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  • Sobre Entel
Aysén Region

The technological implementation in Caleta Tortel has contributed to a 33% growth in the use of mobile data for the Aysén region and has allowed the digital integration of this emblematic town in the extreme south of Chilean Patagonia.

More than a year after the pandemic began, the importance of connectivity has been highlighted as a basic pillar to keep citizens connected all day long, to work, study or even entertain themselves online in their free time.

But Chile is not only composed of cities, but also more than 12% of its population lives in rural areas, where getting internet to facilitate the communication of people in digital isolation is a challenge even greater than the urban one.

In this context, last May was the first year since 4G reached the emblematic commune of Caleta Tortel, in the Aysén region, allowing its inhabitants to go from almost not being able to surf the Internet or send an email to being integrated into digital commerce and enjoy multimedia content on their cell phones.


“This technological advance was made possible thanks to an alliance between Subtel and Entel, together with a previous coordination with neighbors and local authorities. And it also represented an enormous challenge in terms of technical deployment and human resources, since in addition to the restrictive context of the pandemic, to reach this locality we are talking about an overland trip of more than 8 hours depending on weather conditions", says Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs and Institutional Relations.

The Fibra Optica Austral project has allowed the more than 600 inhabitants of Caleta Tortel to enjoy a speed experience 15 times faster than before the arrival of 4G and its capacity supports a daily traffic almost 10 times higher.


“For Entel this is a concrete example of our commitment to increase connectivity in Chile and promote the development of communities, connecting isolated areas such as Caleta Tortel. This action, in addition to improving mobile internet and voice services in the area, undoubtedly improved the quality of life of Caleta Tortel’s neighbors at a time of great uncertainty due to the health crisis. Offering them new possibilities thanks to communication and technology", adds Claudio Anabalón.

According to the analysis carried out by Entel, after one year of the implementation of the 4G network in Caleta Tortel, mobile traffic has increased by 33% in the Aysén region. 56% of the mobile data used in the commune has been used for video streaming services and 27% has been used to surf the Internet. In addition, the sending and receiving of multimedia content via messaging, online games and cell phone calls stand out.

The most used applications in Caleta Tortel are Youtube (33%), Netflix (21%) and Facebook (20%), and Instagram (14%).


The evolution of connectivity in Caleta Tortel a year after the arrival of 4G

23 Jun, 2021

Aysén Region

The technological implementation in Caleta Tortel has contributed to a 33% growth in the use of mobile data for the Aysén region and has allowed the digital integration of this emblematic town in the extreme south of Chilean Patagonia.

More than a year after the pandemic began, the importance of connectivity has been highlighted as a basic pillar to keep citizens connected all day long, to work, study or even entertain themselves online in their free time.

But Chile is not only composed of cities, but also more than 12% of its population lives in rural areas, where getting internet to facilitate the communication of people in digital isolation is a challenge even greater than the urban one.

In this context, last May was the first year since 4G reached the emblematic commune of Caleta Tortel, in the Aysén region, allowing its inhabitants to go from almost not being able to surf the Internet or send an email to being integrated into digital commerce and enjoy multimedia content on their cell phones.


“This technological advance was made possible thanks to an alliance between Subtel and Entel, together with a previous coordination with neighbors and local authorities. And it also represented an enormous challenge in terms of technical deployment and human resources, since in addition to the restrictive context of the pandemic, to reach this locality we are talking about an overland trip of more than 8 hours depending on weather conditions", says Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs and Institutional Relations.

The Fibra Optica Austral project has allowed the more than 600 inhabitants of Caleta Tortel to enjoy a speed experience 15 times faster than before the arrival of 4G and its capacity supports a daily traffic almost 10 times higher.


“For Entel this is a concrete example of our commitment to increase connectivity in Chile and promote the development of communities, connecting isolated areas such as Caleta Tortel. This action, in addition to improving mobile internet and voice services in the area, undoubtedly improved the quality of life of Caleta Tortel’s neighbors at a time of great uncertainty due to the health crisis. Offering them new possibilities thanks to communication and technology", adds Claudio Anabalón.

According to the analysis carried out by Entel, after one year of the implementation of the 4G network in Caleta Tortel, mobile traffic has increased by 33% in the Aysén region. 56% of the mobile data used in the commune has been used for video streaming services and 27% has been used to surf the Internet. In addition, the sending and receiving of multimedia content via messaging, online games and cell phone calls stand out.

The most used applications in Caleta Tortel are Youtube (33%), Netflix (21%) and Facebook (20%), and Instagram (14%).


Aysén Region

The technological implementation in Caleta Tortel has contributed to a 33% growth in the use of mobile data for the Aysén region and has allowed the digital integration of this emblematic town in the extreme south of Chilean Patagonia.

More than a year after the pandemic began, the importance of connectivity has been highlighted as a basic pillar to keep citizens connected all day long, to work, study or even entertain themselves online in their free time.

But Chile is not only composed of cities, but also more than 12% of its population lives in rural areas, where getting internet to facilitate the communication of people in digital isolation is a challenge even greater than the urban one.

In this context, last May was the first year since 4G reached the emblematic commune of Caleta Tortel, in the Aysén region, allowing its inhabitants to go from almost not being able to surf the Internet or send an email to being integrated into digital commerce and enjoy multimedia content on their cell phones.


“This technological advance was made possible thanks to an alliance between Subtel and Entel, together with a previous coordination with neighbors and local authorities. And it also represented an enormous challenge in terms of technical deployment and human resources, since in addition to the restrictive context of the pandemic, to reach this locality we are talking about an overland trip of more than 8 hours depending on weather conditions", says Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs and Institutional Relations.

The Fibra Optica Austral project has allowed the more than 600 inhabitants of Caleta Tortel to enjoy a speed experience 15 times faster than before the arrival of 4G and its capacity supports a daily traffic almost 10 times higher.


“For Entel this is a concrete example of our commitment to increase connectivity in Chile and promote the development of communities, connecting isolated areas such as Caleta Tortel. This action, in addition to improving mobile internet and voice services in the area, undoubtedly improved the quality of life of Caleta Tortel’s neighbors at a time of great uncertainty due to the health crisis. Offering them new possibilities thanks to communication and technology", adds Claudio Anabalón.

According to the analysis carried out by Entel, after one year of the implementation of the 4G network in Caleta Tortel, mobile traffic has increased by 33% in the Aysén region. 56% of the mobile data used in the commune has been used for video streaming services and 27% has been used to surf the Internet. In addition, the sending and receiving of multimedia content via messaging, online games and cell phone calls stand out.

The most used applications in Caleta Tortel are Youtube (33%), Netflix (21%) and Facebook (20%), and Instagram (14%).
