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Meeting attracted thousands of people in Concepción:

At the event, the vice president of Entel Digital, Julian San Martin, emphasized the opportunities for growth and development this technology offers, encouraging its ethical and responsible use for a smarter, connected and sustainable future.

Concepción became the epicenter of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Until Thursday, May 9, the MadeInnConce meeting is being held at the Biobío Theater, where various speakers and representatives of the innovation ecosystem have shared experiences and dialogues on the trends that are shaping the coexistence with technology.

One of the companies present at the opening activity was Entel, which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2024, and promises to continue driving a future with history for a long time to come.

In the same vein, Julian San Martin, vice president of Entel Digital, addressed the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), stating that “it is much more than a simple technology. We could say, perfectly, that it is a disruptive force that is here to stay and drive innovation in all areas, thus changing the way we understand and do things”.

In his presentation, San Martín highlighted the various ways in which AI can positively impact entrepreneurship, highlighting its ability to personalize and improve the customer experience by analyzing large volumes of data in real time, making it possible to anticipate needs and preferences, as well as to offer customized products and services.

Regarding the relationship between people and new technologies, the vice president of Entel Digital highlighted the transforming role of AI, as it frees up time and resources to focus on activities that add value and promote development, both personally and professionally. He also stressed that it would facilitate better access to information and knowledge, strengthening creativity and innovation.

Finally, the executive concluded his speech stressing that “Artificial Intelligence offers numerous opportunities to promote the growth and development of the country”,urging to take advantage of its potential in an ethical and responsible manner to create a smarter, connected and sustainable future.


MadeInnConce: Artificial Intelligence set the agenda at the epicenter of innovation and entrepreneurship

8 May, 2024

Meeting attracted thousands of people in Concepción:

At the event, the vice president of Entel Digital, Julian San Martin, emphasized the opportunities for growth and development this technology offers, encouraging its ethical and responsible use for a smarter, connected and sustainable future.

Concepción became the epicenter of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Until Thursday, May 9, the MadeInnConce meeting is being held at the Biobío Theater, where various speakers and representatives of the innovation ecosystem have shared experiences and dialogues on the trends that are shaping the coexistence with technology.

One of the companies present at the opening activity was Entel, which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2024, and promises to continue driving a future with history for a long time to come.

In the same vein, Julian San Martin, vice president of Entel Digital, addressed the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), stating that “it is much more than a simple technology. We could say, perfectly, that it is a disruptive force that is here to stay and drive innovation in all areas, thus changing the way we understand and do things”.

In his presentation, San Martín highlighted the various ways in which AI can positively impact entrepreneurship, highlighting its ability to personalize and improve the customer experience by analyzing large volumes of data in real time, making it possible to anticipate needs and preferences, as well as to offer customized products and services.

Regarding the relationship between people and new technologies, the vice president of Entel Digital highlighted the transforming role of AI, as it frees up time and resources to focus on activities that add value and promote development, both personally and professionally. He also stressed that it would facilitate better access to information and knowledge, strengthening creativity and innovation.

Finally, the executive concluded his speech stressing that “Artificial Intelligence offers numerous opportunities to promote the growth and development of the country”,urging to take advantage of its potential in an ethical and responsible manner to create a smarter, connected and sustainable future.


Meeting attracted thousands of people in Concepción:

At the event, the vice president of Entel Digital, Julian San Martin, emphasized the opportunities for growth and development this technology offers, encouraging its ethical and responsible use for a smarter, connected and sustainable future.

Concepción became the epicenter of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Until Thursday, May 9, the MadeInnConce meeting is being held at the Biobío Theater, where various speakers and representatives of the innovation ecosystem have shared experiences and dialogues on the trends that are shaping the coexistence with technology.

One of the companies present at the opening activity was Entel, which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2024, and promises to continue driving a future with history for a long time to come.

In the same vein, Julian San Martin, vice president of Entel Digital, addressed the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), stating that “it is much more than a simple technology. We could say, perfectly, that it is a disruptive force that is here to stay and drive innovation in all areas, thus changing the way we understand and do things”.

In his presentation, San Martín highlighted the various ways in which AI can positively impact entrepreneurship, highlighting its ability to personalize and improve the customer experience by analyzing large volumes of data in real time, making it possible to anticipate needs and preferences, as well as to offer customized products and services.

Regarding the relationship between people and new technologies, the vice president of Entel Digital highlighted the transforming role of AI, as it frees up time and resources to focus on activities that add value and promote development, both personally and professionally. He also stressed that it would facilitate better access to information and knowledge, strengthening creativity and innovation.

Finally, the executive concluded his speech stressing that “Artificial Intelligence offers numerous opportunities to promote the growth and development of the country”,urging to take advantage of its potential in an ethical and responsible manner to create a smarter, connected and sustainable future.
