• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

Nine months after the opening of the first Campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, representatives of SUBTEL and Entel visited the facilities of Universidad de Chile to see the projects and progress of the innovative space.

The 5G Campus initiative, already totaling 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country, seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology.

This Thursday, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, together with Entel’s Communications Manager; Fernando Rivas, and Entel’s Assistant Manager of Trends and Projects; Carmen Gloria Cárcamo, visited the first campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, which was opened nine months ago at the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile (FCFM, by its Spanish acronym).

The first 5G Campus was the same space where, just two months ago, the first transcontinental video call over the fifth generation network was made at a national level. This was transmitted live in transcontinental HD between Chile and the United Kingdom and achieved a speed of 450Mbps. At this moment, this space will also be the center of a project by Universidad de Chile and the company Safe Wave, who work on a pilot for the construction of security zones using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and 5G. Additionally, Universidad de Chile, through its Department of Electrical Engineering and the 5G Space, made available to the telecommunications sector the course “Next Generation Technologies in Telecommunications. Practical approach to 5G and its coexistence with LTE", which includes the operation of both base stations and user terminals, along with the main issues associated with the planning, design and optimization of 5G networks.


“This public-private initiative is a unique opportunity for students, entrepreneurs and future generations to be encouraged to participate in the global digital ecosystem and the benefits that the new network will bring, such as the massification of the Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning and several new industries that will be created under the wing of the country’s new digital economy. Therefore, from SUBTEL we provide experimental spectrum for these initiatives, because we know that technology is an engine of change in people’s lives", highlighted the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno.


He also pointed out that “by the end of this year, there will be an estimated 580 million 5G subscriptions worldwide. If we project it for 2026 -the year when it is expected to be operational in all regions- the new network will have 3.5 billion subscriptions and a coverage of approximately 60% of the population. These, in turn, will carry more than half of the world’s smartphone traffic", said the authority, and indicated that it is therefore essential to advance in digital inclusion and training new digital skills for the population.


Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas, said that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests that we have developed with partners such as Ericsson and in which we have exhibited use cases as relevant as in telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is a further demonstration of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology.”.


“Espacio 5G is a center dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. From Espacio 5G we want to create the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, facilitating the integration to the global community of next-generation information and communication technologies. 5G technology will come to Chile and South America to drive the digital transformation and innovation of society in practically all its aspects: economic, social, cultural and technological", said the coordinator of Espacio 5G, Cesar Azurdia.

The “5G Campuses” initiative already has 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country and is part of the “Observatorio Naciona 5G”, a government initiative supported by the IDB that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

5G Campus Locations

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Universidad de Concepción
  • Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana
  • Universidad de Talca
  • Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Inacap Sede Valparaíso
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Universidad Playa Ancha
  • Duoc UC
  • Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Universidad Viña del Mar
  • Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile
  • Universidad de Valparaíso de Chile
  • Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Universidad de La Serena, Universidad Católica del Norte y el Centro de Investigación CEAZA (Estas tres comparten un Campus 5G)

Undersecretary of Telecommunications praises projects and development of the first of 20 5G campuses throughout Chile

26 Ago, 2021

Nine months after the opening of the first Campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, representatives of SUBTEL and Entel visited the facilities of Universidad de Chile to see the projects and progress of the innovative space.

The 5G Campus initiative, already totaling 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country, seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology.

This Thursday, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, together with Entel’s Communications Manager; Fernando Rivas, and Entel’s Assistant Manager of Trends and Projects; Carmen Gloria Cárcamo, visited the first campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, which was opened nine months ago at the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile (FCFM, by its Spanish acronym).

The first 5G Campus was the same space where, just two months ago, the first transcontinental video call over the fifth generation network was made at a national level. This was transmitted live in transcontinental HD between Chile and the United Kingdom and achieved a speed of 450Mbps. At this moment, this space will also be the center of a project by Universidad de Chile and the company Safe Wave, who work on a pilot for the construction of security zones using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and 5G. Additionally, Universidad de Chile, through its Department of Electrical Engineering and the 5G Space, made available to the telecommunications sector the course “Next Generation Technologies in Telecommunications. Practical approach to 5G and its coexistence with LTE", which includes the operation of both base stations and user terminals, along with the main issues associated with the planning, design and optimization of 5G networks.


“This public-private initiative is a unique opportunity for students, entrepreneurs and future generations to be encouraged to participate in the global digital ecosystem and the benefits that the new network will bring, such as the massification of the Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning and several new industries that will be created under the wing of the country’s new digital economy. Therefore, from SUBTEL we provide experimental spectrum for these initiatives, because we know that technology is an engine of change in people’s lives", highlighted the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno.


He also pointed out that “by the end of this year, there will be an estimated 580 million 5G subscriptions worldwide. If we project it for 2026 -the year when it is expected to be operational in all regions- the new network will have 3.5 billion subscriptions and a coverage of approximately 60% of the population. These, in turn, will carry more than half of the world’s smartphone traffic", said the authority, and indicated that it is therefore essential to advance in digital inclusion and training new digital skills for the population.


Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas, said that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests that we have developed with partners such as Ericsson and in which we have exhibited use cases as relevant as in telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is a further demonstration of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology.”.


“Espacio 5G is a center dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. From Espacio 5G we want to create the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, facilitating the integration to the global community of next-generation information and communication technologies. 5G technology will come to Chile and South America to drive the digital transformation and innovation of society in practically all its aspects: economic, social, cultural and technological", said the coordinator of Espacio 5G, Cesar Azurdia.

The “5G Campuses” initiative already has 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country and is part of the “Observatorio Naciona 5G”, a government initiative supported by the IDB that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

5G Campus Locations

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Universidad de Concepción
  • Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana
  • Universidad de Talca
  • Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Inacap Sede Valparaíso
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Universidad Playa Ancha
  • Duoc UC
  • Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Universidad Viña del Mar
  • Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile
  • Universidad de Valparaíso de Chile
  • Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Universidad de La Serena, Universidad Católica del Norte y el Centro de Investigación CEAZA (Estas tres comparten un Campus 5G)

Nine months after the opening of the first Campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, representatives of SUBTEL and Entel visited the facilities of Universidad de Chile to see the projects and progress of the innovative space.

The 5G Campus initiative, already totaling 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country, seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology.

This Thursday, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications; Francisco Moreno, together with Entel’s Communications Manager; Fernando Rivas, and Entel’s Assistant Manager of Trends and Projects; Carmen Gloria Cárcamo, visited the first campus with experimental 5G spectrum in Chile, which was opened nine months ago at the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile (FCFM, by its Spanish acronym).

The first 5G Campus was the same space where, just two months ago, the first transcontinental video call over the fifth generation network was made at a national level. This was transmitted live in transcontinental HD between Chile and the United Kingdom and achieved a speed of 450Mbps. At this moment, this space will also be the center of a project by Universidad de Chile and the company Safe Wave, who work on a pilot for the construction of security zones using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and 5G. Additionally, Universidad de Chile, through its Department of Electrical Engineering and the 5G Space, made available to the telecommunications sector the course “Next Generation Technologies in Telecommunications. Practical approach to 5G and its coexistence with LTE", which includes the operation of both base stations and user terminals, along with the main issues associated with the planning, design and optimization of 5G networks.


“This public-private initiative is a unique opportunity for students, entrepreneurs and future generations to be encouraged to participate in the global digital ecosystem and the benefits that the new network will bring, such as the massification of the Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning and several new industries that will be created under the wing of the country’s new digital economy. Therefore, from SUBTEL we provide experimental spectrum for these initiatives, because we know that technology is an engine of change in people’s lives", highlighted the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno.


He also pointed out that “by the end of this year, there will be an estimated 580 million 5G subscriptions worldwide. If we project it for 2026 -the year when it is expected to be operational in all regions- the new network will have 3.5 billion subscriptions and a coverage of approximately 60% of the population. These, in turn, will carry more than half of the world’s smartphone traffic", said the authority, and indicated that it is therefore essential to advance in digital inclusion and training new digital skills for the population.


Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas, said that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests that we have developed with partners such as Ericsson and in which we have exhibited use cases as relevant as in telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is a further demonstration of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology.”.


“Espacio 5G is a center dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. From Espacio 5G we want to create the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, facilitating the integration to the global community of next-generation information and communication technologies. 5G technology will come to Chile and South America to drive the digital transformation and innovation of society in practically all its aspects: economic, social, cultural and technological", said the coordinator of Espacio 5G, Cesar Azurdia.

The “5G Campuses” initiative already has 18 academic centers and 2 technological research centers in four regions of the country and is part of the “Observatorio Naciona 5G”, a government initiative supported by the IDB that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for the study and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

5G Campus Locations

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Universidad de Concepción
  • Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana
  • Universidad de Talca
  • Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Inacap Sede Valparaíso
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Universidad Playa Ancha
  • Duoc UC
  • Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Universidad Viña del Mar
  • Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile
  • Universidad de Valparaíso de Chile
  • Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Universidad de La Serena, Universidad Católica del Norte y el Centro de Investigación CEAZA (Estas tres comparten un Campus 5G)