• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

Initiative developed jointly by the Government, Entel, Universidad de Chile and Ericsson, will be a space dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. During the event there was an exhibition of a drone for agricultural and forestry work that will be able to operate with this technology.

This development is part of the Observatorio Nacional 5G, a government initiative supported by the IDB, an instance that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

Santiago, 17 diciembre 2020.-

Only four months after it was announced by the Government, the first 5G Campus in the country is ready to start operating. It is a space located in the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of Universidad de Chile, which has experimental spectrum delivered by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, which was developed in conjunction with the technology companies Entel and Ericsson.

The objective of this initiative is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, valued this initiative. “We highlight the quick reception and commitment shown by both the country’s universities and companies in the sector to make agreements that allow the development of Campus 5G. We hope that from this faculty the necessary ideas and applications will emerge so that Chile can obtain the maximum potential of 5G, benefiting people, academia, productive sectors, etc.”


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is enough interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring for the digital development of Chile.”


Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs, Manuel Araya, assured that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests in relevant areas such as telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is one more sign of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology".


“5G technology is coming to the country to drive innovation and the digital transformation of society in practically all its economic and social areas. Its impact will reach the population as a substantial improvement in the quality of life, through access to the new opportunities offered by this technological revolution. This 5G Lab creates the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, allowing us to join the global community of advanced technologies”, said Francisco Martínez, dean of the FCFM of Universidad de Chile.

Characteristics of the 5G Campus

The 5G Campus, which will be directed by FCFM academic Sandra Céspedes, in addition to being an experimental center to test digital products and services, will also be an instance that will enhance an innovation program associated with practices, projects and developments based on 5G technology, as well as use cases that are enabled by this technology, such as multi-access edge computing, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others.


“With this initiative we want to impact the quality of life of people, since through research and advances in the telecommunications industry, we will host cutting-edge projects based on 5G, with technologies and applications that are being developed in the country for different industrial sectors. With these experimentation spaces we can continue to carry out quality research and accelerate technology transfer processes", explained Céspedes.

As part of the activity to launch the 5G Campus, the results of the first test with this technology for the agricultural-forestry sector in Latin America were shown. The demonstration consisted of the overflight of a drone experimentally connected in 5G that, through remote monitoring, delivered information on the state of the crops in real time, with high quality images and data on environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, thus facilitating decision-making and increasing productivity.


“As a leading company and the pioneer in the deployment of 5G across 5 continents, Ericsson is very proud to be able to support this important breakthrough for Chile’s academia. The application of Ericsson’s 5G technologies with our strategic partner Entel opens multiple business applications in different sectors, especially in precision agriculture, managing to accelerate processes that last 5 days in the field, reduced to 5 hours thanks to the high bandwidth and low latency of 5G,” , said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile, noting that this technology is also applied to reduce risks in Forestry and Mining, as well as applications in emergency situations, fires, natural disasters among several others.

Observatorio Nacional 5G

The National 5G Observatory, an initiative promoted by the government and supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was unveiled on the occasion. This instance seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about 5G technology according to the needs of our country. It is also an instance of cooperation between institutions of the public, social, academic and private sectors that wish to participate, share knowledge and experiences on 5G, either through a use case, or through the dissemination of knowledge activities such as research, publications or any knowledge activity, such as virtual sessions, training, courses, workshops, among others.

  1. RSubtel’s regulation in 5G, such as in health or environmental issues.
  2. 5G Campus, which already has the participation of several universities
  3. 5G use cases in both the public and private sectors.
  4. Promotion of innovation in 5G through access to financing funds.
  5. Communication and dissemination of content.

The Observatorio Nacional 5G has a website where content on 5G will be disseminated. In addition, anyone will be able to join digitally, which will allow them to disseminate the advances and challenges of the use cases, as well as publications, research and knowledge activities previously validated by SUBTEL.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, said that “since we started the 5G public tender process, we have always considered the participation of different stakeholders, either through public consultations or other mechanisms. Today we open a new instance of cooperation with the entry into force of this National 5G Observatory through use cases, dissemination of knowledge, research and dissemination of funds to support innovation in industries 4.0, which allow us to responsibly adopt the use and exploitation of emerging technologies in our country”.


The Undersecretary of bb Pamela Gidi, said that “we are taking another fundamental step to make the implementation of the 5G network a reality in Chile. One of the main tasks entrusted to us by President Sebastián Piñera was to lay the foundations to create the networks of the future that will support the digital development of our country and for this it is essential to advance in public-private partnerships that allow us to promote research and development, test new 5G pilots and involve academia, to create a robust digital ecosystem that is beneficial for the country’s digital economy and for our citizens to have access to new and better telecommunications services”..


Similarly, the IDB Representative in Chile, Yolanda Martinez, said that “the National 5G Observatory is a digital service that facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge about 5G, to know both its benefits and challenges to make a responsible adoption of this technology for the benefit of people”. He also highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the Chilean digital ecosystem to co-create innovation ecosystems and strengthen the country’s digital economy, concluding that the Observatorio Nacional 5G can be an example of regional collaboration and replicable in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through the support provided by the IDB through technical cooperation financed by the Korean Fund, SUBTEL was supported in the identification and definition of the sectors that would benefit the most from the deployment of 5G technology, in particular, through this definition SUBTEL will be able to design public and regulatory policies that make the deployment of 5G not only more cost efficient but also have a greater social and productive impact on the economy.

The Observatory joins the Campus 5G initiative, which aims to allow public and private institutions (SMEs and other companies) to test their systems and equipment, establishing these as laboratories for process experimentation. The information eventually collected from the tests will be used for periodic technical publications on the scope and possibilities of this technology at a national level. It will also help SUBTEL to generate technical standards or other instruments such as the analysis of spectrum bands and their functionality in 5G, and to train professionals and technicians in the standard of the new network.

In this line, SUBTEL has already signed research and experimentation agreements with both the University of Chile and the University of Concepción, and new academic and multinational technology and telecommunications institutions will soon join.

What is 5G and what will it allow?

5G technology is the new generation of mobile connectivity service, which began to take shape four decades ago worldwide with the appearance of the first cell phones.

An evolution that started with voice, text messages, data and now, total connectivity.

5G is a technological evolution that will gradually go beyond just increasing speed and performance, but will allow mobile networks to be expanded to support a large number of devices and services, improving latency and connecting new industries, with better performance, efficiency and costs

In the medium term, it will increase innovation, improve and massify data streaming, virtual reality, IoT and M2M, which refers to communication between two or more machines, such as fleet management, supply meters, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.


Public-private partnership launches first 5G campus and digital observatory to develop this technology in the country

17 Dic, 2020

Initiative developed jointly by the Government, Entel, Universidad de Chile and Ericsson, will be a space dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. During the event there was an exhibition of a drone for agricultural and forestry work that will be able to operate with this technology.

This development is part of the Observatorio Nacional 5G, a government initiative supported by the IDB, an instance that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

Santiago, 17 diciembre 2020.-

Only four months after it was announced by the Government, the first 5G Campus in the country is ready to start operating. It is a space located in the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of Universidad de Chile, which has experimental spectrum delivered by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, which was developed in conjunction with the technology companies Entel and Ericsson.

The objective of this initiative is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, valued this initiative. “We highlight the quick reception and commitment shown by both the country’s universities and companies in the sector to make agreements that allow the development of Campus 5G. We hope that from this faculty the necessary ideas and applications will emerge so that Chile can obtain the maximum potential of 5G, benefiting people, academia, productive sectors, etc.”


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is enough interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring for the digital development of Chile.”


Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs, Manuel Araya, assured that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests in relevant areas such as telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is one more sign of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology".


“5G technology is coming to the country to drive innovation and the digital transformation of society in practically all its economic and social areas. Its impact will reach the population as a substantial improvement in the quality of life, through access to the new opportunities offered by this technological revolution. This 5G Lab creates the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, allowing us to join the global community of advanced technologies”, said Francisco Martínez, dean of the FCFM of Universidad de Chile.

Characteristics of the 5G Campus

The 5G Campus, which will be directed by FCFM academic Sandra Céspedes, in addition to being an experimental center to test digital products and services, will also be an instance that will enhance an innovation program associated with practices, projects and developments based on 5G technology, as well as use cases that are enabled by this technology, such as multi-access edge computing, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others.


“With this initiative we want to impact the quality of life of people, since through research and advances in the telecommunications industry, we will host cutting-edge projects based on 5G, with technologies and applications that are being developed in the country for different industrial sectors. With these experimentation spaces we can continue to carry out quality research and accelerate technology transfer processes", explained Céspedes.

As part of the activity to launch the 5G Campus, the results of the first test with this technology for the agricultural-forestry sector in Latin America were shown. The demonstration consisted of the overflight of a drone experimentally connected in 5G that, through remote monitoring, delivered information on the state of the crops in real time, with high quality images and data on environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, thus facilitating decision-making and increasing productivity.


“As a leading company and the pioneer in the deployment of 5G across 5 continents, Ericsson is very proud to be able to support this important breakthrough for Chile’s academia. The application of Ericsson’s 5G technologies with our strategic partner Entel opens multiple business applications in different sectors, especially in precision agriculture, managing to accelerate processes that last 5 days in the field, reduced to 5 hours thanks to the high bandwidth and low latency of 5G,” , said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile, noting that this technology is also applied to reduce risks in Forestry and Mining, as well as applications in emergency situations, fires, natural disasters among several others.

Observatorio Nacional 5G

The National 5G Observatory, an initiative promoted by the government and supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was unveiled on the occasion. This instance seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about 5G technology according to the needs of our country. It is also an instance of cooperation between institutions of the public, social, academic and private sectors that wish to participate, share knowledge and experiences on 5G, either through a use case, or through the dissemination of knowledge activities such as research, publications or any knowledge activity, such as virtual sessions, training, courses, workshops, among others.

  1. RSubtel’s regulation in 5G, such as in health or environmental issues.
  2. 5G Campus, which already has the participation of several universities
  3. 5G use cases in both the public and private sectors.
  4. Promotion of innovation in 5G through access to financing funds.
  5. Communication and dissemination of content.

The Observatorio Nacional 5G has a website where content on 5G will be disseminated. In addition, anyone will be able to join digitally, which will allow them to disseminate the advances and challenges of the use cases, as well as publications, research and knowledge activities previously validated by SUBTEL.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, said that “since we started the 5G public tender process, we have always considered the participation of different stakeholders, either through public consultations or other mechanisms. Today we open a new instance of cooperation with the entry into force of this National 5G Observatory through use cases, dissemination of knowledge, research and dissemination of funds to support innovation in industries 4.0, which allow us to responsibly adopt the use and exploitation of emerging technologies in our country”.


The Undersecretary of bb Pamela Gidi, said that “we are taking another fundamental step to make the implementation of the 5G network a reality in Chile. One of the main tasks entrusted to us by President Sebastián Piñera was to lay the foundations to create the networks of the future that will support the digital development of our country and for this it is essential to advance in public-private partnerships that allow us to promote research and development, test new 5G pilots and involve academia, to create a robust digital ecosystem that is beneficial for the country’s digital economy and for our citizens to have access to new and better telecommunications services”..


Similarly, the IDB Representative in Chile, Yolanda Martinez, said that “the National 5G Observatory is a digital service that facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge about 5G, to know both its benefits and challenges to make a responsible adoption of this technology for the benefit of people”. He also highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the Chilean digital ecosystem to co-create innovation ecosystems and strengthen the country’s digital economy, concluding that the Observatorio Nacional 5G can be an example of regional collaboration and replicable in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through the support provided by the IDB through technical cooperation financed by the Korean Fund, SUBTEL was supported in the identification and definition of the sectors that would benefit the most from the deployment of 5G technology, in particular, through this definition SUBTEL will be able to design public and regulatory policies that make the deployment of 5G not only more cost efficient but also have a greater social and productive impact on the economy.

The Observatory joins the Campus 5G initiative, which aims to allow public and private institutions (SMEs and other companies) to test their systems and equipment, establishing these as laboratories for process experimentation. The information eventually collected from the tests will be used for periodic technical publications on the scope and possibilities of this technology at a national level. It will also help SUBTEL to generate technical standards or other instruments such as the analysis of spectrum bands and their functionality in 5G, and to train professionals and technicians in the standard of the new network.

In this line, SUBTEL has already signed research and experimentation agreements with both the University of Chile and the University of Concepción, and new academic and multinational technology and telecommunications institutions will soon join.

What is 5G and what will it allow?

5G technology is the new generation of mobile connectivity service, which began to take shape four decades ago worldwide with the appearance of the first cell phones.

An evolution that started with voice, text messages, data and now, total connectivity.

5G is a technological evolution that will gradually go beyond just increasing speed and performance, but will allow mobile networks to be expanded to support a large number of devices and services, improving latency and connecting new industries, with better performance, efficiency and costs

In the medium term, it will increase innovation, improve and massify data streaming, virtual reality, IoT and M2M, which refers to communication between two or more machines, such as fleet management, supply meters, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.


Initiative developed jointly by the Government, Entel, Universidad de Chile and Ericsson, will be a space dedicated to research, teaching, exploration and development of programs and applications around the new 5G network. During the event there was an exhibition of a drone for agricultural and forestry work that will be able to operate with this technology.

This development is part of the Observatorio Nacional 5G, a government initiative supported by the IDB, an instance that seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about this new technology, according to the needs of the country.

Santiago, 17 diciembre 2020.-

Only four months after it was announced by the Government, the first 5G Campus in the country is ready to start operating. It is a space located in the Beauchef campus of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of Universidad de Chile, which has experimental spectrum delivered by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, which was developed in conjunction with the technology companies Entel and Ericsson.

The objective of this initiative is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, valued this initiative. “We highlight the quick reception and commitment shown by both the country’s universities and companies in the sector to make agreements that allow the development of Campus 5G. We hope that from this faculty the necessary ideas and applications will emerge so that Chile can obtain the maximum potential of 5G, benefiting people, academia, productive sectors, etc.”


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is enough interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring for the digital development of Chile.”


Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs, Manuel Araya, assured that “as a company we want to be a relevant actor in the deployment of 5G and we have been concerned about showing the public all its potential, through pilot tests in relevant areas such as telemedicine and industrial processes. The collaboration in this 5G Campus is one more sign of our commitment to the early deployment and development of this important technology".


“5G technology is coming to the country to drive innovation and the digital transformation of society in practically all its economic and social areas. Its impact will reach the population as a substantial improvement in the quality of life, through access to the new opportunities offered by this technological revolution. This 5G Lab creates the conditions for training, experimentation, development and application of this technology in Chile, allowing us to join the global community of advanced technologies”, said Francisco Martínez, dean of the FCFM of Universidad de Chile.

Characteristics of the 5G Campus

The 5G Campus, which will be directed by FCFM academic Sandra Céspedes, in addition to being an experimental center to test digital products and services, will also be an instance that will enhance an innovation program associated with practices, projects and developments based on 5G technology, as well as use cases that are enabled by this technology, such as multi-access edge computing, artificial intelligence, data analytics, automation and robotization, among others.


“With this initiative we want to impact the quality of life of people, since through research and advances in the telecommunications industry, we will host cutting-edge projects based on 5G, with technologies and applications that are being developed in the country for different industrial sectors. With these experimentation spaces we can continue to carry out quality research and accelerate technology transfer processes", explained Céspedes.

As part of the activity to launch the 5G Campus, the results of the first test with this technology for the agricultural-forestry sector in Latin America were shown. The demonstration consisted of the overflight of a drone experimentally connected in 5G that, through remote monitoring, delivered information on the state of the crops in real time, with high quality images and data on environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, thus facilitating decision-making and increasing productivity.


“As a leading company and the pioneer in the deployment of 5G across 5 continents, Ericsson is very proud to be able to support this important breakthrough for Chile’s academia. The application of Ericsson’s 5G technologies with our strategic partner Entel opens multiple business applications in different sectors, especially in precision agriculture, managing to accelerate processes that last 5 days in the field, reduced to 5 hours thanks to the high bandwidth and low latency of 5G,” , said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile, noting that this technology is also applied to reduce risks in Forestry and Mining, as well as applications in emergency situations, fires, natural disasters among several others.

Observatorio Nacional 5G

The National 5G Observatory, an initiative promoted by the government and supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was unveiled on the occasion. This instance seeks to promote the collaboration of the digital ecosystem in Chile for research, development and dissemination of knowledge about 5G technology according to the needs of our country. It is also an instance of cooperation between institutions of the public, social, academic and private sectors that wish to participate, share knowledge and experiences on 5G, either through a use case, or through the dissemination of knowledge activities such as research, publications or any knowledge activity, such as virtual sessions, training, courses, workshops, among others.

  1. RSubtel’s regulation in 5G, such as in health or environmental issues.
  2. 5G Campus, which already has the participation of several universities
  3. 5G use cases in both the public and private sectors.
  4. Promotion of innovation in 5G through access to financing funds.
  5. Communication and dissemination of content.

The Observatorio Nacional 5G has a website where content on 5G will be disseminated. In addition, anyone will be able to join digitally, which will allow them to disseminate the advances and challenges of the use cases, as well as publications, research and knowledge activities previously validated by SUBTEL.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, said that “since we started the 5G public tender process, we have always considered the participation of different stakeholders, either through public consultations or other mechanisms. Today we open a new instance of cooperation with the entry into force of this National 5G Observatory through use cases, dissemination of knowledge, research and dissemination of funds to support innovation in industries 4.0, which allow us to responsibly adopt the use and exploitation of emerging technologies in our country”.


The Undersecretary of bb Pamela Gidi, said that “we are taking another fundamental step to make the implementation of the 5G network a reality in Chile. One of the main tasks entrusted to us by President Sebastián Piñera was to lay the foundations to create the networks of the future that will support the digital development of our country and for this it is essential to advance in public-private partnerships that allow us to promote research and development, test new 5G pilots and involve academia, to create a robust digital ecosystem that is beneficial for the country’s digital economy and for our citizens to have access to new and better telecommunications services”..


Similarly, the IDB Representative in Chile, Yolanda Martinez, said that “the National 5G Observatory is a digital service that facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge about 5G, to know both its benefits and challenges to make a responsible adoption of this technology for the benefit of people”. He also highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the Chilean digital ecosystem to co-create innovation ecosystems and strengthen the country’s digital economy, concluding that the Observatorio Nacional 5G can be an example of regional collaboration and replicable in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through the support provided by the IDB through technical cooperation financed by the Korean Fund, SUBTEL was supported in the identification and definition of the sectors that would benefit the most from the deployment of 5G technology, in particular, through this definition SUBTEL will be able to design public and regulatory policies that make the deployment of 5G not only more cost efficient but also have a greater social and productive impact on the economy.

The Observatory joins the Campus 5G initiative, which aims to allow public and private institutions (SMEs and other companies) to test their systems and equipment, establishing these as laboratories for process experimentation. The information eventually collected from the tests will be used for periodic technical publications on the scope and possibilities of this technology at a national level. It will also help SUBTEL to generate technical standards or other instruments such as the analysis of spectrum bands and their functionality in 5G, and to train professionals and technicians in the standard of the new network.

In this line, SUBTEL has already signed research and experimentation agreements with both the University of Chile and the University of Concepción, and new academic and multinational technology and telecommunications institutions will soon join.

What is 5G and what will it allow?

5G technology is the new generation of mobile connectivity service, which began to take shape four decades ago worldwide with the appearance of the first cell phones.

An evolution that started with voice, text messages, data and now, total connectivity.

5G is a technological evolution that will gradually go beyond just increasing speed and performance, but will allow mobile networks to be expanded to support a large number of devices and services, improving latency and connecting new industries, with better performance, efficiency and costs

In the medium term, it will increase innovation, improve and massify data streaming, virtual reality, IoT and M2M, which refers to communication between two or more machines, such as fleet management, supply meters, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
