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According to Entel analysis:

Until last August, the messaging app increased by 84% and in the same month, the most used apps by Chileans were YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix and TikTok.

Streaming applications represent 65% of total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

There is no doubt that the pandemic accelerated a digitalization process that had been growing strongly for years and forced us to migrate many of our daily activities to the online world. With this in mind, the technology and telecommunications company Entel, which leads the mobile market of users connected to 4G with more than 7 million connections, has conducted a series of analyses on how much the use of mobile and fixed data has increased, but also on how the applications that we use more and more frequently have behaved. And the answer is clear: with the information available up to August this year, the messaging App Telegram has been the one that has grown the most so far in 2021, with a considerable increase of 84%.

The list continues with the delivery app Rappi, which increased by 42%; Disney, which grew by 35%; Steam, a video game app that showed a rise of 31%, and in fifth place the famous app TikTok, popular among teenagers, which has exhibited an increase of 23%.

The analysis carried out by the technology and telecommunications company shows that data traffic from streaming applications is equivalent to 65% of the total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

“During the pandemic we have seen how different applications have been increasing their use in relation to new user behaviors. In this sense, Telegram has shown a constant growth during the last time, as well as applications related to delivery continue to be in demand despite the end of quarantines. Another relevant category is streaming, which accounts for 60% of total mobile traffic", detailed Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Likewise, the analysis made by Entel showed that, during August 2021, the 5 most used applications were:

  1. YouTube
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Netflix
  5. TikTok

Recommendations in the month of cybersecurity

In view of the constant increase in mobile connectivity and massification of the use of applications, Entel gives some cybersecurity tips to avoid falling into the new virtual threat called “Sim Swapping”, with which a criminal obtains personal information from the cell phone user, supplanting his identity, stealing his phone number and leaving the owner of the phone without access to applications.

  • If you download applications that have transactional attributes, check them constantly.
  • If you receive a message or advertisement with a suspicious link, do not open it and delete it immediately.
  • If your phone cannot make or receive calls, or send or receive SMS, contact Entel immediately at 800 367 626 and ask for a SIM lock.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visit entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.


Telegram is the App that has grown the most in Chile during 2021

13 Oct, 2021

According to Entel analysis:

Until last August, the messaging app increased by 84% and in the same month, the most used apps by Chileans were YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix and TikTok.

Streaming applications represent 65% of total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

There is no doubt that the pandemic accelerated a digitalization process that had been growing strongly for years and forced us to migrate many of our daily activities to the online world. With this in mind, the technology and telecommunications company Entel, which leads the mobile market of users connected to 4G with more than 7 million connections, has conducted a series of analyses on how much the use of mobile and fixed data has increased, but also on how the applications that we use more and more frequently have behaved. And the answer is clear: with the information available up to August this year, the messaging App Telegram has been the one that has grown the most so far in 2021, with a considerable increase of 84%.

The list continues with the delivery app Rappi, which increased by 42%; Disney, which grew by 35%; Steam, a video game app that showed a rise of 31%, and in fifth place the famous app TikTok, popular among teenagers, which has exhibited an increase of 23%.

The analysis carried out by the technology and telecommunications company shows that data traffic from streaming applications is equivalent to 65% of the total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

“During the pandemic we have seen how different applications have been increasing their use in relation to new user behaviors. In this sense, Telegram has shown a constant growth during the last time, as well as applications related to delivery continue to be in demand despite the end of quarantines. Another relevant category is streaming, which accounts for 60% of total mobile traffic", detailed Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Likewise, the analysis made by Entel showed that, during August 2021, the 5 most used applications were:

  1. YouTube
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Netflix
  5. TikTok

Recommendations in the month of cybersecurity

In view of the constant increase in mobile connectivity and massification of the use of applications, Entel gives some cybersecurity tips to avoid falling into the new virtual threat called “Sim Swapping”, with which a criminal obtains personal information from the cell phone user, supplanting his identity, stealing his phone number and leaving the owner of the phone without access to applications.

  • If you download applications that have transactional attributes, check them constantly.
  • If you receive a message or advertisement with a suspicious link, do not open it and delete it immediately.
  • If your phone cannot make or receive calls, or send or receive SMS, contact Entel immediately at 800 367 626 and ask for a SIM lock.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visit entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.


According to Entel analysis:

Until last August, the messaging app increased by 84% and in the same month, the most used apps by Chileans were YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix and TikTok.

Streaming applications represent 65% of total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

There is no doubt that the pandemic accelerated a digitalization process that had been growing strongly for years and forced us to migrate many of our daily activities to the online world. With this in mind, the technology and telecommunications company Entel, which leads the mobile market of users connected to 4G with more than 7 million connections, has conducted a series of analyses on how much the use of mobile and fixed data has increased, but also on how the applications that we use more and more frequently have behaved. And the answer is clear: with the information available up to August this year, the messaging App Telegram has been the one that has grown the most so far in 2021, with a considerable increase of 84%.

The list continues with the delivery app Rappi, which increased by 42%; Disney, which grew by 35%; Steam, a video game app that showed a rise of 31%, and in fifth place the famous app TikTok, popular among teenagers, which has exhibited an increase of 23%.

The analysis carried out by the technology and telecommunications company shows that data traffic from streaming applications is equivalent to 65% of the total mobile traffic in the Metropolitan Region.

“During the pandemic we have seen how different applications have been increasing their use in relation to new user behaviors. In this sense, Telegram has shown a constant growth during the last time, as well as applications related to delivery continue to be in demand despite the end of quarantines. Another relevant category is streaming, which accounts for 60% of total mobile traffic", detailed Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Likewise, the analysis made by Entel showed that, during August 2021, the 5 most used applications were:

  1. YouTube
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Netflix
  5. TikTok

Recommendations in the month of cybersecurity

In view of the constant increase in mobile connectivity and massification of the use of applications, Entel gives some cybersecurity tips to avoid falling into the new virtual threat called “Sim Swapping”, with which a criminal obtains personal information from the cell phone user, supplanting his identity, stealing his phone number and leaving the owner of the phone without access to applications.

  • If you download applications that have transactional attributes, check them constantly.
  • If you receive a message or advertisement with a suspicious link, do not open it and delete it immediately.
  • If your phone cannot make or receive calls, or send or receive SMS, contact Entel immediately at 800 367 626 and ask for a SIM lock.

For more tips on how to prevent cyber-attacks or be more prepared in this scenario where we all live more connected, you can visit entel.cl/ciudadano-digital.
