• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

In relation to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court for the public tender of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

Santiago, 26 de junio de 2018.-

In relation to the recent Supreme Court ruling for the public bidding of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

1. We deeply regret the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, as this is an unprecedented resolution in the country, which leaves the local telecommunications industry in a very complex situation, as it challenges a public tender, which was conducted in an open and transparent manner, and whose bases were prepared by the competent authority and endorsed by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office.

2. In relation to the arguments put forward in the majority vote, it is essential to clarify that the limit of 60 MHz that is sought to be established per company is completely anachronistic and is not found in any regulation in force today.

3. If the spectrum limit had existed, the telecommunications industry would be completely behind and we would not be leaders in Latin America. Thanks to the development of the last ten years, there are currently more than 16 million mobile internet connections in Chile, mainly on 4G technology, and at increasingly lower prices and better quality. In contrast, in 2009 the total number of connections did not exceed four million and the predominant technology was only 2G.

4. The five ministers of the Competition Court (TDLS by its Spanish acronym), in a unanimous decision, as well as the two ministers of the Supreme Court who rejected the claimant’s arguments, rejected the existence of anti-competitive behavior, as well as the existence of any general restriction on the amount of spectrum that each company can have. In addition, they highlighted the need we had as a company to participate in that bidding process, since the 700 MHz band allows us to provide a quality 4G service to millions of Chileans.

5. Today we are facing an exponential annual growth in the demand for data services, and it is technically impossible to adequately serve the current traffic of Chileans if the limit is kept at 60 MHz.

6. Entel’s only interest is to invest in order to serve the needs of Chileans, respecting the rules of the game. We have historically pushed the digital development of Chile, with important infrastructure projects that have not only allowed it to deploy the most robust 4G network in the country, but also to contribute to the closing of the digital divide, connecting thousands of people and schools located in rural areas.

7. In the 700 MHz band project alone, as a company we have invested close to US$ 500 million to date, of which US$ 170 million allowed us to connect 549 rural localities and benefit 85 thousand Chileans and 212 schools.



26 Jun, 2018

In relation to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court for the public tender of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

Santiago, 26 de junio de 2018.-

In relation to the recent Supreme Court ruling for the public bidding of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

1. We deeply regret the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, as this is an unprecedented resolution in the country, which leaves the local telecommunications industry in a very complex situation, as it challenges a public tender, which was conducted in an open and transparent manner, and whose bases were prepared by the competent authority and endorsed by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office.

2. In relation to the arguments put forward in the majority vote, it is essential to clarify that the limit of 60 MHz that is sought to be established per company is completely anachronistic and is not found in any regulation in force today.

3. If the spectrum limit had existed, the telecommunications industry would be completely behind and we would not be leaders in Latin America. Thanks to the development of the last ten years, there are currently more than 16 million mobile internet connections in Chile, mainly on 4G technology, and at increasingly lower prices and better quality. In contrast, in 2009 the total number of connections did not exceed four million and the predominant technology was only 2G.

4. The five ministers of the Competition Court (TDLS by its Spanish acronym), in a unanimous decision, as well as the two ministers of the Supreme Court who rejected the claimant’s arguments, rejected the existence of anti-competitive behavior, as well as the existence of any general restriction on the amount of spectrum that each company can have. In addition, they highlighted the need we had as a company to participate in that bidding process, since the 700 MHz band allows us to provide a quality 4G service to millions of Chileans.

5. Today we are facing an exponential annual growth in the demand for data services, and it is technically impossible to adequately serve the current traffic of Chileans if the limit is kept at 60 MHz.

6. Entel’s only interest is to invest in order to serve the needs of Chileans, respecting the rules of the game. We have historically pushed the digital development of Chile, with important infrastructure projects that have not only allowed it to deploy the most robust 4G network in the country, but also to contribute to the closing of the digital divide, connecting thousands of people and schools located in rural areas.

7. In the 700 MHz band project alone, as a company we have invested close to US$ 500 million to date, of which US$ 170 million allowed us to connect 549 rural localities and benefit 85 thousand Chileans and 212 schools.


In relation to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court for the public tender of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

Santiago, 26 de junio de 2018.-

In relation to the recent Supreme Court ruling for the public bidding of the 700 MHz band conducted by the State in 2013, Entel declares the following:

1. We deeply regret the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, as this is an unprecedented resolution in the country, which leaves the local telecommunications industry in a very complex situation, as it challenges a public tender, which was conducted in an open and transparent manner, and whose bases were prepared by the competent authority and endorsed by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office.

2. In relation to the arguments put forward in the majority vote, it is essential to clarify that the limit of 60 MHz that is sought to be established per company is completely anachronistic and is not found in any regulation in force today.

3. If the spectrum limit had existed, the telecommunications industry would be completely behind and we would not be leaders in Latin America. Thanks to the development of the last ten years, there are currently more than 16 million mobile internet connections in Chile, mainly on 4G technology, and at increasingly lower prices and better quality. In contrast, in 2009 the total number of connections did not exceed four million and the predominant technology was only 2G.

4. The five ministers of the Competition Court (TDLS by its Spanish acronym), in a unanimous decision, as well as the two ministers of the Supreme Court who rejected the claimant’s arguments, rejected the existence of anti-competitive behavior, as well as the existence of any general restriction on the amount of spectrum that each company can have. In addition, they highlighted the need we had as a company to participate in that bidding process, since the 700 MHz band allows us to provide a quality 4G service to millions of Chileans.

5. Today we are facing an exponential annual growth in the demand for data services, and it is technically impossible to adequately serve the current traffic of Chileans if the limit is kept at 60 MHz.

6. Entel’s only interest is to invest in order to serve the needs of Chileans, respecting the rules of the game. We have historically pushed the digital development of Chile, with important infrastructure projects that have not only allowed it to deploy the most robust 4G network in the country, but also to contribute to the closing of the digital divide, connecting thousands of people and schools located in rural areas.

7. In the 700 MHz band project alone, as a company we have invested close to US$ 500 million to date, of which US$ 170 million allowed us to connect 549 rural localities and benefit 85 thousand Chileans and 212 schools.
