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Through this new Chair, academia and the private sector will join forces to deepen research, training and discussion of ideas and proposals that allow an inclusive and consistent digital development. The initiative is part of the UC Endowment Project, which seeks to give future sustainability to the Universidad Católica

Determined to face the challenges posed every day by the advances in information and communication technologies, the Universidad Católica and Entel join forces with the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation, an initiative that will allow the strengths of both institutions to work together to enhance the generation and dissemination of knowledge with an ecosystemic and interdisciplinary perspective.


The rector of the Universidad Católica, Ignacio Sánchez, emphasizes that the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is of vital importance for the university, given that it is closely linked to the institution’s Development Plan, which has among its axes the digital transformation, inclusion and also areas such as internationalization and sustainable development: “With this chair we are joining many wills and many issues to which the university has given particular relevance for the coming years. It is great news that we can inaugurate this chair, and the challenges that lie ahead for all of us are great”.


Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel, emphasized that this initiative is in line with the company’s commitment to technological progress that improves the quality of life: “As a company we have a vocation to connect people and bring technology closer to them, thus helping to transform society. Supporting this chair is closely aligned with the vision we have for Entel and the way we develop our work. Teaching and research development around technological advances in the field of connectivity and digitization, and how these change society in a sustainable way, is key to understanding that technology is more than a fad, it is truly a factor that enhances opportunities with broad social impact”..

Sharing perspectives

This new Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation will allow the development of teaching and research in related areas and will have the participation of professors and researchers of excellence, also contemplating doctoral and master’s thesis students, as well as undergraduate students. In the future, this chair will allow research in the most diverse fields and problems related to, for example: 5G, artificial intelligence, use of data-digital privacy, cybersecurity, video recognition, quantum computing, immersive experiences, conversational platforms, IoT Analytics, Industry 4.0, etc.


For his part, the academic director of the chair and professor of the School of Engineering of the same institution, Marcos Sepúlveda, along with emphasizing the systemic and complex nature of the challenges around digitization, stresses that this joint work opens a range of development opportunities with a country perspective: “The collaboration between the UC and Entel will allow, first, to understand what are the challenges faced by organizations in Chile to embrace their digital transformation, and then integrate and propose new solutions, taking advantage of the interdisciplinary state of the art that the UC has. Working on the challenges together allows bringing the academic world closer to the real problems faced by companies in Chile and, in turn, transferring the knowledge that exists in the university to enhance the supply of products/services and value generation capacity of organizations. Finally, it opens opportunities for entrepreneurship to create new products, new services, new companies, based on the joint value creation that is carried out”.

The Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is part of the Endowment UC Project, an initiative that seeks to expand the work of the Universidad Católica, giving it sustainability over time. The endowment will be used to promote research and academic development on campus, as well as to provide more and better scholarships to students who require them.


Universidad Católica and Entel to develop Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation

21 Oct, 2021

Through this new Chair, academia and the private sector will join forces to deepen research, training and discussion of ideas and proposals that allow an inclusive and consistent digital development. The initiative is part of the UC Endowment Project, which seeks to give future sustainability to the Universidad Católica

Determined to face the challenges posed every day by the advances in information and communication technologies, the Universidad Católica and Entel join forces with the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation, an initiative that will allow the strengths of both institutions to work together to enhance the generation and dissemination of knowledge with an ecosystemic and interdisciplinary perspective.


The rector of the Universidad Católica, Ignacio Sánchez, emphasizes that the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is of vital importance for the university, given that it is closely linked to the institution’s Development Plan, which has among its axes the digital transformation, inclusion and also areas such as internationalization and sustainable development: “With this chair we are joining many wills and many issues to which the university has given particular relevance for the coming years. It is great news that we can inaugurate this chair, and the challenges that lie ahead for all of us are great”.


Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel, emphasized that this initiative is in line with the company’s commitment to technological progress that improves the quality of life: “As a company we have a vocation to connect people and bring technology closer to them, thus helping to transform society. Supporting this chair is closely aligned with the vision we have for Entel and the way we develop our work. Teaching and research development around technological advances in the field of connectivity and digitization, and how these change society in a sustainable way, is key to understanding that technology is more than a fad, it is truly a factor that enhances opportunities with broad social impact”..

Sharing perspectives

This new Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation will allow the development of teaching and research in related areas and will have the participation of professors and researchers of excellence, also contemplating doctoral and master’s thesis students, as well as undergraduate students. In the future, this chair will allow research in the most diverse fields and problems related to, for example: 5G, artificial intelligence, use of data-digital privacy, cybersecurity, video recognition, quantum computing, immersive experiences, conversational platforms, IoT Analytics, Industry 4.0, etc.


For his part, the academic director of the chair and professor of the School of Engineering of the same institution, Marcos Sepúlveda, along with emphasizing the systemic and complex nature of the challenges around digitization, stresses that this joint work opens a range of development opportunities with a country perspective: “The collaboration between the UC and Entel will allow, first, to understand what are the challenges faced by organizations in Chile to embrace their digital transformation, and then integrate and propose new solutions, taking advantage of the interdisciplinary state of the art that the UC has. Working on the challenges together allows bringing the academic world closer to the real problems faced by companies in Chile and, in turn, transferring the knowledge that exists in the university to enhance the supply of products/services and value generation capacity of organizations. Finally, it opens opportunities for entrepreneurship to create new products, new services, new companies, based on the joint value creation that is carried out”.

The Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is part of the Endowment UC Project, an initiative that seeks to expand the work of the Universidad Católica, giving it sustainability over time. The endowment will be used to promote research and academic development on campus, as well as to provide more and better scholarships to students who require them.


Through this new Chair, academia and the private sector will join forces to deepen research, training and discussion of ideas and proposals that allow an inclusive and consistent digital development. The initiative is part of the UC Endowment Project, which seeks to give future sustainability to the Universidad Católica

Determined to face the challenges posed every day by the advances in information and communication technologies, the Universidad Católica and Entel join forces with the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation, an initiative that will allow the strengths of both institutions to work together to enhance the generation and dissemination of knowledge with an ecosystemic and interdisciplinary perspective.


The rector of the Universidad Católica, Ignacio Sánchez, emphasizes that the Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is of vital importance for the university, given that it is closely linked to the institution’s Development Plan, which has among its axes the digital transformation, inclusion and also areas such as internationalization and sustainable development: “With this chair we are joining many wills and many issues to which the university has given particular relevance for the coming years. It is great news that we can inaugurate this chair, and the challenges that lie ahead for all of us are great”.


Antonio Büchi, CEO of Entel, emphasized that this initiative is in line with the company’s commitment to technological progress that improves the quality of life: “As a company we have a vocation to connect people and bring technology closer to them, thus helping to transform society. Supporting this chair is closely aligned with the vision we have for Entel and the way we develop our work. Teaching and research development around technological advances in the field of connectivity and digitization, and how these change society in a sustainable way, is key to understanding that technology is more than a fad, it is truly a factor that enhances opportunities with broad social impact”..

Sharing perspectives

This new Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation will allow the development of teaching and research in related areas and will have the participation of professors and researchers of excellence, also contemplating doctoral and master’s thesis students, as well as undergraduate students. In the future, this chair will allow research in the most diverse fields and problems related to, for example: 5G, artificial intelligence, use of data-digital privacy, cybersecurity, video recognition, quantum computing, immersive experiences, conversational platforms, IoT Analytics, Industry 4.0, etc.


For his part, the academic director of the chair and professor of the School of Engineering of the same institution, Marcos Sepúlveda, along with emphasizing the systemic and complex nature of the challenges around digitization, stresses that this joint work opens a range of development opportunities with a country perspective: “The collaboration between the UC and Entel will allow, first, to understand what are the challenges faced by organizations in Chile to embrace their digital transformation, and then integrate and propose new solutions, taking advantage of the interdisciplinary state of the art that the UC has. Working on the challenges together allows bringing the academic world closer to the real problems faced by companies in Chile and, in turn, transferring the knowledge that exists in the university to enhance the supply of products/services and value generation capacity of organizations. Finally, it opens opportunities for entrepreneurship to create new products, new services, new companies, based on the joint value creation that is carried out”.

The Entel Chair of Sustainable Digital Transformation is part of the Endowment UC Project, an initiative that seeks to expand the work of the Universidad Católica, giving it sustainability over time. The endowment will be used to promote research and academic development on campus, as well as to provide more and better scholarships to students who require them.
