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According to Entel analysis:

April 14, 2021 was the day with the highest mobile data traffic in the country since the quarantines began in March last year, while the application with the highest traffic in this period was Facebook.

After more than 17 months of pandemic and after for the first time no commune in Chile is in quarantine, the technology and telecommunications company Entel delivered an analysis regarding the evolution that has had the use of mobile traffic by users in the country during this extensive period, which has seen changes in the behaviors of people regarding greater connectivity, began to perform more activities online, such as teleworking, distance learning, paying bills, shopping at retails, ordering from supermarkets and using delivery applications, among others.

Entel’s figures show a 39% growth in mobile data traffic usage, when comparing what was happening in Chile during the first half of March 2020, before the start of the confinement cycles, versus the first half of June this year. If before the quarantines, 39,237,753 gigabytes (GB) were trafficked in Chile at national level, in the same period of June 2021, the figure reached 54,692,483 GB.

The report also points out that, at national level, April 14 of this year was the day with the highest mobile data traffic within this pandemic period, which coincides with the discussion in Congress regarding the project of the third withdrawal of 10% of the AFP.

Regarding voice traffic in the mobile network, Entel’s data also show a 23% growth during the pandemic period. And so far in this cycle, the day on which most people talked on cell phones in Chile was March 31, the day on which new restrictive measures were introduced by the government to control contagion and the Middle Class Bonus was being debated in Congress. During that day, more than 124 million minutes were trafficked.


“Since March 2020 we have experienced a significant increase in mobile data traffic as a result of the pandemic, which has required a lot of hard work to maintain our users’ connections in a good way. This involved, for example, working tirelessly to strengthen and harden our entire network. The growth in data consumption continues to be significant and remains above average compared to the period prior to the health crisis", said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

Likewise, Entel’s analysis of mobile data traffic indicates that, at a regional level, La Araucanía and Los Ríos led the increase in mobile data traffic during the pandemic, each reaching a 74% growth, followed by the Magallanes region, which increased by 65% in the same period.

As for the use of applications, according to Entel’s analysis, during the pandemic in Chile, at national level, the application with the highest mobile data traffic during this time has been Facebook, with more than 3,688,231 Terabytes, while the massive social network TikTok was the one with the highest growth, with 199%. Meanwhile, the messaging application Telegram registered an increase of 129%, obtaining the second place in traffic during this time. In third place was the family streaming application Disney Plus, with an increase of 120%.


Nationwide mobile data traffic up 39% during pandemic

6 Sep, 2021

According to Entel analysis:

April 14, 2021 was the day with the highest mobile data traffic in the country since the quarantines began in March last year, while the application with the highest traffic in this period was Facebook.

After more than 17 months of pandemic and after for the first time no commune in Chile is in quarantine, the technology and telecommunications company Entel delivered an analysis regarding the evolution that has had the use of mobile traffic by users in the country during this extensive period, which has seen changes in the behaviors of people regarding greater connectivity, began to perform more activities online, such as teleworking, distance learning, paying bills, shopping at retails, ordering from supermarkets and using delivery applications, among others.

Entel’s figures show a 39% growth in mobile data traffic usage, when comparing what was happening in Chile during the first half of March 2020, before the start of the confinement cycles, versus the first half of June this year. If before the quarantines, 39,237,753 gigabytes (GB) were trafficked in Chile at national level, in the same period of June 2021, the figure reached 54,692,483 GB.

The report also points out that, at national level, April 14 of this year was the day with the highest mobile data traffic within this pandemic period, which coincides with the discussion in Congress regarding the project of the third withdrawal of 10% of the AFP.

Regarding voice traffic in the mobile network, Entel’s data also show a 23% growth during the pandemic period. And so far in this cycle, the day on which most people talked on cell phones in Chile was March 31, the day on which new restrictive measures were introduced by the government to control contagion and the Middle Class Bonus was being debated in Congress. During that day, more than 124 million minutes were trafficked.


“Since March 2020 we have experienced a significant increase in mobile data traffic as a result of the pandemic, which has required a lot of hard work to maintain our users’ connections in a good way. This involved, for example, working tirelessly to strengthen and harden our entire network. The growth in data consumption continues to be significant and remains above average compared to the period prior to the health crisis", said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

Likewise, Entel’s analysis of mobile data traffic indicates that, at a regional level, La Araucanía and Los Ríos led the increase in mobile data traffic during the pandemic, each reaching a 74% growth, followed by the Magallanes region, which increased by 65% in the same period.

As for the use of applications, according to Entel’s analysis, during the pandemic in Chile, at national level, the application with the highest mobile data traffic during this time has been Facebook, with more than 3,688,231 Terabytes, while the massive social network TikTok was the one with the highest growth, with 199%. Meanwhile, the messaging application Telegram registered an increase of 129%, obtaining the second place in traffic during this time. In third place was the family streaming application Disney Plus, with an increase of 120%.


According to Entel analysis:

April 14, 2021 was the day with the highest mobile data traffic in the country since the quarantines began in March last year, while the application with the highest traffic in this period was Facebook.

After more than 17 months of pandemic and after for the first time no commune in Chile is in quarantine, the technology and telecommunications company Entel delivered an analysis regarding the evolution that has had the use of mobile traffic by users in the country during this extensive period, which has seen changes in the behaviors of people regarding greater connectivity, began to perform more activities online, such as teleworking, distance learning, paying bills, shopping at retails, ordering from supermarkets and using delivery applications, among others.

Entel’s figures show a 39% growth in mobile data traffic usage, when comparing what was happening in Chile during the first half of March 2020, before the start of the confinement cycles, versus the first half of June this year. If before the quarantines, 39,237,753 gigabytes (GB) were trafficked in Chile at national level, in the same period of June 2021, the figure reached 54,692,483 GB.

The report also points out that, at national level, April 14 of this year was the day with the highest mobile data traffic within this pandemic period, which coincides with the discussion in Congress regarding the project of the third withdrawal of 10% of the AFP.

Regarding voice traffic in the mobile network, Entel’s data also show a 23% growth during the pandemic period. And so far in this cycle, the day on which most people talked on cell phones in Chile was March 31, the day on which new restrictive measures were introduced by the government to control contagion and the Middle Class Bonus was being debated in Congress. During that day, more than 124 million minutes were trafficked.


“Since March 2020 we have experienced a significant increase in mobile data traffic as a result of the pandemic, which has required a lot of hard work to maintain our users’ connections in a good way. This involved, for example, working tirelessly to strengthen and harden our entire network. The growth in data consumption continues to be significant and remains above average compared to the period prior to the health crisis", said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

Likewise, Entel’s analysis of mobile data traffic indicates that, at a regional level, La Araucanía and Los Ríos led the increase in mobile data traffic during the pandemic, each reaching a 74% growth, followed by the Magallanes region, which increased by 65% in the same period.

As for the use of applications, according to Entel’s analysis, during the pandemic in Chile, at national level, the application with the highest mobile data traffic during this time has been Facebook, with more than 3,688,231 Terabytes, while the massive social network TikTok was the one with the highest growth, with 199%. Meanwhile, the messaging application Telegram registered an increase of 129%, obtaining the second place in traffic during this time. In third place was the family streaming application Disney Plus, with an increase of 120%.
