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Entel analyzed its use:

Last year, compared to 2019, mobile apps nationwide had an exponential growth in their use by Chileans.

Along with TikTok, RTP, Valve Steam and LinkedIn apps are some of those that increased their use the most.

2020 was a year marked by the global health crisis and the remnants of the previous social crisis of October 2019. The sum of these phenomena forced Chileans to change their behavioral habits. People no longer worked in offices, but at home; online procedures eliminated waiting and transportation times; children and young people had remote education; and, finally, social and work meetings were carried out through online platforms. These and other facts became part of the daily lives of Chileans.

In line with the above, the use of mobile applications, both for work and recreation, increased exponentially in the country compared to 2019. The growth of applications such as TikTok, Amazon Prime and LinkedIn, among others, was extremely high, reaching numbers never seen before; in fact, some of the apps increased their use by more than 400%.

In this regard, the technology and telecommunications company Entel analyzed the use of mobile applications by its customers, nationwide, to know the real movement they had in 2020. From this work, it was possible to conclude that although there was a growth in most of them, there were ten that marked the trend in their rise regarding 2019:

  • TikTok increased its use by 660%.
  • RTP by 432%, marked by Zoom and Hangouts.
  • Valve Steam by 347%.
  • LinkedIn by 324%.
  • Instagram by 291%.
  • Amazon by 197%.
  • Spotify by 131%.
  • YouTube ubyn 124%.
  • Search by 122,8%.
  • Twitch by 92,4%.

“Globally, we have seen a year-on-year increase in data traffic, and this is related to the number of services and applications available to simplify people’s lives, as well as those for entertainment and social networks. However, 2020 was a year that was absolutely particular, this given the confinement and that led people to have their life from the connection. Thus, we saw a 59% increase in data traffic, with the highest use being for streaming and video, reaching a peak of 83% on August 9", explained Fredy Saavedra, Director of Regulatory Studies at Entel.

As a result of this considerable increase in connectivity and use of applications, the technology and telecommunications company Entel provides some recommendations for a better use of the network and advice to avoid falling into cybercrime, such as using complex passwords that include different characters, numbers and symbols: try not to use unknown WiFi networks and if you do, do not use passwords; be careful with phishing and emails associated with Covid-19; verify the data of the sender of a message or email before opening it; keep the information backed up; always get information from official sources and confirm all information before publishing; and finally, do not open links from emails without being certain that they are from a reliable sender.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visitCiudadano Digital.


TikTok leads app usage growth with 660% increase by 2020

23 Feb, 2021

Entel analyzed its use:

Last year, compared to 2019, mobile apps nationwide had an exponential growth in their use by Chileans.

Along with TikTok, RTP, Valve Steam and LinkedIn apps are some of those that increased their use the most.

2020 was a year marked by the global health crisis and the remnants of the previous social crisis of October 2019. The sum of these phenomena forced Chileans to change their behavioral habits. People no longer worked in offices, but at home; online procedures eliminated waiting and transportation times; children and young people had remote education; and, finally, social and work meetings were carried out through online platforms. These and other facts became part of the daily lives of Chileans.

In line with the above, the use of mobile applications, both for work and recreation, increased exponentially in the country compared to 2019. The growth of applications such as TikTok, Amazon Prime and LinkedIn, among others, was extremely high, reaching numbers never seen before; in fact, some of the apps increased their use by more than 400%.

In this regard, the technology and telecommunications company Entel analyzed the use of mobile applications by its customers, nationwide, to know the real movement they had in 2020. From this work, it was possible to conclude that although there was a growth in most of them, there were ten that marked the trend in their rise regarding 2019:

  • TikTok increased its use by 660%.
  • RTP by 432%, marked by Zoom and Hangouts.
  • Valve Steam by 347%.
  • LinkedIn by 324%.
  • Instagram by 291%.
  • Amazon by 197%.
  • Spotify by 131%.
  • YouTube ubyn 124%.
  • Search by 122,8%.
  • Twitch by 92,4%.

“Globally, we have seen a year-on-year increase in data traffic, and this is related to the number of services and applications available to simplify people’s lives, as well as those for entertainment and social networks. However, 2020 was a year that was absolutely particular, this given the confinement and that led people to have their life from the connection. Thus, we saw a 59% increase in data traffic, with the highest use being for streaming and video, reaching a peak of 83% on August 9", explained Fredy Saavedra, Director of Regulatory Studies at Entel.

As a result of this considerable increase in connectivity and use of applications, the technology and telecommunications company Entel provides some recommendations for a better use of the network and advice to avoid falling into cybercrime, such as using complex passwords that include different characters, numbers and symbols: try not to use unknown WiFi networks and if you do, do not use passwords; be careful with phishing and emails associated with Covid-19; verify the data of the sender of a message or email before opening it; keep the information backed up; always get information from official sources and confirm all information before publishing; and finally, do not open links from emails without being certain that they are from a reliable sender.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visitCiudadano Digital.


Entel analyzed its use:

Last year, compared to 2019, mobile apps nationwide had an exponential growth in their use by Chileans.

Along with TikTok, RTP, Valve Steam and LinkedIn apps are some of those that increased their use the most.

2020 was a year marked by the global health crisis and the remnants of the previous social crisis of October 2019. The sum of these phenomena forced Chileans to change their behavioral habits. People no longer worked in offices, but at home; online procedures eliminated waiting and transportation times; children and young people had remote education; and, finally, social and work meetings were carried out through online platforms. These and other facts became part of the daily lives of Chileans.

In line with the above, the use of mobile applications, both for work and recreation, increased exponentially in the country compared to 2019. The growth of applications such as TikTok, Amazon Prime and LinkedIn, among others, was extremely high, reaching numbers never seen before; in fact, some of the apps increased their use by more than 400%.

In this regard, the technology and telecommunications company Entel analyzed the use of mobile applications by its customers, nationwide, to know the real movement they had in 2020. From this work, it was possible to conclude that although there was a growth in most of them, there were ten that marked the trend in their rise regarding 2019:

  • TikTok increased its use by 660%.
  • RTP by 432%, marked by Zoom and Hangouts.
  • Valve Steam by 347%.
  • LinkedIn by 324%.
  • Instagram by 291%.
  • Amazon by 197%.
  • Spotify by 131%.
  • YouTube ubyn 124%.
  • Search by 122,8%.
  • Twitch by 92,4%.

“Globally, we have seen a year-on-year increase in data traffic, and this is related to the number of services and applications available to simplify people’s lives, as well as those for entertainment and social networks. However, 2020 was a year that was absolutely particular, this given the confinement and that led people to have their life from the connection. Thus, we saw a 59% increase in data traffic, with the highest use being for streaming and video, reaching a peak of 83% on August 9", explained Fredy Saavedra, Director of Regulatory Studies at Entel.

As a result of this considerable increase in connectivity and use of applications, the technology and telecommunications company Entel provides some recommendations for a better use of the network and advice to avoid falling into cybercrime, such as using complex passwords that include different characters, numbers and symbols: try not to use unknown WiFi networks and if you do, do not use passwords; be careful with phishing and emails associated with Covid-19; verify the data of the sender of a message or email before opening it; keep the information backed up; always get information from official sources and confirm all information before publishing; and finally, do not open links from emails without being certain that they are from a reliable sender.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visitCiudadano Digital.
