• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

In relation to the release sent by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications to the media, informing changes in the operating conditions over the 3500 MHz band, Entel declares the following:

1. To date, we have not received any official communication from the authority regarding what was reported to the media, in the sense that commercial exploitation over the 3,500 MHz band will be suspended in the future.

2. This is an unprecedented measure in the Chilean telecommunications market, incomprehensible and arbitrary, which openly ignores the law in force in the country, and which will affect the right of thousands of Chileans to have a quality Internet service at a fair price.

3. As it appears in the press, this is an expropriation of a spectrum that was tendered for 30 years, on which Entel has deployed several infrastructure projects, with a consolidated investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, regarding which it has fulfilled all its obligations. In fact, it has been audited on several occasions and under different administrations, and has never been charged.

4. The 3,500 MHz band was tendered in 2001 by the State of Chile, in a public and transparent process, validated by free competition bodies. A decision like this seriously affects the historical culture that we have had as a serious country, in which the institutionality and legislation in force are respected in an unrestricted manner.

5. It is the respect for institutions, property rights and technological neutrality -which has always allowed operators to develop new technologies on existing bands- that has allowed Chile to develop and become a leader in Latin America in the telecommunications field. Chile stands out in the OECD, in the mobile market, precisely because of the respect for laws, the promotion of innovation and the framework of stability it has provided, and this goes completely against this tradition.

6. In Chile, the development of technologies has always been ahead of time, precisely because existing bands can be used to develop new technologies. So much so that, for example, the 1,900 MHz band, which was originally tendered for 2G, started to be used for 3G before the State tendered bands for this particular technology. This is why it is expected that, in the short and medium term, all the spectrums currently used for 4G (2,600, 700 and AWS) will also be used for 5G.

7. At present, thanks to the evolution of the technologies available in the market, we are making rapid progress in the deployment of a high-speed fixed wireless broadband service for the home with “pre 5G” technology, which will benefit two million homes nationwide, located in areas where the penetration of this service is low or that do not have other alternatives in terms of supply, which has been noted by the authority itself in the various service launching activities it has attended.

8. It is a pioneer project in the world, similar to what is being developed by large operators in developed countries. It contemplates the deployment of more than 600 sites throughout Chile in three years, of which around 250 are already operational, with more than 30,000 customers operating and with a high demand from thousands of Chileans who until now did not have a good offer, mainly in segments C3, D and E, where the fixed solution they have access to is of poor quality or simply does not exist.

9. Regarding the future development of telecommunications in Chile, it should be good news for the country that, thanks to the investment being made by some market players, we are already making progress in the deployment of “pre 5G” infrastructure, which will allow us to offer new technologies in a more efficient and timely manner.

10. Regarding free competition, measures of this nature not only do not promote it, but also directly threaten Entel’s relentless effort to increase competition in the Hogar market, especially in relation to residential internet services, where unfortunately very significant barriers to competition remain.

11. Given the seriousness of what has been announced, Entel will study the exercise of all legal actions that may be necessary to defend the right of users to have quality internet at a fair price, and the timely development of this important service, bearing in mind that this authority has recognized its benefits and authorized larger stations for the development of the project.

12. We will file such legal actions once we are notified by the authority of any administrative act or resolution on the matter, in which the legitimate exercise of our rights and those of our customers is illegally or arbitrarily denied or limited, and not through press communications that do not give account of any formal legal action on the matter.



20 Jun, 2018

In relation to the release sent by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications to the media, informing changes in the operating conditions over the 3500 MHz band, Entel declares the following:

1. To date, we have not received any official communication from the authority regarding what was reported to the media, in the sense that commercial exploitation over the 3,500 MHz band will be suspended in the future.

2. This is an unprecedented measure in the Chilean telecommunications market, incomprehensible and arbitrary, which openly ignores the law in force in the country, and which will affect the right of thousands of Chileans to have a quality Internet service at a fair price.

3. As it appears in the press, this is an expropriation of a spectrum that was tendered for 30 years, on which Entel has deployed several infrastructure projects, with a consolidated investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, regarding which it has fulfilled all its obligations. In fact, it has been audited on several occasions and under different administrations, and has never been charged.

4. The 3,500 MHz band was tendered in 2001 by the State of Chile, in a public and transparent process, validated by free competition bodies. A decision like this seriously affects the historical culture that we have had as a serious country, in which the institutionality and legislation in force are respected in an unrestricted manner.

5. It is the respect for institutions, property rights and technological neutrality -which has always allowed operators to develop new technologies on existing bands- that has allowed Chile to develop and become a leader in Latin America in the telecommunications field. Chile stands out in the OECD, in the mobile market, precisely because of the respect for laws, the promotion of innovation and the framework of stability it has provided, and this goes completely against this tradition.

6. In Chile, the development of technologies has always been ahead of time, precisely because existing bands can be used to develop new technologies. So much so that, for example, the 1,900 MHz band, which was originally tendered for 2G, started to be used for 3G before the State tendered bands for this particular technology. This is why it is expected that, in the short and medium term, all the spectrums currently used for 4G (2,600, 700 and AWS) will also be used for 5G.

7. At present, thanks to the evolution of the technologies available in the market, we are making rapid progress in the deployment of a high-speed fixed wireless broadband service for the home with “pre 5G” technology, which will benefit two million homes nationwide, located in areas where the penetration of this service is low or that do not have other alternatives in terms of supply, which has been noted by the authority itself in the various service launching activities it has attended.

8. It is a pioneer project in the world, similar to what is being developed by large operators in developed countries. It contemplates the deployment of more than 600 sites throughout Chile in three years, of which around 250 are already operational, with more than 30,000 customers operating and with a high demand from thousands of Chileans who until now did not have a good offer, mainly in segments C3, D and E, where the fixed solution they have access to is of poor quality or simply does not exist.

9. Regarding the future development of telecommunications in Chile, it should be good news for the country that, thanks to the investment being made by some market players, we are already making progress in the deployment of “pre 5G” infrastructure, which will allow us to offer new technologies in a more efficient and timely manner.

10. Regarding free competition, measures of this nature not only do not promote it, but also directly threaten Entel’s relentless effort to increase competition in the Hogar market, especially in relation to residential internet services, where unfortunately very significant barriers to competition remain.

11. Given the seriousness of what has been announced, Entel will study the exercise of all legal actions that may be necessary to defend the right of users to have quality internet at a fair price, and the timely development of this important service, bearing in mind that this authority has recognized its benefits and authorized larger stations for the development of the project.

12. We will file such legal actions once we are notified by the authority of any administrative act or resolution on the matter, in which the legitimate exercise of our rights and those of our customers is illegally or arbitrarily denied or limited, and not through press communications that do not give account of any formal legal action on the matter.


In relation to the release sent by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications to the media, informing changes in the operating conditions over the 3500 MHz band, Entel declares the following:

1. To date, we have not received any official communication from the authority regarding what was reported to the media, in the sense that commercial exploitation over the 3,500 MHz band will be suspended in the future.

2. This is an unprecedented measure in the Chilean telecommunications market, incomprehensible and arbitrary, which openly ignores the law in force in the country, and which will affect the right of thousands of Chileans to have a quality Internet service at a fair price.

3. As it appears in the press, this is an expropriation of a spectrum that was tendered for 30 years, on which Entel has deployed several infrastructure projects, with a consolidated investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, regarding which it has fulfilled all its obligations. In fact, it has been audited on several occasions and under different administrations, and has never been charged.

4. The 3,500 MHz band was tendered in 2001 by the State of Chile, in a public and transparent process, validated by free competition bodies. A decision like this seriously affects the historical culture that we have had as a serious country, in which the institutionality and legislation in force are respected in an unrestricted manner.

5. It is the respect for institutions, property rights and technological neutrality -which has always allowed operators to develop new technologies on existing bands- that has allowed Chile to develop and become a leader in Latin America in the telecommunications field. Chile stands out in the OECD, in the mobile market, precisely because of the respect for laws, the promotion of innovation and the framework of stability it has provided, and this goes completely against this tradition.

6. In Chile, the development of technologies has always been ahead of time, precisely because existing bands can be used to develop new technologies. So much so that, for example, the 1,900 MHz band, which was originally tendered for 2G, started to be used for 3G before the State tendered bands for this particular technology. This is why it is expected that, in the short and medium term, all the spectrums currently used for 4G (2,600, 700 and AWS) will also be used for 5G.

7. At present, thanks to the evolution of the technologies available in the market, we are making rapid progress in the deployment of a high-speed fixed wireless broadband service for the home with “pre 5G” technology, which will benefit two million homes nationwide, located in areas where the penetration of this service is low or that do not have other alternatives in terms of supply, which has been noted by the authority itself in the various service launching activities it has attended.

8. It is a pioneer project in the world, similar to what is being developed by large operators in developed countries. It contemplates the deployment of more than 600 sites throughout Chile in three years, of which around 250 are already operational, with more than 30,000 customers operating and with a high demand from thousands of Chileans who until now did not have a good offer, mainly in segments C3, D and E, where the fixed solution they have access to is of poor quality or simply does not exist.

9. Regarding the future development of telecommunications in Chile, it should be good news for the country that, thanks to the investment being made by some market players, we are already making progress in the deployment of “pre 5G” infrastructure, which will allow us to offer new technologies in a more efficient and timely manner.

10. Regarding free competition, measures of this nature not only do not promote it, but also directly threaten Entel’s relentless effort to increase competition in the Hogar market, especially in relation to residential internet services, where unfortunately very significant barriers to competition remain.

11. Given the seriousness of what has been announced, Entel will study the exercise of all legal actions that may be necessary to defend the right of users to have quality internet at a fair price, and the timely development of this important service, bearing in mind that this authority has recognized its benefits and authorized larger stations for the development of the project.

12. We will file such legal actions once we are notified by the authority of any administrative act or resolution on the matter, in which the legitimate exercise of our rights and those of our customers is illegally or arbitrarily denied or limited, and not through press communications that do not give account of any formal legal action on the matter.
