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Eleventh version of the meeting in the area:

• Around 300 entrepreneurs participated in the activity that included two speakers, experts in topics associated with Digital Transformation.

From July to November, the Entel Empresas Tour will be held, which yesterday had its debut in Temuco, under the motto of digital transformation and which seeks to bring digitalization closer as a fundamental aspect for successful businesses.

The meeting took place at the Dreams Hotel in Temuco and was aimed at entrepreneurs in the region, to discuss the main tools and trends that will help their businesses to digital transformation.

The eleventh version of the tour included two main speakers: Felipe Ovalle, pioneer and referent of digital communication in Chile, who is also founder of Medialab, a nucleus specialized in digital creation for brands. Ovalle is also director and host of the technology and trends program Oh My Geek! The central theme of his presentation will be “The Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Transformation”.

The second speaker was Julian Ugarte, who is a Latin American reference in innovation and competitive environments. He is also the creator and mentor of Socialab, the world’s largest problem-solving network; founder of IF, a Chilean innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and has also been distinguished by the World Economic Forum, the UN, Harvard University, and even the Washington Post. His talk called “Doing is the new saying” is about how innovation transforms society and consumers, where an interesting conversation was generated regarding the evolution of technology.


“As we are all absolutely connected, it is urgent to be updated, digitized, it is the only way to be current and for businesses to be successful, since the transformation is moving at a faster pace than we are able to assimilate, so we seek to provide tools to bring the infinite possibilities offered by technology” , said Eduardo Moreno, Entel Empresas’ business area manager.


For his part, Felipe Ovalle said that “the transformation is already something integral, it is not a single process, one is not digitized once and remains digitized forever, it is something constant, therefore, we must generate a culture of innovation and transformation in companies and use the technology and digital tools available”.


“Adapting to the changing environment is part of our species, and now it is changing and advancing exponentially, so we need to know where it is going, perhaps later machine and man will be one, the transformations of our societies is something that is happening, automation, robotics, and is something we are already seeing in our country, so we have to be more agile”, said Julian Ugarte.

The activity will arrive on July 31 in Puerto Varas, on August 22 in Iquique, then Antofagasta on August 28. On October 2, the meeting will reach Viña del Mar and continue in Concepción on October 10. Finally, in Santiago the tour will take place on November 15.

The event was also broadcast via streaming on the tour’s minisite in the Business Community: www.entel.cl/giraempresas and is available for those who want to learn more about how to be part of the digital transformation and review the photos of each of the tours.


Successful debut of the Entel Empresas Tour in Araucanía

26 Jul, 2018

Eleventh version of the meeting in the area:

• Around 300 entrepreneurs participated in the activity that included two speakers, experts in topics associated with Digital Transformation.

From July to November, the Entel Empresas Tour will be held, which yesterday had its debut in Temuco, under the motto of digital transformation and which seeks to bring digitalization closer as a fundamental aspect for successful businesses.

The meeting took place at the Dreams Hotel in Temuco and was aimed at entrepreneurs in the region, to discuss the main tools and trends that will help their businesses to digital transformation.

The eleventh version of the tour included two main speakers: Felipe Ovalle, pioneer and referent of digital communication in Chile, who is also founder of Medialab, a nucleus specialized in digital creation for brands. Ovalle is also director and host of the technology and trends program Oh My Geek! The central theme of his presentation will be “The Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Transformation”.

The second speaker was Julian Ugarte, who is a Latin American reference in innovation and competitive environments. He is also the creator and mentor of Socialab, the world’s largest problem-solving network; founder of IF, a Chilean innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and has also been distinguished by the World Economic Forum, the UN, Harvard University, and even the Washington Post. His talk called “Doing is the new saying” is about how innovation transforms society and consumers, where an interesting conversation was generated regarding the evolution of technology.


“As we are all absolutely connected, it is urgent to be updated, digitized, it is the only way to be current and for businesses to be successful, since the transformation is moving at a faster pace than we are able to assimilate, so we seek to provide tools to bring the infinite possibilities offered by technology” , said Eduardo Moreno, Entel Empresas’ business area manager.


For his part, Felipe Ovalle said that “the transformation is already something integral, it is not a single process, one is not digitized once and remains digitized forever, it is something constant, therefore, we must generate a culture of innovation and transformation in companies and use the technology and digital tools available”.


“Adapting to the changing environment is part of our species, and now it is changing and advancing exponentially, so we need to know where it is going, perhaps later machine and man will be one, the transformations of our societies is something that is happening, automation, robotics, and is something we are already seeing in our country, so we have to be more agile”, said Julian Ugarte.

The activity will arrive on July 31 in Puerto Varas, on August 22 in Iquique, then Antofagasta on August 28. On October 2, the meeting will reach Viña del Mar and continue in Concepción on October 10. Finally, in Santiago the tour will take place on November 15.

The event was also broadcast via streaming on the tour’s minisite in the Business Community: www.entel.cl/giraempresas and is available for those who want to learn more about how to be part of the digital transformation and review the photos of each of the tours.


Eleventh version of the meeting in the area:

• Around 300 entrepreneurs participated in the activity that included two speakers, experts in topics associated with Digital Transformation.

From July to November, the Entel Empresas Tour will be held, which yesterday had its debut in Temuco, under the motto of digital transformation and which seeks to bring digitalization closer as a fundamental aspect for successful businesses.

The meeting took place at the Dreams Hotel in Temuco and was aimed at entrepreneurs in the region, to discuss the main tools and trends that will help their businesses to digital transformation.

The eleventh version of the tour included two main speakers: Felipe Ovalle, pioneer and referent of digital communication in Chile, who is also founder of Medialab, a nucleus specialized in digital creation for brands. Ovalle is also director and host of the technology and trends program Oh My Geek! The central theme of his presentation will be “The Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Transformation”.

The second speaker was Julian Ugarte, who is a Latin American reference in innovation and competitive environments. He is also the creator and mentor of Socialab, the world’s largest problem-solving network; founder of IF, a Chilean innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and has also been distinguished by the World Economic Forum, the UN, Harvard University, and even the Washington Post. His talk called “Doing is the new saying” is about how innovation transforms society and consumers, where an interesting conversation was generated regarding the evolution of technology.


“As we are all absolutely connected, it is urgent to be updated, digitized, it is the only way to be current and for businesses to be successful, since the transformation is moving at a faster pace than we are able to assimilate, so we seek to provide tools to bring the infinite possibilities offered by technology” , said Eduardo Moreno, Entel Empresas’ business area manager.


For his part, Felipe Ovalle said that “the transformation is already something integral, it is not a single process, one is not digitized once and remains digitized forever, it is something constant, therefore, we must generate a culture of innovation and transformation in companies and use the technology and digital tools available”.


“Adapting to the changing environment is part of our species, and now it is changing and advancing exponentially, so we need to know where it is going, perhaps later machine and man will be one, the transformations of our societies is something that is happening, automation, robotics, and is something we are already seeing in our country, so we have to be more agile”, said Julian Ugarte.

The activity will arrive on July 31 in Puerto Varas, on August 22 in Iquique, then Antofagasta on August 28. On October 2, the meeting will reach Viña del Mar and continue in Concepción on October 10. Finally, in Santiago the tour will take place on November 15.

The event was also broadcast via streaming on the tour’s minisite in the Business Community: www.entel.cl/giraempresas and is available for those who want to learn more about how to be part of the digital transformation and review the photos of each of the tours.
