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Pitch competition led by Start-Up Chile, together with Entel:

• This round of meetings where Entel Explora Lab joins Start-Up Chile, seeks to connect startups with potential clients and thus encourage networking.

DART, a project created by the company Telediagnósticos, was the winner of the Tech Evening entrepreneurship pitch competition, organized by Start-Up Chile and supported by Entel Explora Lab, which took place yesterday, Thursday, April 26 - as part of Entrepreneurship Day -, in the corporate building of the telecommunications company. The main theme of this event was technologies applied to the world of health.

This event is part of the collaboration agreement that Entel has with Start-Up-Chile through its open innovation model, Entel Explora LAB, whose goal is to connect the talent of innovators with the necessary networks for developing their projects, promoting networking.

The activity is also part of a round of meetings that takes place every month and seeks to disseminate and recognize the best start-ups that provide solutions and tools for a specific industry, which this time was the Health area.


The venture that won first place in this contest (which consists of presenting the project briefly and concisely, in only three minutes), is a technological innovation that uses artificial intelligence to prevent blindness due to diabetes in adults.“Diabetic rhinopathy is the most frequent cause of vision loss worldwide. The problem lies in the diagnosis, because if detected in time, it is possible to prevent up to 99% of cases,” says DART’s founder, José Tomás Arenas.

The second place went to Mouti, a toothbrush for children, with an innovative and didactic design, since it has lights on the handle, seeking to improve the oral hygiene of the little ones, helping them to correctly wash all the areas of the mouth, transforming this routine into a real game. By changing the color of the lights, it provides for the child to see which part of their mouth they should wash, whether it is their molars, tongue, etc.

The toothbrush also has an app that allows parents to check the brushing progress, record it and consult with professionals. Mouti also achieves excellent results for children with special cognitive needs.

Third place in the Tech Evening went to “Take a Hand”, a company that designs and manufactures economic prostheses with 3D technology, adapted to the needs and capabilities of each person. América Silva, one of its creators, points out that the orthopedic systems they develop can be up to three times cheaper than traditional ones.


“Our purpose as a telecommunications company is to connect people, but also to impact their quality of life through technological development. The health industry in Chile is better than in other countries, but in terms of technology and quality we are still lagging behind. Generating development and innovation and strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem is what will allow us to contribute to this goal. That is why we at Entel Explora Lab have formed an alliance with Start-Up Chile and every month we hold these meetings to motivate all entrepreneurs to create and dream of solutions for a better world” said Carlos Rodríguez, Innovation Manager.

The jury of the Health Tech Evening, was composed of officials from the Ministry of Health and executives from BCI bank and Entel.

The other participants:

1.- Medilink: Management and administration software for small and medium-sized healthcare providers, which is also cheaper than the software used by large providers. It allows the management of patients and the health center, from anywhere and with the support of an expert team.

2.- SafeHis: Company created from the need to innovate technologically in the health area. Its software solutions are focused on supporting the intelligence of clinical processes, especially in Intensive Care units, which are critical and allow saving lives (hence its name SafeHis). These solutions have been developed with the contribution of leading professionals in the health sector, with the aim of having a high positive impact on safety, quality, efficiency, savings, control and process management.

3.- AMOL (Online Medical Agenda): Solution for health waiting lists. It consists of a web service that allows scheduling hours for consultations and online. Secure and easy to use. The system allows to select patients and connect them with health professionals, according to their requirements.

4.- Lazarus: Company focused on the development of carbon fiber orthopedic products. They currently work with five rehabilitation centers and expect to add more areas of work as they take on more and more projects.

5.- Excedent: Payment service through surpluses for dental benefits. They currently work with Isapre Banmédica and Vida Tres, and in the future they expect to add more isapres. More than 2,500 people have already been able to use this service.

6.- Eggless: Food company that manufactures 100% vegetable products, providing sustainable, healthy and inclusive products to supermarkets. During the meeting, the entire cocktail was served with its main product: egg-free mayonnaise.

7.- Telecuidado: This is a telemonitoring system for elderly or dependent people, through artificial intelligence. This innovative service consists of a portable device connected 24/7 to a central monitoring unit, which receives the user’s vital signs, location and signals. If an emergency is detected, we contact the user, relatives and health emergency if necessary. Ideal, for example, for those suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


Startup to prevent blindness due to diabetes wins Health Tech Evening

27 Abr, 2018

Pitch competition led by Start-Up Chile, together with Entel:

• This round of meetings where Entel Explora Lab joins Start-Up Chile, seeks to connect startups with potential clients and thus encourage networking.

DART, a project created by the company Telediagnósticos, was the winner of the Tech Evening entrepreneurship pitch competition, organized by Start-Up Chile and supported by Entel Explora Lab, which took place yesterday, Thursday, April 26 - as part of Entrepreneurship Day -, in the corporate building of the telecommunications company. The main theme of this event was technologies applied to the world of health.

This event is part of the collaboration agreement that Entel has with Start-Up-Chile through its open innovation model, Entel Explora LAB, whose goal is to connect the talent of innovators with the necessary networks for developing their projects, promoting networking.

The activity is also part of a round of meetings that takes place every month and seeks to disseminate and recognize the best start-ups that provide solutions and tools for a specific industry, which this time was the Health area.


The venture that won first place in this contest (which consists of presenting the project briefly and concisely, in only three minutes), is a technological innovation that uses artificial intelligence to prevent blindness due to diabetes in adults.“Diabetic rhinopathy is the most frequent cause of vision loss worldwide. The problem lies in the diagnosis, because if detected in time, it is possible to prevent up to 99% of cases,” says DART’s founder, José Tomás Arenas.

The second place went to Mouti, a toothbrush for children, with an innovative and didactic design, since it has lights on the handle, seeking to improve the oral hygiene of the little ones, helping them to correctly wash all the areas of the mouth, transforming this routine into a real game. By changing the color of the lights, it provides for the child to see which part of their mouth they should wash, whether it is their molars, tongue, etc.

The toothbrush also has an app that allows parents to check the brushing progress, record it and consult with professionals. Mouti also achieves excellent results for children with special cognitive needs.

Third place in the Tech Evening went to “Take a Hand”, a company that designs and manufactures economic prostheses with 3D technology, adapted to the needs and capabilities of each person. América Silva, one of its creators, points out that the orthopedic systems they develop can be up to three times cheaper than traditional ones.


“Our purpose as a telecommunications company is to connect people, but also to impact their quality of life through technological development. The health industry in Chile is better than in other countries, but in terms of technology and quality we are still lagging behind. Generating development and innovation and strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem is what will allow us to contribute to this goal. That is why we at Entel Explora Lab have formed an alliance with Start-Up Chile and every month we hold these meetings to motivate all entrepreneurs to create and dream of solutions for a better world” said Carlos Rodríguez, Innovation Manager.

The jury of the Health Tech Evening, was composed of officials from the Ministry of Health and executives from BCI bank and Entel.

The other participants:

1.- Medilink: Management and administration software for small and medium-sized healthcare providers, which is also cheaper than the software used by large providers. It allows the management of patients and the health center, from anywhere and with the support of an expert team.

2.- SafeHis: Company created from the need to innovate technologically in the health area. Its software solutions are focused on supporting the intelligence of clinical processes, especially in Intensive Care units, which are critical and allow saving lives (hence its name SafeHis). These solutions have been developed with the contribution of leading professionals in the health sector, with the aim of having a high positive impact on safety, quality, efficiency, savings, control and process management.

3.- AMOL (Online Medical Agenda): Solution for health waiting lists. It consists of a web service that allows scheduling hours for consultations and online. Secure and easy to use. The system allows to select patients and connect them with health professionals, according to their requirements.

4.- Lazarus: Company focused on the development of carbon fiber orthopedic products. They currently work with five rehabilitation centers and expect to add more areas of work as they take on more and more projects.

5.- Excedent: Payment service through surpluses for dental benefits. They currently work with Isapre Banmédica and Vida Tres, and in the future they expect to add more isapres. More than 2,500 people have already been able to use this service.

6.- Eggless: Food company that manufactures 100% vegetable products, providing sustainable, healthy and inclusive products to supermarkets. During the meeting, the entire cocktail was served with its main product: egg-free mayonnaise.

7.- Telecuidado: This is a telemonitoring system for elderly or dependent people, through artificial intelligence. This innovative service consists of a portable device connected 24/7 to a central monitoring unit, which receives the user’s vital signs, location and signals. If an emergency is detected, we contact the user, relatives and health emergency if necessary. Ideal, for example, for those suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


Pitch competition led by Start-Up Chile, together with Entel:

• This round of meetings where Entel Explora Lab joins Start-Up Chile, seeks to connect startups with potential clients and thus encourage networking.

DART, a project created by the company Telediagnósticos, was the winner of the Tech Evening entrepreneurship pitch competition, organized by Start-Up Chile and supported by Entel Explora Lab, which took place yesterday, Thursday, April 26 - as part of Entrepreneurship Day -, in the corporate building of the telecommunications company. The main theme of this event was technologies applied to the world of health.

This event is part of the collaboration agreement that Entel has with Start-Up-Chile through its open innovation model, Entel Explora LAB, whose goal is to connect the talent of innovators with the necessary networks for developing their projects, promoting networking.

The activity is also part of a round of meetings that takes place every month and seeks to disseminate and recognize the best start-ups that provide solutions and tools for a specific industry, which this time was the Health area.


The venture that won first place in this contest (which consists of presenting the project briefly and concisely, in only three minutes), is a technological innovation that uses artificial intelligence to prevent blindness due to diabetes in adults.“Diabetic rhinopathy is the most frequent cause of vision loss worldwide. The problem lies in the diagnosis, because if detected in time, it is possible to prevent up to 99% of cases,” says DART’s founder, José Tomás Arenas.

The second place went to Mouti, a toothbrush for children, with an innovative and didactic design, since it has lights on the handle, seeking to improve the oral hygiene of the little ones, helping them to correctly wash all the areas of the mouth, transforming this routine into a real game. By changing the color of the lights, it provides for the child to see which part of their mouth they should wash, whether it is their molars, tongue, etc.

The toothbrush also has an app that allows parents to check the brushing progress, record it and consult with professionals. Mouti also achieves excellent results for children with special cognitive needs.

Third place in the Tech Evening went to “Take a Hand”, a company that designs and manufactures economic prostheses with 3D technology, adapted to the needs and capabilities of each person. América Silva, one of its creators, points out that the orthopedic systems they develop can be up to three times cheaper than traditional ones.


“Our purpose as a telecommunications company is to connect people, but also to impact their quality of life through technological development. The health industry in Chile is better than in other countries, but in terms of technology and quality we are still lagging behind. Generating development and innovation and strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem is what will allow us to contribute to this goal. That is why we at Entel Explora Lab have formed an alliance with Start-Up Chile and every month we hold these meetings to motivate all entrepreneurs to create and dream of solutions for a better world” said Carlos Rodríguez, Innovation Manager.

The jury of the Health Tech Evening, was composed of officials from the Ministry of Health and executives from BCI bank and Entel.

The other participants:

1.- Medilink: Management and administration software for small and medium-sized healthcare providers, which is also cheaper than the software used by large providers. It allows the management of patients and the health center, from anywhere and with the support of an expert team.

2.- SafeHis: Company created from the need to innovate technologically in the health area. Its software solutions are focused on supporting the intelligence of clinical processes, especially in Intensive Care units, which are critical and allow saving lives (hence its name SafeHis). These solutions have been developed with the contribution of leading professionals in the health sector, with the aim of having a high positive impact on safety, quality, efficiency, savings, control and process management.

3.- AMOL (Online Medical Agenda): Solution for health waiting lists. It consists of a web service that allows scheduling hours for consultations and online. Secure and easy to use. The system allows to select patients and connect them with health professionals, according to their requirements.

4.- Lazarus: Company focused on the development of carbon fiber orthopedic products. They currently work with five rehabilitation centers and expect to add more areas of work as they take on more and more projects.

5.- Excedent: Payment service through surpluses for dental benefits. They currently work with Isapre Banmédica and Vida Tres, and in the future they expect to add more isapres. More than 2,500 people have already been able to use this service.

6.- Eggless: Food company that manufactures 100% vegetable products, providing sustainable, healthy and inclusive products to supermarkets. During the meeting, the entire cocktail was served with its main product: egg-free mayonnaise.

7.- Telecuidado: This is a telemonitoring system for elderly or dependent people, through artificial intelligence. This innovative service consists of a portable device connected 24/7 to a central monitoring unit, which receives the user’s vital signs, location and signals. If an emergency is detected, we contact the user, relatives and health emergency if necessary. Ideal, for example, for those suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
