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The indicators formulated by the MTT and implemented by Entel determined that the structure of travel in cities has changed.

The data laboratory is a public-private initiative that seeks to contribute with information to decision-making on mobility in the short and medium term, through the massive use of data.

With the presence of more than 280 experts and professionals linked to the world of transportation and mobility, the webinar “Use of mobile data and monitoring of mobility during a pandemic: the MTT Lab-Entel Ocean experience” was held, an analysis event led by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), through the Coordination of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SIT - UOCT), and Entel Ocean, the managing entities of a data laboratory that uses mobile telephone information to study the impact of mobility restrictions due to the pandemic.

The forum included presentations by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the National Big Data Coordinator of SIT-UOCT, Viviana Muñoz; and the Geointelligence Leader of Entel Ocean, Julio Covarrubias, in addition to the participation of the academic Juan Antonio Carrasco, representative of the Chilean Society of Transport Engineering (SOCHITRAN).

The main focus was the analysis of the tool that allowed monitoring the spatial and temporal behavior of mobility at multiple scales: from the region or commune to the census area, using five indicators: Time of departure from home; Proportion of people who do not leave home; Variation of people-kilometers; Average distance of displacement and Variation of people entering and leaving an area.

The above, integrated to a data matrix prepared by the MTT that consolidates the information on public transport trips, urban and interurban highway flows and vehicle flows provided by the Traffic Control Operational Unit, reflect the change in people’s behavior during the pandemic, where some people adopted the telework modality or changed their travel schedules to less congested hours, among other factors, which influenced the change in mobility patterns.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, pointed out that “during the pandemic there have been significant changes in public transport travel patterns that have altered not only passenger volumes, but also their origins and destinations. But, in addition, there have been variations in vehicular flows where, for example, we have seen changes in peak hours, which accounts for travel patterns different from those usually seen", she added.


For her part, SIT-UOCT’s National Big Data Coordinator, Viviana Muñoz, in charge of the formulation and methodological analysis of the MTT Lab, pointed out that the indicators raised in conjunction with Entel Ocean showed significant findings that allow making decisions on mobility in the short and medium term, and are being used, for example, to adjust public transport operational plans “These data allow a global monitoring of mobility in pandemic that, complemented with information that the MTT has, allow to improve decision making, optimizing the supply of public transport, or identifying sectors of high agglomeration of people. Professionals from SIT, DTPM, Sectra and DTPR are participating in the MTT-Lab, as these data provide information of transversal use in the Ministry", she added.

The joint work between the MTT’s technical device and Entel Ocean’s geo-intelligence expert unit - led by geographer Julio Covarrubias and transportation engineer Constanza Gutiérrez - allows the generation of indicators with highly accurate dynamic mobility metrics, such as areas of high congestion of floating population and displacement peaks, among others.


“Ninety percent of people have their phones within 1 meter of them all day long. If we can understand the spatial behavior of telecommunications infrastructure, we can understand the territorial structure of the city. Thus, the 24/7 live data allows us to take the pulse of each commune and territory of the country”, explained Entel Ocean’s Geointelligence Leader, Julio Covarrubias.

The MTT LAB and Entel Ocean project is part of a series of joint projects that seek to use the benefits of technology to improve decision-making processes with accurate, real-time data from different regions of the country.


Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications and Entel Ocean analyzed experience of the data laboratory on mobility patterns in pandemics

29 Sep, 2021

The indicators formulated by the MTT and implemented by Entel determined that the structure of travel in cities has changed.

The data laboratory is a public-private initiative that seeks to contribute with information to decision-making on mobility in the short and medium term, through the massive use of data.

With the presence of more than 280 experts and professionals linked to the world of transportation and mobility, the webinar “Use of mobile data and monitoring of mobility during a pandemic: the MTT Lab-Entel Ocean experience” was held, an analysis event led by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), through the Coordination of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SIT - UOCT), and Entel Ocean, the managing entities of a data laboratory that uses mobile telephone information to study the impact of mobility restrictions due to the pandemic.

The forum included presentations by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the National Big Data Coordinator of SIT-UOCT, Viviana Muñoz; and the Geointelligence Leader of Entel Ocean, Julio Covarrubias, in addition to the participation of the academic Juan Antonio Carrasco, representative of the Chilean Society of Transport Engineering (SOCHITRAN).

The main focus was the analysis of the tool that allowed monitoring the spatial and temporal behavior of mobility at multiple scales: from the region or commune to the census area, using five indicators: Time of departure from home; Proportion of people who do not leave home; Variation of people-kilometers; Average distance of displacement and Variation of people entering and leaving an area.

The above, integrated to a data matrix prepared by the MTT that consolidates the information on public transport trips, urban and interurban highway flows and vehicle flows provided by the Traffic Control Operational Unit, reflect the change in people’s behavior during the pandemic, where some people adopted the telework modality or changed their travel schedules to less congested hours, among other factors, which influenced the change in mobility patterns.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, pointed out that “during the pandemic there have been significant changes in public transport travel patterns that have altered not only passenger volumes, but also their origins and destinations. But, in addition, there have been variations in vehicular flows where, for example, we have seen changes in peak hours, which accounts for travel patterns different from those usually seen", she added.


For her part, SIT-UOCT’s National Big Data Coordinator, Viviana Muñoz, in charge of the formulation and methodological analysis of the MTT Lab, pointed out that the indicators raised in conjunction with Entel Ocean showed significant findings that allow making decisions on mobility in the short and medium term, and are being used, for example, to adjust public transport operational plans “These data allow a global monitoring of mobility in pandemic that, complemented with information that the MTT has, allow to improve decision making, optimizing the supply of public transport, or identifying sectors of high agglomeration of people. Professionals from SIT, DTPM, Sectra and DTPR are participating in the MTT-Lab, as these data provide information of transversal use in the Ministry", she added.

The joint work between the MTT’s technical device and Entel Ocean’s geo-intelligence expert unit - led by geographer Julio Covarrubias and transportation engineer Constanza Gutiérrez - allows the generation of indicators with highly accurate dynamic mobility metrics, such as areas of high congestion of floating population and displacement peaks, among others.


“Ninety percent of people have their phones within 1 meter of them all day long. If we can understand the spatial behavior of telecommunications infrastructure, we can understand the territorial structure of the city. Thus, the 24/7 live data allows us to take the pulse of each commune and territory of the country”, explained Entel Ocean’s Geointelligence Leader, Julio Covarrubias.

The MTT LAB and Entel Ocean project is part of a series of joint projects that seek to use the benefits of technology to improve decision-making processes with accurate, real-time data from different regions of the country.


The indicators formulated by the MTT and implemented by Entel determined that the structure of travel in cities has changed.

The data laboratory is a public-private initiative that seeks to contribute with information to decision-making on mobility in the short and medium term, through the massive use of data.

With the presence of more than 280 experts and professionals linked to the world of transportation and mobility, the webinar “Use of mobile data and monitoring of mobility during a pandemic: the MTT Lab-Entel Ocean experience” was held, an analysis event led by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), through the Coordination of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SIT - UOCT), and Entel Ocean, the managing entities of a data laboratory that uses mobile telephone information to study the impact of mobility restrictions due to the pandemic.

The forum included presentations by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the National Big Data Coordinator of SIT-UOCT, Viviana Muñoz; and the Geointelligence Leader of Entel Ocean, Julio Covarrubias, in addition to the participation of the academic Juan Antonio Carrasco, representative of the Chilean Society of Transport Engineering (SOCHITRAN).

The main focus was the analysis of the tool that allowed monitoring the spatial and temporal behavior of mobility at multiple scales: from the region or commune to the census area, using five indicators: Time of departure from home; Proportion of people who do not leave home; Variation of people-kilometers; Average distance of displacement and Variation of people entering and leaving an area.

The above, integrated to a data matrix prepared by the MTT that consolidates the information on public transport trips, urban and interurban highway flows and vehicle flows provided by the Traffic Control Operational Unit, reflect the change in people’s behavior during the pandemic, where some people adopted the telework modality or changed their travel schedules to less congested hours, among other factors, which influenced the change in mobility patterns.


The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, pointed out that “during the pandemic there have been significant changes in public transport travel patterns that have altered not only passenger volumes, but also their origins and destinations. But, in addition, there have been variations in vehicular flows where, for example, we have seen changes in peak hours, which accounts for travel patterns different from those usually seen", she added.


For her part, SIT-UOCT’s National Big Data Coordinator, Viviana Muñoz, in charge of the formulation and methodological analysis of the MTT Lab, pointed out that the indicators raised in conjunction with Entel Ocean showed significant findings that allow making decisions on mobility in the short and medium term, and are being used, for example, to adjust public transport operational plans “These data allow a global monitoring of mobility in pandemic that, complemented with information that the MTT has, allow to improve decision making, optimizing the supply of public transport, or identifying sectors of high agglomeration of people. Professionals from SIT, DTPM, Sectra and DTPR are participating in the MTT-Lab, as these data provide information of transversal use in the Ministry", she added.

The joint work between the MTT’s technical device and Entel Ocean’s geo-intelligence expert unit - led by geographer Julio Covarrubias and transportation engineer Constanza Gutiérrez - allows the generation of indicators with highly accurate dynamic mobility metrics, such as areas of high congestion of floating population and displacement peaks, among others.


“Ninety percent of people have their phones within 1 meter of them all day long. If we can understand the spatial behavior of telecommunications infrastructure, we can understand the territorial structure of the city. Thus, the 24/7 live data allows us to take the pulse of each commune and territory of the country”, explained Entel Ocean’s Geointelligence Leader, Julio Covarrubias.

The MTT LAB and Entel Ocean project is part of a series of joint projects that seek to use the benefits of technology to improve decision-making processes with accurate, real-time data from different regions of the country.
