• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, which have had to adapt quickly to digital channels. However, Entel Empresas identifies a series of measures to prevent and address threats on the network from the actions of collaborators.

The concepts of e-commerce, innovation and logistics are among the most present in the conversation when talking about SMEs, especially these days. The health contingency has accelerated the digitalization process that many companies were postponing, but that others did not have in their plans. However, due to the distancing measures, most areas such as work, study, communication, leisure and consumption have been transferred to the digital sphere.

This explains that, according to the analysis made by Entel, data traffic during 2020 has increased by 59% nationwide. Internet connection has been essential for people and, of course, for companies, which, regardless of their size, have had to adapt to teleworking, according to the technology and telecommunications company.

However, greater connectivity is linked to greater risks associated with the web. In fact, according to Entel figures, 43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, as they are usually part of the supply chain of large companies and are the way to reach larger institutions.


“We have seen that SMEs are exposed to these threats, because they have had to quickly implement digital channels, and many times they do not have the resources to do it correctly or there is simply a lot of ignorance. It is for this reason that preparation and prevention are key to avoid these types of attacks”, explains the Entel Empresas business tribe leader, Tristán Riquelme.


The first step to avoid a cyber-attack has to do with education and preparation of people. Ninety-five percent of attacks are due to human error and the three main causes of cyber-attacks are accidental disclosure of information, loss or theft of electronic devices and exposure to hackers. “All of these threats can be neutralized by adopting and promoting a strong cybersecurity culture”, Riquelme points out.

Entel identifies a series of good practices so that employees can prevent and know how to act in the event of a network threat, such as not clicking on or downloading files contained in unknown e-mails and not entering confidential information -such as users or passwords- in strange links. At the same time, it is extremely important not to give out banking information or data, either by telephone, mail or any other channel.

Other relevant measures to take into account are to use complex passwords on routers and smartphones that include different characters, numbers and symbols; avoid connecting to unknown WiFi networks and always verify the origin or source of the information.


“There are a series of exercises that company leaders can carry out to measure how exposed their companies are and how prepared their employees are”, explains Tristán Riquelme, referring to the so-called cybersecurity tests or traps. These consist of sending trap emails containing unauthorized links, which when opened by a collaborator invite them to increase precautionary measures; phishing exercises, where simulations of this type of threat allow companies to know how their employees face this type of risk, strengthening cybersecurity measures and educating them about the effects that cyber-attacks can have on companies.

The technology and telecommunications company also provides a series of general recommendations and educational content related to cybersecurity, which are available, free of charge, at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.


Tips to improve SMB cybersecurity from partners

25 Jun, 2021


43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, which have had to adapt quickly to digital channels. However, Entel Empresas identifies a series of measures to prevent and address threats on the network from the actions of collaborators.

The concepts of e-commerce, innovation and logistics are among the most present in the conversation when talking about SMEs, especially these days. The health contingency has accelerated the digitalization process that many companies were postponing, but that others did not have in their plans. However, due to the distancing measures, most areas such as work, study, communication, leisure and consumption have been transferred to the digital sphere.

This explains that, according to the analysis made by Entel, data traffic during 2020 has increased by 59% nationwide. Internet connection has been essential for people and, of course, for companies, which, regardless of their size, have had to adapt to teleworking, according to the technology and telecommunications company.

However, greater connectivity is linked to greater risks associated with the web. In fact, according to Entel figures, 43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, as they are usually part of the supply chain of large companies and are the way to reach larger institutions.


“We have seen that SMEs are exposed to these threats, because they have had to quickly implement digital channels, and many times they do not have the resources to do it correctly or there is simply a lot of ignorance. It is for this reason that preparation and prevention are key to avoid these types of attacks”, explains the Entel Empresas business tribe leader, Tristán Riquelme.


The first step to avoid a cyber-attack has to do with education and preparation of people. Ninety-five percent of attacks are due to human error and the three main causes of cyber-attacks are accidental disclosure of information, loss or theft of electronic devices and exposure to hackers. “All of these threats can be neutralized by adopting and promoting a strong cybersecurity culture”, Riquelme points out.

Entel identifies a series of good practices so that employees can prevent and know how to act in the event of a network threat, such as not clicking on or downloading files contained in unknown e-mails and not entering confidential information -such as users or passwords- in strange links. At the same time, it is extremely important not to give out banking information or data, either by telephone, mail or any other channel.

Other relevant measures to take into account are to use complex passwords on routers and smartphones that include different characters, numbers and symbols; avoid connecting to unknown WiFi networks and always verify the origin or source of the information.


“There are a series of exercises that company leaders can carry out to measure how exposed their companies are and how prepared their employees are”, explains Tristán Riquelme, referring to the so-called cybersecurity tests or traps. These consist of sending trap emails containing unauthorized links, which when opened by a collaborator invite them to increase precautionary measures; phishing exercises, where simulations of this type of threat allow companies to know how their employees face this type of risk, strengthening cybersecurity measures and educating them about the effects that cyber-attacks can have on companies.

The technology and telecommunications company also provides a series of general recommendations and educational content related to cybersecurity, which are available, free of charge, at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.



43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, which have had to adapt quickly to digital channels. However, Entel Empresas identifies a series of measures to prevent and address threats on the network from the actions of collaborators.

The concepts of e-commerce, innovation and logistics are among the most present in the conversation when talking about SMEs, especially these days. The health contingency has accelerated the digitalization process that many companies were postponing, but that others did not have in their plans. However, due to the distancing measures, most areas such as work, study, communication, leisure and consumption have been transferred to the digital sphere.

This explains that, according to the analysis made by Entel, data traffic during 2020 has increased by 59% nationwide. Internet connection has been essential for people and, of course, for companies, which, regardless of their size, have had to adapt to teleworking, according to the technology and telecommunications company.

However, greater connectivity is linked to greater risks associated with the web. In fact, according to Entel figures, 43% of cyber-attacks are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, as they are usually part of the supply chain of large companies and are the way to reach larger institutions.


“We have seen that SMEs are exposed to these threats, because they have had to quickly implement digital channels, and many times they do not have the resources to do it correctly or there is simply a lot of ignorance. It is for this reason that preparation and prevention are key to avoid these types of attacks”, explains the Entel Empresas business tribe leader, Tristán Riquelme.


The first step to avoid a cyber-attack has to do with education and preparation of people. Ninety-five percent of attacks are due to human error and the three main causes of cyber-attacks are accidental disclosure of information, loss or theft of electronic devices and exposure to hackers. “All of these threats can be neutralized by adopting and promoting a strong cybersecurity culture”, Riquelme points out.

Entel identifies a series of good practices so that employees can prevent and know how to act in the event of a network threat, such as not clicking on or downloading files contained in unknown e-mails and not entering confidential information -such as users or passwords- in strange links. At the same time, it is extremely important not to give out banking information or data, either by telephone, mail or any other channel.

Other relevant measures to take into account are to use complex passwords on routers and smartphones that include different characters, numbers and symbols; avoid connecting to unknown WiFi networks and always verify the origin or source of the information.


“There are a series of exercises that company leaders can carry out to measure how exposed their companies are and how prepared their employees are”, explains Tristán Riquelme, referring to the so-called cybersecurity tests or traps. These consist of sending trap emails containing unauthorized links, which when opened by a collaborator invite them to increase precautionary measures; phishing exercises, where simulations of this type of threat allow companies to know how their employees face this type of risk, strengthening cybersecurity measures and educating them about the effects that cyber-attacks can have on companies.

The technology and telecommunications company also provides a series of general recommendations and educational content related to cybersecurity, which are available, free of charge, at entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.
