• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Festival Hecho En Casa Entel:

During the last two months, the traditional artistic intervention toured Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción. And as of today, one of the works of the exhibition can be visited permanently at the Parque de la Familia in Quinta Normal.

Nearly one million people visited the works and the organization of the festival made a balance in which they reported the carbon footprint generated during the tour around the country and the compensation measures related to the sustainability of the event.

After two months touring four regions of the country, the Festival Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel Festival, in English) ended with a gift for the community: “Ulla”, the wooden Troll, found a permanent home in the Parque de la Familia, in the commune of Quinta Normal. The place belongs to the Urban Parks Network of Parquemet, which will be in charge of its care, maintenance and permanent exhibition.

“Ulla”, together with her friends the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), the Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot) and the Huevos Fritos caídos del Cielo (Fallen Eggs from the Sky), surprised and fascinated thousands of people in Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción, being the first time that the artistic exhibition, organized by Entel and Bla!

The organization said that during the tour of Chile, close to one million people were able to visit this urban art intervention, reconnecting with the spaces in their cities.

“This is a gift that we give to the people with great joy. We saw that during the artistic show we were visited by thousands of people in the different regions, and in all of them “Ulla” stole people’s hearts with her charisma. We are very proud that this artistic work will remain permanently in such an iconic park in the city”, said Fernando Rivas, Entel’s communications manager.

“As the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, we are very happy that the Ulla troll will remain in the Parque de la Familia de Quinta Normal, part of the Parquemet network, because this contribution will directly benefit its visitors and the city of Santiago. The permanence of this work of art is achieved thanks to a public-private alliance and the commitment to continue promoting free events open to all citizens so that families can enjoy quality public spaces that are safer and more sustainable”, said the Minister of Housing and Urbanism, Felipe Ward.

A carbon neutral intervention

Fulfilling the initial commitment and as in previous years, the Festival Hecho en Casa Entel has continued to implement sustainability actions progressively, through a zero waste protocol and the neutralization of the carbon footprint.

“In addition to production, we also took care that the works were built with reused and recycled materials. We felt that people paid special attention to this, learning and valuing the materiality of the works. Also, now that the festival is over, the works will be reused, recycled or donated, as in the case of the Troll", said the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting.

The measurement of the festival’s carbon footprint, which considered the entire production of the event, was audited by the sustainability agency Respect and concluded that Hecho en Casa 2021 generated a total of 78.95 tons of CO2 equivalent. And to neutralize the footprint generated, an investment will be made in carbon credits destined for a national Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) project.

“We were very pleased with the reception from the people. We saw that there was a lot of respect both in the care of the works and in the compliance with sanitary measures. Urban art helps us to reconnect with the spaces of the city after complicated moments due to the pandemic", concluded the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers.


“Ulla” the Troll stays at Family Park after being seen by more than a million people in four cities across the country

6 Ene, 2022

Festival Hecho En Casa Entel:

During the last two months, the traditional artistic intervention toured Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción. And as of today, one of the works of the exhibition can be visited permanently at the Parque de la Familia in Quinta Normal.

Nearly one million people visited the works and the organization of the festival made a balance in which they reported the carbon footprint generated during the tour around the country and the compensation measures related to the sustainability of the event.

After two months touring four regions of the country, the Festival Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel Festival, in English) ended with a gift for the community: “Ulla”, the wooden Troll, found a permanent home in the Parque de la Familia, in the commune of Quinta Normal. The place belongs to the Urban Parks Network of Parquemet, which will be in charge of its care, maintenance and permanent exhibition.

“Ulla”, together with her friends the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), the Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot) and the Huevos Fritos caídos del Cielo (Fallen Eggs from the Sky), surprised and fascinated thousands of people in Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción, being the first time that the artistic exhibition, organized by Entel and Bla!

The organization said that during the tour of Chile, close to one million people were able to visit this urban art intervention, reconnecting with the spaces in their cities.

“This is a gift that we give to the people with great joy. We saw that during the artistic show we were visited by thousands of people in the different regions, and in all of them “Ulla” stole people’s hearts with her charisma. We are very proud that this artistic work will remain permanently in such an iconic park in the city”, said Fernando Rivas, Entel’s communications manager.

“As the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, we are very happy that the Ulla troll will remain in the Parque de la Familia de Quinta Normal, part of the Parquemet network, because this contribution will directly benefit its visitors and the city of Santiago. The permanence of this work of art is achieved thanks to a public-private alliance and the commitment to continue promoting free events open to all citizens so that families can enjoy quality public spaces that are safer and more sustainable”, said the Minister of Housing and Urbanism, Felipe Ward.

A carbon neutral intervention

Fulfilling the initial commitment and as in previous years, the Festival Hecho en Casa Entel has continued to implement sustainability actions progressively, through a zero waste protocol and the neutralization of the carbon footprint.

“In addition to production, we also took care that the works were built with reused and recycled materials. We felt that people paid special attention to this, learning and valuing the materiality of the works. Also, now that the festival is over, the works will be reused, recycled or donated, as in the case of the Troll", said the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting.

The measurement of the festival’s carbon footprint, which considered the entire production of the event, was audited by the sustainability agency Respect and concluded that Hecho en Casa 2021 generated a total of 78.95 tons of CO2 equivalent. And to neutralize the footprint generated, an investment will be made in carbon credits destined for a national Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) project.

“We were very pleased with the reception from the people. We saw that there was a lot of respect both in the care of the works and in the compliance with sanitary measures. Urban art helps us to reconnect with the spaces of the city after complicated moments due to the pandemic", concluded the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers.


Festival Hecho En Casa Entel:

During the last two months, the traditional artistic intervention toured Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción. And as of today, one of the works of the exhibition can be visited permanently at the Parque de la Familia in Quinta Normal.

Nearly one million people visited the works and the organization of the festival made a balance in which they reported the carbon footprint generated during the tour around the country and the compensation measures related to the sustainability of the event.

After two months touring four regions of the country, the Festival Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel Festival, in English) ended with a gift for the community: “Ulla”, the wooden Troll, found a permanent home in the Parque de la Familia, in the commune of Quinta Normal. The place belongs to the Urban Parks Network of Parquemet, which will be in charge of its care, maintenance and permanent exhibition.

“Ulla”, together with her friends the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), the Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot) and the Huevos Fritos caídos del Cielo (Fallen Eggs from the Sky), surprised and fascinated thousands of people in Santiago, Iquique, Valdivia and Concepción, being the first time that the artistic exhibition, organized by Entel and Bla!

The organization said that during the tour of Chile, close to one million people were able to visit this urban art intervention, reconnecting with the spaces in their cities.

“This is a gift that we give to the people with great joy. We saw that during the artistic show we were visited by thousands of people in the different regions, and in all of them “Ulla” stole people’s hearts with her charisma. We are very proud that this artistic work will remain permanently in such an iconic park in the city”, said Fernando Rivas, Entel’s communications manager.

“As the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, we are very happy that the Ulla troll will remain in the Parque de la Familia de Quinta Normal, part of the Parquemet network, because this contribution will directly benefit its visitors and the city of Santiago. The permanence of this work of art is achieved thanks to a public-private alliance and the commitment to continue promoting free events open to all citizens so that families can enjoy quality public spaces that are safer and more sustainable”, said the Minister of Housing and Urbanism, Felipe Ward.

A carbon neutral intervention

Fulfilling the initial commitment and as in previous years, the Festival Hecho en Casa Entel has continued to implement sustainability actions progressively, through a zero waste protocol and the neutralization of the carbon footprint.

“In addition to production, we also took care that the works were built with reused and recycled materials. We felt that people paid special attention to this, learning and valuing the materiality of the works. Also, now that the festival is over, the works will be reused, recycled or donated, as in the case of the Troll", said the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting.

The measurement of the festival’s carbon footprint, which considered the entire production of the event, was audited by the sustainability agency Respect and concluded that Hecho en Casa 2021 generated a total of 78.95 tons of CO2 equivalent. And to neutralize the footprint generated, an investment will be made in carbon credits destined for a national Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) project.

“We were very pleased with the reception from the people. We saw that there was a lot of respect both in the care of the works and in the compliance with sanitary measures. Urban art helps us to reconnect with the spaces of the city after complicated moments due to the pandemic", concluded the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers.
