• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
RRecommendations from Entel:

With more vacation days, it is likely that children and adolescents will spend more time connected and in front of the screens, and although the use of the network has multiple benefits, it is important to be aware of the risks. Entel, together with the Government’s CSIRT, under the Ministry of the Interior, provides tools and tips for them to surf safely.

The winter vacations have begun and although many people have planned some trips, others will stay longer than usual at home, which means that children and young people will be connected to the network.

Although the use of technology provides multiple benefits, such as the possibility of keeping in touch with their peers, learning, exploring and having spaces for expression, among others, it also requires an important responsibility. Being increasingly connected and spending more time in front of screens entails a series of digital dangers or cyber threats, so it is essential that guardians and responsible adults accompany this process, educate children and take appropriate security measures.

In this line, Entel, together with the Entel Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of the Government, under the Ministry of the Interior, have developed a series of tips for safe surfing. In this line, there are software or applications for mobile devices that allow to control the use and thus contribute to the responsible care for a safer navigation.

“We have seen that internet use is increasing every day and for Entel it is essential to educate the population and promote safe and responsible browsing, to minimize the possible crimes that users can be victims of. During the winter vacations it is likely that students will spend more time online, which forces us to redouble our efforts to take advantage of technology in a safe and risk-conscious way", explains Entel’s Security Engineering assistant manager, Fernanda Mattar.

For example, Apple has different functionalities in iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV, for parents to manage how and when their children use these devices; Family Link, Google’s parental controls app, allows establishing basic rules to guide children and adolescents while they learn, play and discover things online with their digital devices;Entel TV and Entel Fiber television services have a parental control function, which is activated and managed from the Entel App, and allows a specific configuration for the child or adolescent user.

According to figures from the Cybercrime Brigade of the Policía de Investigaciones (PDI), cybercrimes increased between 30 and 45% during 2021. The most frequent were scams and other frauds, computer sabotage and the acquisition or storage of child pornographic material. The latter, in particular, rose by 55% last year.

Another of the most common risks to which children and adolescents are exposed online is “grooming”, where an adult contacts them through fake profiles or accounts and, after establishing contact and friendship, pressures them to send photographs with pornographic material.

“It is important to keep in mind that many of these crimes are preventable and, in addition to the applications, there is a work of awareness, education and support that should be done with children and young people”, says Fernanda Mattar.

Tips for safe surfing

  • Never publish personal data, such as names, ID No. or others, as they can be used to decipher passwords or impersonate.

  • Configure profiles in private mode and accept only people you really know.

  • Be careful with sending photos or videos. Other people can access them and use them to extort or harass.

  • Block advertisements. Some pop-up windows may contain malicious links.

  • Clear your web browser’s cache and cookies to limit data tracking.

  • Always use antivirus software and update it regularly.

  • Use strong and different passwords. If a password is leaked, not all services will be compromised.

  • Log out every time you stop browsing.

  • Never save bank card details or passwords.

  • Avoid connecting to public networks, especially when you want to access sites with sensitive information.

  • Be critical with the information received through emails, SMS or WhatsApp messages.

  • Always check the URL to confirm that it is the site you want to access.

  • Never enter personal data if you do not trust the security of the site or platform.

  • In case of phishing cases, it is possible to report them to the CSIRT, by calling 1510 or writing to soc@interior.gob.cl.

To learn more about these tips in detail, the technology and telecommunications company has available a site dedicated to educate and support its customers and the digital community through an open and free culture plan called Entel Digital Citizen, which we invite you to visit at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.


Cybersecurity can’t rest: tips to protect children during the winter vacations

5 Jul, 2022

RRecommendations from Entel:

With more vacation days, it is likely that children and adolescents will spend more time connected and in front of the screens, and although the use of the network has multiple benefits, it is important to be aware of the risks. Entel, together with the Government’s CSIRT, under the Ministry of the Interior, provides tools and tips for them to surf safely.

The winter vacations have begun and although many people have planned some trips, others will stay longer than usual at home, which means that children and young people will be connected to the network.

Although the use of technology provides multiple benefits, such as the possibility of keeping in touch with their peers, learning, exploring and having spaces for expression, among others, it also requires an important responsibility. Being increasingly connected and spending more time in front of screens entails a series of digital dangers or cyber threats, so it is essential that guardians and responsible adults accompany this process, educate children and take appropriate security measures.

In this line, Entel, together with the Entel Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of the Government, under the Ministry of the Interior, have developed a series of tips for safe surfing. In this line, there are software or applications for mobile devices that allow to control the use and thus contribute to the responsible care for a safer navigation.

“We have seen that internet use is increasing every day and for Entel it is essential to educate the population and promote safe and responsible browsing, to minimize the possible crimes that users can be victims of. During the winter vacations it is likely that students will spend more time online, which forces us to redouble our efforts to take advantage of technology in a safe and risk-conscious way", explains Entel’s Security Engineering assistant manager, Fernanda Mattar.

For example, Apple has different functionalities in iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV, for parents to manage how and when their children use these devices; Family Link, Google’s parental controls app, allows establishing basic rules to guide children and adolescents while they learn, play and discover things online with their digital devices;Entel TV and Entel Fiber television services have a parental control function, which is activated and managed from the Entel App, and allows a specific configuration for the child or adolescent user.

According to figures from the Cybercrime Brigade of the Policía de Investigaciones (PDI), cybercrimes increased between 30 and 45% during 2021. The most frequent were scams and other frauds, computer sabotage and the acquisition or storage of child pornographic material. The latter, in particular, rose by 55% last year.

Another of the most common risks to which children and adolescents are exposed online is “grooming”, where an adult contacts them through fake profiles or accounts and, after establishing contact and friendship, pressures them to send photographs with pornographic material.

“It is important to keep in mind that many of these crimes are preventable and, in addition to the applications, there is a work of awareness, education and support that should be done with children and young people”, says Fernanda Mattar.

Tips for safe surfing

  • Never publish personal data, such as names, ID No. or others, as they can be used to decipher passwords or impersonate.

  • Configure profiles in private mode and accept only people you really know.

  • Be careful with sending photos or videos. Other people can access them and use them to extort or harass.

  • Block advertisements. Some pop-up windows may contain malicious links.

  • Clear your web browser’s cache and cookies to limit data tracking.

  • Always use antivirus software and update it regularly.

  • Use strong and different passwords. If a password is leaked, not all services will be compromised.

  • Log out every time you stop browsing.

  • Never save bank card details or passwords.

  • Avoid connecting to public networks, especially when you want to access sites with sensitive information.

  • Be critical with the information received through emails, SMS or WhatsApp messages.

  • Always check the URL to confirm that it is the site you want to access.

  • Never enter personal data if you do not trust the security of the site or platform.

  • In case of phishing cases, it is possible to report them to the CSIRT, by calling 1510 or writing to soc@interior.gob.cl.

To learn more about these tips in detail, the technology and telecommunications company has available a site dedicated to educate and support its customers and the digital community through an open and free culture plan called Entel Digital Citizen, which we invite you to visit at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.


RRecommendations from Entel:

With more vacation days, it is likely that children and adolescents will spend more time connected and in front of the screens, and although the use of the network has multiple benefits, it is important to be aware of the risks. Entel, together with the Government’s CSIRT, under the Ministry of the Interior, provides tools and tips for them to surf safely.

The winter vacations have begun and although many people have planned some trips, others will stay longer than usual at home, which means that children and young people will be connected to the network.

Although the use of technology provides multiple benefits, such as the possibility of keeping in touch with their peers, learning, exploring and having spaces for expression, among others, it also requires an important responsibility. Being increasingly connected and spending more time in front of screens entails a series of digital dangers or cyber threats, so it is essential that guardians and responsible adults accompany this process, educate children and take appropriate security measures.

In this line, Entel, together with the Entel Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of the Government, under the Ministry of the Interior, have developed a series of tips for safe surfing. In this line, there are software or applications for mobile devices that allow to control the use and thus contribute to the responsible care for a safer navigation.

“We have seen that internet use is increasing every day and for Entel it is essential to educate the population and promote safe and responsible browsing, to minimize the possible crimes that users can be victims of. During the winter vacations it is likely that students will spend more time online, which forces us to redouble our efforts to take advantage of technology in a safe and risk-conscious way", explains Entel’s Security Engineering assistant manager, Fernanda Mattar.

For example, Apple has different functionalities in iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV, for parents to manage how and when their children use these devices; Family Link, Google’s parental controls app, allows establishing basic rules to guide children and adolescents while they learn, play and discover things online with their digital devices;Entel TV and Entel Fiber television services have a parental control function, which is activated and managed from the Entel App, and allows a specific configuration for the child or adolescent user.

According to figures from the Cybercrime Brigade of the Policía de Investigaciones (PDI), cybercrimes increased between 30 and 45% during 2021. The most frequent were scams and other frauds, computer sabotage and the acquisition or storage of child pornographic material. The latter, in particular, rose by 55% last year.

Another of the most common risks to which children and adolescents are exposed online is “grooming”, where an adult contacts them through fake profiles or accounts and, after establishing contact and friendship, pressures them to send photographs with pornographic material.

“It is important to keep in mind that many of these crimes are preventable and, in addition to the applications, there is a work of awareness, education and support that should be done with children and young people”, says Fernanda Mattar.

Tips for safe surfing

  • Never publish personal data, such as names, ID No. or others, as they can be used to decipher passwords or impersonate.

  • Configure profiles in private mode and accept only people you really know.

  • Be careful with sending photos or videos. Other people can access them and use them to extort or harass.

  • Block advertisements. Some pop-up windows may contain malicious links.

  • Clear your web browser’s cache and cookies to limit data tracking.

  • Always use antivirus software and update it regularly.

  • Use strong and different passwords. If a password is leaked, not all services will be compromised.

  • Log out every time you stop browsing.

  • Never save bank card details or passwords.

  • Avoid connecting to public networks, especially when you want to access sites with sensitive information.

  • Be critical with the information received through emails, SMS or WhatsApp messages.

  • Always check the URL to confirm that it is the site you want to access.

  • Never enter personal data if you do not trust the security of the site or platform.

  • In case of phishing cases, it is possible to report them to the CSIRT, by calling 1510 or writing to soc@interior.gob.cl.

To learn more about these tips in detail, the technology and telecommunications company has available a site dedicated to educate and support its customers and the digital community through an open and free culture plan called Entel Digital Citizen, which we invite you to visit at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.
