• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
As part of the Entel network:

This milestone consolidates the 100% deployment of phase 1 of the Subtel project, and Entel’s 5G presence in all regions of the country, in 270 communes, and with more than one million customers who can enjoy this technology.

The technology and telecommunications company officially delivered the fifth generation technology to the community with the first 5G video call to the other end of Chile, in Arica.

Less than a year after the commercial launch of Entel’s 5G network, the technology and telecommunications company today delivered 5G connectivity at the end of the world. This is the connection in the southernmost city on the planet, Puerto Williams.

This milestone is part of the closing of the completion of the first phase of the fifth generation project, which allowed 270 communities in the country, throughout Chile, from Arica to Puerto Williams, in the Magallanes Region, to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

And to learn about some of the advantages of 5G, the first video call was made between Puerto Williams and Arica, located 5,600 kilometers away. On the occasion, fifth grade students from Liceo Donald Mc Intyre Griffiths (in the southern city) and from different schools in Arica talked and were able to see virtually iconic postcards of both cities, such as the Morro and the Beagle Channel, respectively.

The network handover was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Cabo de Hornos, Patricio Fernández; the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, and representatives of Chile Telcos and País Digital, together with authorities of the Magallanes region.

“We are seeing how the development of telecommunications allows children, young people, adults and seniors living in the southernmost area of Chile to have the same possibilities as a person in Santiago, Arica and even the United States. Having access to the digital world means having access to knowledge, education, telemedicine and a series of services that significantly improve the quality of life of people, therefore, no one can be left out", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz.

“The interest in guaranteeing access to the latest generation internet not only means benefits in terms of the number of connected devices and speed, but also places the city as a technological pole, because we are talking about Chile’s southernmost commune joining the large network of national communes that make up the telecommunications network. Digitally connected at last, despite the geographical distance from the rest of the country. In Puerto Williams, the problem of the digital divide went beyond the speed of the connections, but rather the inequality generated between those who had access to it and those who did not, so this development is a contribution and generates opportunities in the daily life of the people of Puerto Williams", said the mayor of Puerto Williams, Patricio Fernández.

Entel became the first operator to complete 100% deployment of the first stage of its 5G network nationwide. The deployment plan contemplates a total investment of US $350 million, announced for the period 2021 to 2024, which will allow it to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements demanded by this new technology. Specifically, in the Magallanes region, an investment of more than Ch$1,073 million was made for the first phase (2021-2022).

For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications mentioned that “Chile is the first and only country in Latin America with nationwide deployment of 5G and this is thanks to a great effort between the State and the companies. The 5G is much more than a technology, it is a paradigm shift that will improve the quality of life of people, but also, it will transform the way we understand the city and its development. Today we are getting closer to closing the digital divide, but also to thinking and creating smart, sustainable and equitable cities”.

The advances in the 5G network are in addition to important investments in the area that Entel has made in recent years with the aim of strengthening connectivity in the Magallanes Region. In fact, in the last 3 years it has invested $662 million in strengthening the 4G network, specifically in the towns of Natales, Porvenir, Punta Arenas and Torres del Paine. In addition, the city of Puerto Williams was connected in 2020, together with other towns, to the Southern Fiber Optic.

“We know that connectivity is a basic enabler for the inclusion of people in today’s society. Without quality connectivity people are simply left out of development, truncating their possibilities. This deployment is part of the commitment we made as a company to contribute to the country’s development. For this reason, we will continue to reinforce our network from Arica to Magallanes and throughout the country, strengthening our infrastructure and continuing with the deployment of the fifth generation network to bring this technology to all Chileans in the shortest possible time", said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Already more than one million customers on 5G

Entel recently reported that it had surpassed the first million customers with equipment compatible with this technology, a record compared to the other “G”, since it took 57 months to reach one million users in the 3G network and 19 months with 4G.

According to the latest Subtel report (June), Entel leads 5G connections in Chile with 63% of the total nationwide. The difference in terms of the million enabled customers lies in those who use the network and those who have compatible equipment. Of an average total traffic of 19 GB in data usage per customer, 4.5 GB of them are on the new 5G network. The applications most used by users are social networks and streaming. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Netflix are the favorites.


Puerto Williams becomes the southernmost city in the world with 5G connectivity

2 Nov, 2022

As part of the Entel network:

This milestone consolidates the 100% deployment of phase 1 of the Subtel project, and Entel’s 5G presence in all regions of the country, in 270 communes, and with more than one million customers who can enjoy this technology.

The technology and telecommunications company officially delivered the fifth generation technology to the community with the first 5G video call to the other end of Chile, in Arica.

Less than a year after the commercial launch of Entel’s 5G network, the technology and telecommunications company today delivered 5G connectivity at the end of the world. This is the connection in the southernmost city on the planet, Puerto Williams.

This milestone is part of the closing of the completion of the first phase of the fifth generation project, which allowed 270 communities in the country, throughout Chile, from Arica to Puerto Williams, in the Magallanes Region, to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

And to learn about some of the advantages of 5G, the first video call was made between Puerto Williams and Arica, located 5,600 kilometers away. On the occasion, fifth grade students from Liceo Donald Mc Intyre Griffiths (in the southern city) and from different schools in Arica talked and were able to see virtually iconic postcards of both cities, such as the Morro and the Beagle Channel, respectively.

The network handover was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Cabo de Hornos, Patricio Fernández; the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, and representatives of Chile Telcos and País Digital, together with authorities of the Magallanes region.

“We are seeing how the development of telecommunications allows children, young people, adults and seniors living in the southernmost area of Chile to have the same possibilities as a person in Santiago, Arica and even the United States. Having access to the digital world means having access to knowledge, education, telemedicine and a series of services that significantly improve the quality of life of people, therefore, no one can be left out", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz.

“The interest in guaranteeing access to the latest generation internet not only means benefits in terms of the number of connected devices and speed, but also places the city as a technological pole, because we are talking about Chile’s southernmost commune joining the large network of national communes that make up the telecommunications network. Digitally connected at last, despite the geographical distance from the rest of the country. In Puerto Williams, the problem of the digital divide went beyond the speed of the connections, but rather the inequality generated between those who had access to it and those who did not, so this development is a contribution and generates opportunities in the daily life of the people of Puerto Williams", said the mayor of Puerto Williams, Patricio Fernández.

Entel became the first operator to complete 100% deployment of the first stage of its 5G network nationwide. The deployment plan contemplates a total investment of US $350 million, announced for the period 2021 to 2024, which will allow it to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements demanded by this new technology. Specifically, in the Magallanes region, an investment of more than Ch$1,073 million was made for the first phase (2021-2022).

For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications mentioned that “Chile is the first and only country in Latin America with nationwide deployment of 5G and this is thanks to a great effort between the State and the companies. The 5G is much more than a technology, it is a paradigm shift that will improve the quality of life of people, but also, it will transform the way we understand the city and its development. Today we are getting closer to closing the digital divide, but also to thinking and creating smart, sustainable and equitable cities”.

The advances in the 5G network are in addition to important investments in the area that Entel has made in recent years with the aim of strengthening connectivity in the Magallanes Region. In fact, in the last 3 years it has invested $662 million in strengthening the 4G network, specifically in the towns of Natales, Porvenir, Punta Arenas and Torres del Paine. In addition, the city of Puerto Williams was connected in 2020, together with other towns, to the Southern Fiber Optic.

“We know that connectivity is a basic enabler for the inclusion of people in today’s society. Without quality connectivity people are simply left out of development, truncating their possibilities. This deployment is part of the commitment we made as a company to contribute to the country’s development. For this reason, we will continue to reinforce our network from Arica to Magallanes and throughout the country, strengthening our infrastructure and continuing with the deployment of the fifth generation network to bring this technology to all Chileans in the shortest possible time", said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Already more than one million customers on 5G

Entel recently reported that it had surpassed the first million customers with equipment compatible with this technology, a record compared to the other “G”, since it took 57 months to reach one million users in the 3G network and 19 months with 4G.

According to the latest Subtel report (June), Entel leads 5G connections in Chile with 63% of the total nationwide. The difference in terms of the million enabled customers lies in those who use the network and those who have compatible equipment. Of an average total traffic of 19 GB in data usage per customer, 4.5 GB of them are on the new 5G network. The applications most used by users are social networks and streaming. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Netflix are the favorites.


As part of the Entel network:

This milestone consolidates the 100% deployment of phase 1 of the Subtel project, and Entel’s 5G presence in all regions of the country, in 270 communes, and with more than one million customers who can enjoy this technology.

The technology and telecommunications company officially delivered the fifth generation technology to the community with the first 5G video call to the other end of Chile, in Arica.

Less than a year after the commercial launch of Entel’s 5G network, the technology and telecommunications company today delivered 5G connectivity at the end of the world. This is the connection in the southernmost city on the planet, Puerto Williams.

This milestone is part of the closing of the completion of the first phase of the fifth generation project, which allowed 270 communities in the country, throughout Chile, from Arica to Puerto Williams, in the Magallanes Region, to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

And to learn about some of the advantages of 5G, the first video call was made between Puerto Williams and Arica, located 5,600 kilometers away. On the occasion, fifth grade students from Liceo Donald Mc Intyre Griffiths (in the southern city) and from different schools in Arica talked and were able to see virtually iconic postcards of both cities, such as the Morro and the Beagle Channel, respectively.

The network handover was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Cabo de Hornos, Patricio Fernández; the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, and representatives of Chile Telcos and País Digital, together with authorities of the Magallanes region.

“We are seeing how the development of telecommunications allows children, young people, adults and seniors living in the southernmost area of Chile to have the same possibilities as a person in Santiago, Arica and even the United States. Having access to the digital world means having access to knowledge, education, telemedicine and a series of services that significantly improve the quality of life of people, therefore, no one can be left out", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz.

“The interest in guaranteeing access to the latest generation internet not only means benefits in terms of the number of connected devices and speed, but also places the city as a technological pole, because we are talking about Chile’s southernmost commune joining the large network of national communes that make up the telecommunications network. Digitally connected at last, despite the geographical distance from the rest of the country. In Puerto Williams, the problem of the digital divide went beyond the speed of the connections, but rather the inequality generated between those who had access to it and those who did not, so this development is a contribution and generates opportunities in the daily life of the people of Puerto Williams", said the mayor of Puerto Williams, Patricio Fernández.

Entel became the first operator to complete 100% deployment of the first stage of its 5G network nationwide. The deployment plan contemplates a total investment of US $350 million, announced for the period 2021 to 2024, which will allow it to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements demanded by this new technology. Specifically, in the Magallanes region, an investment of more than Ch$1,073 million was made for the first phase (2021-2022).

For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications mentioned that “Chile is the first and only country in Latin America with nationwide deployment of 5G and this is thanks to a great effort between the State and the companies. The 5G is much more than a technology, it is a paradigm shift that will improve the quality of life of people, but also, it will transform the way we understand the city and its development. Today we are getting closer to closing the digital divide, but also to thinking and creating smart, sustainable and equitable cities”.

The advances in the 5G network are in addition to important investments in the area that Entel has made in recent years with the aim of strengthening connectivity in the Magallanes Region. In fact, in the last 3 years it has invested $662 million in strengthening the 4G network, specifically in the towns of Natales, Porvenir, Punta Arenas and Torres del Paine. In addition, the city of Puerto Williams was connected in 2020, together with other towns, to the Southern Fiber Optic.

“We know that connectivity is a basic enabler for the inclusion of people in today’s society. Without quality connectivity people are simply left out of development, truncating their possibilities. This deployment is part of the commitment we made as a company to contribute to the country’s development. For this reason, we will continue to reinforce our network from Arica to Magallanes and throughout the country, strengthening our infrastructure and continuing with the deployment of the fifth generation network to bring this technology to all Chileans in the shortest possible time", said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Already more than one million customers on 5G

Entel recently reported that it had surpassed the first million customers with equipment compatible with this technology, a record compared to the other “G”, since it took 57 months to reach one million users in the 3G network and 19 months with 4G.

According to the latest Subtel report (June), Entel leads 5G connections in Chile with 63% of the total nationwide. The difference in terms of the million enabled customers lies in those who use the network and those who have compatible equipment. Of an average total traffic of 19 GB in data usage per customer, 4.5 GB of them are on the new 5G network. The applications most used by users are social networks and streaming. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Netflix are the favorites.
