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According to data collected by Entel:

The company’s latest analysis also revealed that 5G mobile traffic grew exponentially in the regions of Aysén, Atacama and Antofagasta.

Instagram, Youtube and Facebook continue to lead the list of applications most used by the technology and telecommunications company’s customers.

In recent years, internet use has grown significantly as a result of the ease of accessing, with only one click, multiple content and applications. This, together with the quality of Entel’s network and the good browsing experience, explains the sustained growth in the use of mobile data by its customers.

According to the latest study conducted by the technology and telecommunications company on the consumption behavior of its subscriber base, mobile data usage grew by 28% during the first half of this year, compared to the first six months of 2022. At national level, it went from 822,348,178 gigabytes (GB) used in 2022 to 1,056,538,578 GB trafficked until last June. And in this context, the growth in the regions of Magallanes, Antofagasta and Tarapacá stands out, where strong increases of 62%, 59% and 58% respectively were recorded.

2022 was the year of the irruption of 5G and two weeks ago Entel officially delivered 100% of Phase II of its fifth-generation network technical project, with which it already has presence in all regions and in 311 communes.

The reality is that people’s interest in this new technology continues to grow, which is reflected in their preference when choosing devices connected to this technology and, at the same time, in the significant increase in data traffic over 5G networks. The numbers speak for themselves.

The fifth-generation network marked notable increases. Nationwide 5G data usage was seven times higher than in the first half of 2022, as a result of the increased deployment of this network nationwide. In that line, the main increases were recorded in the regions of Aysén (905 times), Atacama (93 times) and Antofagasta (78 times).

“The quality of the connectivity service we offer to our customers is a crucial issue for Entel and that is why during 2022, and so far this year, we strengthened our 4G and 5G networks, especially to reach the most remote areas of the country with fifth-generation technology. On the other hand, to ensure our customers a first-class navigation experience, it is also necessary to advance in the process of technological evolution of our networks. That is why we announced a couple of months ago the gradual switch-off of the 2G network, in order to make a more efficient and effective use of the spectrum and, thus, advance in an inclusive digitalization,” said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

According to the executive, this explains why as of June this year they have a 37.1% market share in mobile internet traffic, which places them as industry leaders according to the latest sectorial report published by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

Most used Apps

Entel’s analysis also provides information on the behavior of its customers, in terms of the use of mobile applications in everyday life and the digital trends that ‘are taking it’.

According to the company’s latest study, 80% of the data consumed is done in only six apps. Instagram, Youtube and Facebook are still the most used apps with 21%, 14% and 13.7% respectively. They are followed by Tik Tok (12%), HTTPS (11%) and Netflix, with about 8.5%. With lower percentage, Google Play, Google Common, Spotify and PlayStation were in the Top 10.

Compared to the first half of 2022, as of June this year, the growth of apps related to download and public transport platforms was maintained, with an increase of 158% and 144% respectively. These include Google Play, App Store, Google Maps and Waze GPS. Other sectors that showed an increase were social networks (141%), work (125%), streaming (112%) and gaming (112%). Apps associated with purchases fell by 26%.


[Note of the Translator: Growth of use of mobile data, first semester 2023. Data traffic at a national level 5G: in the wake of the growth of 5G deployment, covering 311 communes in the country, the regions of Aysen, Atacama and Antofagasta were those with the biggest increase in data traffic with this technology. Antennas 1371 new base stations in 311 communes, Clients 1,202,736 of Entel clients active in 5G network Connection 16% of Entel mobile connections until June 2023 are 5G Traffic 6,97% of the traffic is 5G. apps with the highest national consumption, 1st semester 2023 80% of the traffic is generated by these 6 apps.]

Mobile data usage rises 28% nationwide in first half of the year

22 Sep, 2023

According to data collected by Entel:

The company’s latest analysis also revealed that 5G mobile traffic grew exponentially in the regions of Aysén, Atacama and Antofagasta.

Instagram, Youtube and Facebook continue to lead the list of applications most used by the technology and telecommunications company’s customers.

In recent years, internet use has grown significantly as a result of the ease of accessing, with only one click, multiple content and applications. This, together with the quality of Entel’s network and the good browsing experience, explains the sustained growth in the use of mobile data by its customers.

According to the latest study conducted by the technology and telecommunications company on the consumption behavior of its subscriber base, mobile data usage grew by 28% during the first half of this year, compared to the first six months of 2022. At national level, it went from 822,348,178 gigabytes (GB) used in 2022 to 1,056,538,578 GB trafficked until last June. And in this context, the growth in the regions of Magallanes, Antofagasta and Tarapacá stands out, where strong increases of 62%, 59% and 58% respectively were recorded.

2022 was the year of the irruption of 5G and two weeks ago Entel officially delivered 100% of Phase II of its fifth-generation network technical project, with which it already has presence in all regions and in 311 communes.

The reality is that people’s interest in this new technology continues to grow, which is reflected in their preference when choosing devices connected to this technology and, at the same time, in the significant increase in data traffic over 5G networks. The numbers speak for themselves.

The fifth-generation network marked notable increases. Nationwide 5G data usage was seven times higher than in the first half of 2022, as a result of the increased deployment of this network nationwide. In that line, the main increases were recorded in the regions of Aysén (905 times), Atacama (93 times) and Antofagasta (78 times).

“The quality of the connectivity service we offer to our customers is a crucial issue for Entel and that is why during 2022, and so far this year, we strengthened our 4G and 5G networks, especially to reach the most remote areas of the country with fifth-generation technology. On the other hand, to ensure our customers a first-class navigation experience, it is also necessary to advance in the process of technological evolution of our networks. That is why we announced a couple of months ago the gradual switch-off of the 2G network, in order to make a more efficient and effective use of the spectrum and, thus, advance in an inclusive digitalization,” said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

According to the executive, this explains why as of June this year they have a 37.1% market share in mobile internet traffic, which places them as industry leaders according to the latest sectorial report published by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

Most used Apps

Entel’s analysis also provides information on the behavior of its customers, in terms of the use of mobile applications in everyday life and the digital trends that ‘are taking it’.

According to the company’s latest study, 80% of the data consumed is done in only six apps. Instagram, Youtube and Facebook are still the most used apps with 21%, 14% and 13.7% respectively. They are followed by Tik Tok (12%), HTTPS (11%) and Netflix, with about 8.5%. With lower percentage, Google Play, Google Common, Spotify and PlayStation were in the Top 10.

Compared to the first half of 2022, as of June this year, the growth of apps related to download and public transport platforms was maintained, with an increase of 158% and 144% respectively. These include Google Play, App Store, Google Maps and Waze GPS. Other sectors that showed an increase were social networks (141%), work (125%), streaming (112%) and gaming (112%). Apps associated with purchases fell by 26%.


[Note of the Translator: Growth of use of mobile data, first semester 2023. Data traffic at a national level 5G: in the wake of the growth of 5G deployment, covering 311 communes in the country, the regions of Aysen, Atacama and Antofagasta were those with the biggest increase in data traffic with this technology. Antennas 1371 new base stations in 311 communes, Clients 1,202,736 of Entel clients active in 5G network Connection 16% of Entel mobile connections until June 2023 are 5G Traffic 6,97% of the traffic is 5G. apps with the highest national consumption, 1st semester 2023 80% of the traffic is generated by these 6 apps.]

According to data collected by Entel:

The company’s latest analysis also revealed that 5G mobile traffic grew exponentially in the regions of Aysén, Atacama and Antofagasta.

Instagram, Youtube and Facebook continue to lead the list of applications most used by the technology and telecommunications company’s customers.

In recent years, internet use has grown significantly as a result of the ease of accessing, with only one click, multiple content and applications. This, together with the quality of Entel’s network and the good browsing experience, explains the sustained growth in the use of mobile data by its customers.

According to the latest study conducted by the technology and telecommunications company on the consumption behavior of its subscriber base, mobile data usage grew by 28% during the first half of this year, compared to the first six months of 2022. At national level, it went from 822,348,178 gigabytes (GB) used in 2022 to 1,056,538,578 GB trafficked until last June. And in this context, the growth in the regions of Magallanes, Antofagasta and Tarapacá stands out, where strong increases of 62%, 59% and 58% respectively were recorded.

2022 was the year of the irruption of 5G and two weeks ago Entel officially delivered 100% of Phase II of its fifth-generation network technical project, with which it already has presence in all regions and in 311 communes.

The reality is that people’s interest in this new technology continues to grow, which is reflected in their preference when choosing devices connected to this technology and, at the same time, in the significant increase in data traffic over 5G networks. The numbers speak for themselves.

The fifth-generation network marked notable increases. Nationwide 5G data usage was seven times higher than in the first half of 2022, as a result of the increased deployment of this network nationwide. In that line, the main increases were recorded in the regions of Aysén (905 times), Atacama (93 times) and Antofagasta (78 times).

“The quality of the connectivity service we offer to our customers is a crucial issue for Entel and that is why during 2022, and so far this year, we strengthened our 4G and 5G networks, especially to reach the most remote areas of the country with fifth-generation technology. On the other hand, to ensure our customers a first-class navigation experience, it is also necessary to advance in the process of technological evolution of our networks. That is why we announced a couple of months ago the gradual switch-off of the 2G network, in order to make a more efficient and effective use of the spectrum and, thus, advance in an inclusive digitalization,” said Manuel Araya, Entel’s Manager of Regulation and Corporate Affairs.

According to the executive, this explains why as of June this year they have a 37.1% market share in mobile internet traffic, which places them as industry leaders according to the latest sectorial report published by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

Most used Apps

Entel’s analysis also provides information on the behavior of its customers, in terms of the use of mobile applications in everyday life and the digital trends that ‘are taking it’.

According to the company’s latest study, 80% of the data consumed is done in only six apps. Instagram, Youtube and Facebook are still the most used apps with 21%, 14% and 13.7% respectively. They are followed by Tik Tok (12%), HTTPS (11%) and Netflix, with about 8.5%. With lower percentage, Google Play, Google Common, Spotify and PlayStation were in the Top 10.

Compared to the first half of 2022, as of June this year, the growth of apps related to download and public transport platforms was maintained, with an increase of 158% and 144% respectively. These include Google Play, App Store, Google Maps and Waze GPS. Other sectors that showed an increase were social networks (141%), work (125%), streaming (112%) and gaming (112%). Apps associated with purchases fell by 26%.


[Note of the Translator: Growth of use of mobile data, first semester 2023. Data traffic at a national level 5G: in the wake of the growth of 5G deployment, covering 311 communes in the country, the regions of Aysen, Atacama and Antofagasta were those with the biggest increase in data traffic with this technology. Antennas 1371 new base stations in 311 communes, Clients 1,202,736 of Entel clients active in 5G network Connection 16% of Entel mobile connections until June 2023 are 5G Traffic 6,97% of the traffic is 5G. apps with the highest national consumption, 1st semester 2023 80% of the traffic is generated by these 6 apps.]