• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

Regarding the new tariff decree announced by the government for the access charges of all mobile companies, Entel points out that to date it has not been notified so it does not know the precise details and scope contained therein.

In accordance with the public information provided by the authority, Entel states its willingness to apply the new tariff values communicated as soon as possible, in the understanding that this will mainly benefit those who make a call from a landline to a cell phone.

However, according to information published in the media, this would not be possible given that two market players (VTR and WOM) are not available to apply them from now on.

Once we have all the background information on the decree and its supporting report, we will be able to issue our opinion regarding the rationality and legal and technical foundations of the administrative tariff acts.


Tariff Decree Statement

1 Feb, 2019

Regarding the new tariff decree announced by the government for the access charges of all mobile companies, Entel points out that to date it has not been notified so it does not know the precise details and scope contained therein.

In accordance with the public information provided by the authority, Entel states its willingness to apply the new tariff values communicated as soon as possible, in the understanding that this will mainly benefit those who make a call from a landline to a cell phone.

However, according to information published in the media, this would not be possible given that two market players (VTR and WOM) are not available to apply them from now on.

Once we have all the background information on the decree and its supporting report, we will be able to issue our opinion regarding the rationality and legal and technical foundations of the administrative tariff acts.


Regarding the new tariff decree announced by the government for the access charges of all mobile companies, Entel points out that to date it has not been notified so it does not know the precise details and scope contained therein.

In accordance with the public information provided by the authority, Entel states its willingness to apply the new tariff values communicated as soon as possible, in the understanding that this will mainly benefit those who make a call from a landline to a cell phone.

However, according to information published in the media, this would not be possible given that two market players (VTR and WOM) are not available to apply them from now on.

Once we have all the background information on the decree and its supporting report, we will be able to issue our opinion regarding the rationality and legal and technical foundations of the administrative tariff acts.
