• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
In Renca:

On the occasion, the technology and telecommunications company reported that it already has its fifth generation network deployed in all regions of the country, of which 14 regions are authorized to operate commercially. In addition, close to 600 thousand customers are enabled to use this technology.

Five months after its launch, the deployment of 5G technology continues to advance nationwide and, with it, the need to show the population the countless opportunities and benefits it will bring in different areas.

In this context, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with the Municipality of Renca, Entel and Ericsson, carried out a new experimental demonstration with this fifth generation technology, in which a group of students from the Domingo Santa María School in that commune were connected to a virtual classroom via 5G, where they were able to study the human body, using virtual reality glasses.

The activity was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro; the country manager of Ericsson, Enzo Zunino, and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi.

On the occasion, it was possible to see a teacher leading a fully virtualized biology class, in which he showed the anatomy of the human body, the different systems that compose it and even some organs, their structures and functioning, delivering a high quality immersive experience from a classroom or from home using 5G.

The Minister (Deputy) of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, provided for that “the pandemic produced an intense digital transformation and highlighted the relevance of telecommunications networks for Chileans. These provide opportunities for thousands of students to access new immersive education tools, which will also be enhanced with the deployment of 5G and the massification of Artificial Intelligence and IoT. In this sense, it is everyone’s task, public, private and academic sectors, to guide and educate the new generations on how to relate to new technologies, provide them with digital literacy skills and teach them how to safeguard their personal information”..

For his part, the mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, highlighted that 5G “allows us to open up new possibilities, for example, in the field of tools for public education. It also helps us to improve and modernize municipal services for the residents of the commune. We know that the Internet is a fundamental tool for people’s lives, so we believe it is vital that public and private actors focus on shortening the digital divide, and that means creating bridges so that people have easy access to this service”.

In this line, in the activity Entel and the Municipality of Renca also signed a collaboration agreement to promote technological development and favor digital inclusion, and it was reported that the technology and telecommunications company would deliver various 5G technological tools to the municipality.

“Understanding the importance of this type of instruments, as a municipality we have worked on digital literacy programs for senior citizens, digital skills for women entrepreneurs, among other initiatives that allow our community to approach these tools with greater ownership and knowledge” , added the mayor.

It is worth remembering that one of the main characteristics of 5G is that it minimizes latency and download speeds, functioning as an enabling technology for others, such as IoT, as it allows multiple devices to be connected to each other.

“As it consolidates, 5G will bring unthinkable advances in areas such as virtual and immersive reality, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and will have a significant impact on the industrial sector, thanks to the massification of IoT and process automation. But it will also bring significant improvements in areas such as health and education, which will help to improve the quality of life and bring opportunities that today, for various reasons, do not reach all people”, said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Entel deployment

A few months after announcing the deployment plan, Entel informed at the event that its network is already deployed nationwide, of which 14 regions already have Subtel’s authorization to operate commercially. In this way, it has already achieved a 60% progress nationwide of the 5G network committed for the first stage, allowing more and more customers to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

Entel recently announced that it will invest US $350 million over the next three years to meet the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand.

To date, the company has invested around US $60 million and, as a result, 90 communes already have this technology, including Renca, which was one of the first in the Metropolitan Region, Copiapó, Alto Hospicio, San Fernando, Talca, Concepción and Temuco, to mention a few.

With regard to users, it was reported that of the total number of cell phones that Entel currently sells, more than 50% are compatible with this new technology. This explains why there are already around 600 thousand customers of the company with 5G smartphones; and, of these, almost 300 thousand have already connected to the network that is deployed and authorized to date.

“The adoption of different technologies has been increasingly rapid, and with 5G it will be no different. People, due to the pandemic and the good state of telecommunications networks in Chile, have become accustomed to being intensive customers in the use of different technologies and demand services that bring them closer to the benefits of these developments", assured Antonio Büchi.

Benefits of 5G for education

  • Improves the experience, content and transmission of remote classes.
  • Allows a more fluid interaction between students and teachers.
  • Enhances the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in learning.
  • Contributes to the massification and growth of the Digital Education industry.


Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications together with Entel conduct first 5G pilot test for education using virtual reality to learn about the human body

16 May, 2022

In Renca:

On the occasion, the technology and telecommunications company reported that it already has its fifth generation network deployed in all regions of the country, of which 14 regions are authorized to operate commercially. In addition, close to 600 thousand customers are enabled to use this technology.

Five months after its launch, the deployment of 5G technology continues to advance nationwide and, with it, the need to show the population the countless opportunities and benefits it will bring in different areas.

In this context, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with the Municipality of Renca, Entel and Ericsson, carried out a new experimental demonstration with this fifth generation technology, in which a group of students from the Domingo Santa María School in that commune were connected to a virtual classroom via 5G, where they were able to study the human body, using virtual reality glasses.

The activity was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro; the country manager of Ericsson, Enzo Zunino, and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi.

On the occasion, it was possible to see a teacher leading a fully virtualized biology class, in which he showed the anatomy of the human body, the different systems that compose it and even some organs, their structures and functioning, delivering a high quality immersive experience from a classroom or from home using 5G.

The Minister (Deputy) of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, provided for that “the pandemic produced an intense digital transformation and highlighted the relevance of telecommunications networks for Chileans. These provide opportunities for thousands of students to access new immersive education tools, which will also be enhanced with the deployment of 5G and the massification of Artificial Intelligence and IoT. In this sense, it is everyone’s task, public, private and academic sectors, to guide and educate the new generations on how to relate to new technologies, provide them with digital literacy skills and teach them how to safeguard their personal information”..

For his part, the mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, highlighted that 5G “allows us to open up new possibilities, for example, in the field of tools for public education. It also helps us to improve and modernize municipal services for the residents of the commune. We know that the Internet is a fundamental tool for people’s lives, so we believe it is vital that public and private actors focus on shortening the digital divide, and that means creating bridges so that people have easy access to this service”.

In this line, in the activity Entel and the Municipality of Renca also signed a collaboration agreement to promote technological development and favor digital inclusion, and it was reported that the technology and telecommunications company would deliver various 5G technological tools to the municipality.

“Understanding the importance of this type of instruments, as a municipality we have worked on digital literacy programs for senior citizens, digital skills for women entrepreneurs, among other initiatives that allow our community to approach these tools with greater ownership and knowledge” , added the mayor.

It is worth remembering that one of the main characteristics of 5G is that it minimizes latency and download speeds, functioning as an enabling technology for others, such as IoT, as it allows multiple devices to be connected to each other.

“As it consolidates, 5G will bring unthinkable advances in areas such as virtual and immersive reality, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and will have a significant impact on the industrial sector, thanks to the massification of IoT and process automation. But it will also bring significant improvements in areas such as health and education, which will help to improve the quality of life and bring opportunities that today, for various reasons, do not reach all people”, said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Entel deployment

A few months after announcing the deployment plan, Entel informed at the event that its network is already deployed nationwide, of which 14 regions already have Subtel’s authorization to operate commercially. In this way, it has already achieved a 60% progress nationwide of the 5G network committed for the first stage, allowing more and more customers to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

Entel recently announced that it will invest US $350 million over the next three years to meet the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand.

To date, the company has invested around US $60 million and, as a result, 90 communes already have this technology, including Renca, which was one of the first in the Metropolitan Region, Copiapó, Alto Hospicio, San Fernando, Talca, Concepción and Temuco, to mention a few.

With regard to users, it was reported that of the total number of cell phones that Entel currently sells, more than 50% are compatible with this new technology. This explains why there are already around 600 thousand customers of the company with 5G smartphones; and, of these, almost 300 thousand have already connected to the network that is deployed and authorized to date.

“The adoption of different technologies has been increasingly rapid, and with 5G it will be no different. People, due to the pandemic and the good state of telecommunications networks in Chile, have become accustomed to being intensive customers in the use of different technologies and demand services that bring them closer to the benefits of these developments", assured Antonio Büchi.

Benefits of 5G for education

  • Improves the experience, content and transmission of remote classes.
  • Allows a more fluid interaction between students and teachers.
  • Enhances the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in learning.
  • Contributes to the massification and growth of the Digital Education industry.


In Renca:

On the occasion, the technology and telecommunications company reported that it already has its fifth generation network deployed in all regions of the country, of which 14 regions are authorized to operate commercially. In addition, close to 600 thousand customers are enabled to use this technology.

Five months after its launch, the deployment of 5G technology continues to advance nationwide and, with it, the need to show the population the countless opportunities and benefits it will bring in different areas.

In this context, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, together with the Municipality of Renca, Entel and Ericsson, carried out a new experimental demonstration with this fifth generation technology, in which a group of students from the Domingo Santa María School in that commune were connected to a virtual classroom via 5G, where they were able to study the human body, using virtual reality glasses.

The activity was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; the Mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro; the country manager of Ericsson, Enzo Zunino, and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi.

On the occasion, it was possible to see a teacher leading a fully virtualized biology class, in which he showed the anatomy of the human body, the different systems that compose it and even some organs, their structures and functioning, delivering a high quality immersive experience from a classroom or from home using 5G.

The Minister (Deputy) of Transport and Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, provided for that “the pandemic produced an intense digital transformation and highlighted the relevance of telecommunications networks for Chileans. These provide opportunities for thousands of students to access new immersive education tools, which will also be enhanced with the deployment of 5G and the massification of Artificial Intelligence and IoT. In this sense, it is everyone’s task, public, private and academic sectors, to guide and educate the new generations on how to relate to new technologies, provide them with digital literacy skills and teach them how to safeguard their personal information”..

For his part, the mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, highlighted that 5G “allows us to open up new possibilities, for example, in the field of tools for public education. It also helps us to improve and modernize municipal services for the residents of the commune. We know that the Internet is a fundamental tool for people’s lives, so we believe it is vital that public and private actors focus on shortening the digital divide, and that means creating bridges so that people have easy access to this service”.

In this line, in the activity Entel and the Municipality of Renca also signed a collaboration agreement to promote technological development and favor digital inclusion, and it was reported that the technology and telecommunications company would deliver various 5G technological tools to the municipality.

“Understanding the importance of this type of instruments, as a municipality we have worked on digital literacy programs for senior citizens, digital skills for women entrepreneurs, among other initiatives that allow our community to approach these tools with greater ownership and knowledge” , added the mayor.

It is worth remembering that one of the main characteristics of 5G is that it minimizes latency and download speeds, functioning as an enabling technology for others, such as IoT, as it allows multiple devices to be connected to each other.

“As it consolidates, 5G will bring unthinkable advances in areas such as virtual and immersive reality, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and will have a significant impact on the industrial sector, thanks to the massification of IoT and process automation. But it will also bring significant improvements in areas such as health and education, which will help to improve the quality of life and bring opportunities that today, for various reasons, do not reach all people”, said Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi.

Entel deployment

A few months after announcing the deployment plan, Entel informed at the event that its network is already deployed nationwide, of which 14 regions already have Subtel’s authorization to operate commercially. In this way, it has already achieved a 60% progress nationwide of the 5G network committed for the first stage, allowing more and more customers to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

Entel recently announced that it will invest US $350 million over the next three years to meet the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand.

To date, the company has invested around US $60 million and, as a result, 90 communes already have this technology, including Renca, which was one of the first in the Metropolitan Region, Copiapó, Alto Hospicio, San Fernando, Talca, Concepción and Temuco, to mention a few.

With regard to users, it was reported that of the total number of cell phones that Entel currently sells, more than 50% are compatible with this new technology. This explains why there are already around 600 thousand customers of the company with 5G smartphones; and, of these, almost 300 thousand have already connected to the network that is deployed and authorized to date.

“The adoption of different technologies has been increasingly rapid, and with 5G it will be no different. People, due to the pandemic and the good state of telecommunications networks in Chile, have become accustomed to being intensive customers in the use of different technologies and demand services that bring them closer to the benefits of these developments", assured Antonio Büchi.

Benefits of 5G for education

  • Improves the experience, content and transmission of remote classes.
  • Allows a more fluid interaction between students and teachers.
  • Enhances the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in learning.
  • Contributes to the massification and growth of the Digital Education industry.
