmacy in any territory throughout the country. This alliance is a true reflection of how a large company like Entel collaborates with a small one like Fracción, since both have the common goal of changing people’s lives”.

Information regarding the new communes to which the different solutions of this initiative will reach is being provided through the social networks of Fracción (@fraccionchile), Entel Empresas (@entelempresas) and more information can be found on the website fraccion.cl

About Fracción

One of the great benefits offered by Farmacias Fracción is precisely the fractioning of medicines. This refers to the process by which the number of units that the patient needs is extracted from a clinical container, according to the medical prescription issued by a doctor, allowing users to reduce expenses and, in addition, generate less waste. In addition, Fracción signed an alliance with CENABAST that allows it to deliver a group of medicines with savings of up to 80% given the public-private collaboration, which seeks to lower the price of hundreds of medicines.
