• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Regional tour of the art exhibition:

After the successful exhibition in Santiago and Iquique, next Friday, November 26, in the Los Ríos Region, will be the first time that the exhibition arrives to the south of Chile. It is a free activity, open to the public and includes various sanitary measures to protect people’s health.

With novelties such as “Ulla”, the Wooden Troll, and a seven-meter high Robot, both made of recycled material, this traditional urban show is complemented by the great successes of previous versions, such as the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) and the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).

After its successful passage through Santiago and Iquique, the eighth version of Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel) continues its tour of Chile and arrives for the first time in the city of Valdivia, in the Los Ríos Region, where it will be between November 26 and December 3.

The New Waterfront along the Calle-Calle River will be the temporary home of the large-scale interventions that brings the traditional art show, which is completely free, sustainable and inclusive, and celebrates the reunion between art, public space and people.

Hecho En Casa Entel is organized by the technology and telecommunications company together with Bla! and will be in the city for eight days, where people can visit and enjoy five amazing artistic works, among which are the Wooden Troll “Ulla” and the seven-meter high Robot, both made from recycled materials. In addition, they will be able to see the iconic Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) floating for the first time in a Chilean river and enjoy the Huevos Fritos (Fried Eggs) and Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).


“We are happy to bring the urban art experience to Valdivia. We saw that the reception from people in Santiago and Iquique was very good, and we are sure that in this tremendous cultural pole, people will also enjoy these spectacular works that will be on the banks of the Calle-Calle”, said Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas.


Along these lines, the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers, added that “this activity, which intervenes in public spaces through art, brings works by renowned artists from different parts of the world. It is an opportunity for people to reconnect with art and the city, in a safe way, after difficult months due to restrictions”.


Meanwhile, the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting, said it is a great pride to be in the Los Ríos Region for the first time and with a sustainable exhibition. “In addition to the fact that three of the works that we will exhibit, which are the Troll, the Robot and the Snails were made with recycled materials, we have a zero waste protocol, which has allowed us to make the tour with low impact to the ecosystem”, he said.


In turn, Luis Cuvertino, regional governor of Los Ríos, said that “I would like to thank the Valdivian citizens for this opportunity to hold this important activity in our region. We have been chosen among the regions of the country to have the exhibition of these works, so we call on all citizens, families, both adults, youth and children, to enjoy the presence of these creations, which are also environmental recovery. This exhibition will be in Valdivia for several days, so we hope to get to know them and logically value these instances after such hard times due to the pandemic”.


While the mayor of Valdivia, Carla Amtmann, said: “We are very happy that Hecho en Casa Entel can be held here in Valdivia, since it is an international event, which shows that our city is being looked at by the world to carry out this type of cultural activities. In addition, being free access, it has been integrated with various activities planned for spring and summer to further enhance all that our commune has to offer. We are delighted that it is open to the whole family and as a municipality we are ensuring that the attendance and participation of students from our rural schools is a priority”.


For his part, the presidential delegate for the Los Ríos Region, César Asenjo, emphasized that “it is very important to strengthen activities that promote our region at a national level, which is why we are grateful to Entel for choosing Valdivia as a destination, as we are convinced that by working as a team we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of our region, we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of the regional capital and the entire territory, especially when the pandemic that we are still living has strongly limited the cultural events in the territory, so this activity is key to boost culture, but always complying with all established sanitary measures”.

After passing through Valdivia, the exhibition will be shown in Concepción, which is the last city included in the regional tour.

A sustainable and inclusive festival

Hecho En Casa Entel has implemented sustainability actions progressively. This year, to continue with this commitment, the production of the artistic exhibition has a zero waste protocol, in addition to neutralizing the carbon footprint. In addition, as in the previous version, some works have been built from reused and recycled materials that will be donated, reused or recycled at the end of the festival.

According to the event organizers, the carbon footprint measurement will be audited by the sustainability agency Respect and the results will be published at the end of the event. The emissions will then be offset with carbon credits from an accredited national project.

They also explained that they are being advised by the sustainability trends laboratory Stgo. Slow, to implement more sustainable practices and promote the circular economy through a Zero Waste Protocol and full traceability of the event’s production.

Along with the above, among the actions that will be implemented, it was decided not to produce any type of stationery or brochures, except for the required signage, avoiding unnecessary waste of paper and associated waste.

Hecho En Casa Entel is also an inclusive event so that all families can enjoy the exhibition. To this end, an accessible route was designed (which will be available on the festival’s website www.hechoencasa.cl) so that people with disabilities can tour the festival without inconveniences; audio guides explaining each work are offered for visually impaired attendees, and the event’s organizing device and monitors were trained by Senadis (National Disability Service) in inclusion. The invitation is that people attending the event join in these practices, avoiding waste and preferring reusable materials.

Sanitary measures

Several safety measures have been taken to take care of people’s health. There will be alcohol gel dispensers at different points of the exhibition, in addition to signage that will mark the distance people should keep. Likewise, a suggested route has been designed to see all the works and there will be constant sanitization of the spaces and works, among other preventive actions.


“We know that this is an activity that will once again bring citizens together in public spaces, but in order to enjoy this exhibition in a responsible and safe manner it will be essential to take care of oneself and that those attending comply with basic sanitary measures, such as keeping their distance and the obligatory use of masks”, said Fernando Rivas.

In addition, to ensure compliance with the sanitary measures, there will be a device of monitors at each site, who will control that no crowds are generated and ensure the correct use of masks. In addition, replacement masks will be available in the event that someone does not have one or it breaks.

Details of the works

  1. Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot), by Hecho En Casa Entel, is this year’s iconic work. It is a structure of the 1950s and retro-futuristic design, seven meters high, built with technological scrap recovered from Entel’s waste warehouses, such as antennas, metal structures and pipes, among other elements. It was made by Bla!, organizer of the artistic exhibition together with Entel.
  2. Troll de Madera (Wooden Troll), by Danish artist Thomas Dambo, is a troll called “Ulla”, five meters high, built with three tons of reused wood.
  3. Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which was presented in Quinta Normal and Muelle Prat in 2017, is a giant inflatable work measuring 20 meters.
  4. Huevos Fritos Caídos del Cielo (Fried Eggs Fallen from Heaven), by Dutchman Henk Hofstra, is a work that was installed in 2016 in the central Plaza Italia in Santiago. This year will be only two eggs, the most iconic, which will surprise the citizenship.
  5. Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), by the Italians Cracking Art, were made with regenerated plastic. In 2018, they amazed santiaguinos in Plaza Italia and porteños in Muelle Vergara in Valparaíso.

Hecho En Casa Entel arrives for the first time in Valdivia with spectacular large-scale works

18 Nov, 2021

Regional tour of the art exhibition:

After the successful exhibition in Santiago and Iquique, next Friday, November 26, in the Los Ríos Region, will be the first time that the exhibition arrives to the south of Chile. It is a free activity, open to the public and includes various sanitary measures to protect people’s health.

With novelties such as “Ulla”, the Wooden Troll, and a seven-meter high Robot, both made of recycled material, this traditional urban show is complemented by the great successes of previous versions, such as the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) and the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).

After its successful passage through Santiago and Iquique, the eighth version of Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel) continues its tour of Chile and arrives for the first time in the city of Valdivia, in the Los Ríos Region, where it will be between November 26 and December 3.

The New Waterfront along the Calle-Calle River will be the temporary home of the large-scale interventions that brings the traditional art show, which is completely free, sustainable and inclusive, and celebrates the reunion between art, public space and people.

Hecho En Casa Entel is organized by the technology and telecommunications company together with Bla! and will be in the city for eight days, where people can visit and enjoy five amazing artistic works, among which are the Wooden Troll “Ulla” and the seven-meter high Robot, both made from recycled materials. In addition, they will be able to see the iconic Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) floating for the first time in a Chilean river and enjoy the Huevos Fritos (Fried Eggs) and Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).


“We are happy to bring the urban art experience to Valdivia. We saw that the reception from people in Santiago and Iquique was very good, and we are sure that in this tremendous cultural pole, people will also enjoy these spectacular works that will be on the banks of the Calle-Calle”, said Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas.


Along these lines, the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers, added that “this activity, which intervenes in public spaces through art, brings works by renowned artists from different parts of the world. It is an opportunity for people to reconnect with art and the city, in a safe way, after difficult months due to restrictions”.


Meanwhile, the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting, said it is a great pride to be in the Los Ríos Region for the first time and with a sustainable exhibition. “In addition to the fact that three of the works that we will exhibit, which are the Troll, the Robot and the Snails were made with recycled materials, we have a zero waste protocol, which has allowed us to make the tour with low impact to the ecosystem”, he said.


In turn, Luis Cuvertino, regional governor of Los Ríos, said that “I would like to thank the Valdivian citizens for this opportunity to hold this important activity in our region. We have been chosen among the regions of the country to have the exhibition of these works, so we call on all citizens, families, both adults, youth and children, to enjoy the presence of these creations, which are also environmental recovery. This exhibition will be in Valdivia for several days, so we hope to get to know them and logically value these instances after such hard times due to the pandemic”.


While the mayor of Valdivia, Carla Amtmann, said: “We are very happy that Hecho en Casa Entel can be held here in Valdivia, since it is an international event, which shows that our city is being looked at by the world to carry out this type of cultural activities. In addition, being free access, it has been integrated with various activities planned for spring and summer to further enhance all that our commune has to offer. We are delighted that it is open to the whole family and as a municipality we are ensuring that the attendance and participation of students from our rural schools is a priority”.


For his part, the presidential delegate for the Los Ríos Region, César Asenjo, emphasized that “it is very important to strengthen activities that promote our region at a national level, which is why we are grateful to Entel for choosing Valdivia as a destination, as we are convinced that by working as a team we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of our region, we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of the regional capital and the entire territory, especially when the pandemic that we are still living has strongly limited the cultural events in the territory, so this activity is key to boost culture, but always complying with all established sanitary measures”.

After passing through Valdivia, the exhibition will be shown in Concepción, which is the last city included in the regional tour.

A sustainable and inclusive festival

Hecho En Casa Entel has implemented sustainability actions progressively. This year, to continue with this commitment, the production of the artistic exhibition has a zero waste protocol, in addition to neutralizing the carbon footprint. In addition, as in the previous version, some works have been built from reused and recycled materials that will be donated, reused or recycled at the end of the festival.

According to the event organizers, the carbon footprint measurement will be audited by the sustainability agency Respect and the results will be published at the end of the event. The emissions will then be offset with carbon credits from an accredited national project.

They also explained that they are being advised by the sustainability trends laboratory Stgo. Slow, to implement more sustainable practices and promote the circular economy through a Zero Waste Protocol and full traceability of the event’s production.

Along with the above, among the actions that will be implemented, it was decided not to produce any type of stationery or brochures, except for the required signage, avoiding unnecessary waste of paper and associated waste.

Hecho En Casa Entel is also an inclusive event so that all families can enjoy the exhibition. To this end, an accessible route was designed (which will be available on the festival’s website www.hechoencasa.cl) so that people with disabilities can tour the festival without inconveniences; audio guides explaining each work are offered for visually impaired attendees, and the event’s organizing device and monitors were trained by Senadis (National Disability Service) in inclusion. The invitation is that people attending the event join in these practices, avoiding waste and preferring reusable materials.

Sanitary measures

Several safety measures have been taken to take care of people’s health. There will be alcohol gel dispensers at different points of the exhibition, in addition to signage that will mark the distance people should keep. Likewise, a suggested route has been designed to see all the works and there will be constant sanitization of the spaces and works, among other preventive actions.


“We know that this is an activity that will once again bring citizens together in public spaces, but in order to enjoy this exhibition in a responsible and safe manner it will be essential to take care of oneself and that those attending comply with basic sanitary measures, such as keeping their distance and the obligatory use of masks”, said Fernando Rivas.

In addition, to ensure compliance with the sanitary measures, there will be a device of monitors at each site, who will control that no crowds are generated and ensure the correct use of masks. In addition, replacement masks will be available in the event that someone does not have one or it breaks.

Details of the works

  1. Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot), by Hecho En Casa Entel, is this year’s iconic work. It is a structure of the 1950s and retro-futuristic design, seven meters high, built with technological scrap recovered from Entel’s waste warehouses, such as antennas, metal structures and pipes, among other elements. It was made by Bla!, organizer of the artistic exhibition together with Entel.
  2. Troll de Madera (Wooden Troll), by Danish artist Thomas Dambo, is a troll called “Ulla”, five meters high, built with three tons of reused wood.
  3. Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which was presented in Quinta Normal and Muelle Prat in 2017, is a giant inflatable work measuring 20 meters.
  4. Huevos Fritos Caídos del Cielo (Fried Eggs Fallen from Heaven), by Dutchman Henk Hofstra, is a work that was installed in 2016 in the central Plaza Italia in Santiago. This year will be only two eggs, the most iconic, which will surprise the citizenship.
  5. Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), by the Italians Cracking Art, were made with regenerated plastic. In 2018, they amazed santiaguinos in Plaza Italia and porteños in Muelle Vergara in Valparaíso.

Regional tour of the art exhibition:

After the successful exhibition in Santiago and Iquique, next Friday, November 26, in the Los Ríos Region, will be the first time that the exhibition arrives to the south of Chile. It is a free activity, open to the public and includes various sanitary measures to protect people’s health.

With novelties such as “Ulla”, the Wooden Troll, and a seven-meter high Robot, both made of recycled material, this traditional urban show is complemented by the great successes of previous versions, such as the Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) and the Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).

After its successful passage through Santiago and Iquique, the eighth version of Hecho En Casa Entel (Made at Home Entel) continues its tour of Chile and arrives for the first time in the city of Valdivia, in the Los Ríos Region, where it will be between November 26 and December 3.

The New Waterfront along the Calle-Calle River will be the temporary home of the large-scale interventions that brings the traditional art show, which is completely free, sustainable and inclusive, and celebrates the reunion between art, public space and people.

Hecho En Casa Entel is organized by the technology and telecommunications company together with Bla! and will be in the city for eight days, where people can visit and enjoy five amazing artistic works, among which are the Wooden Troll “Ulla” and the seven-meter high Robot, both made from recycled materials. In addition, they will be able to see the iconic Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck) floating for the first time in a Chilean river and enjoy the Huevos Fritos (Fried Eggs) and Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails).


“We are happy to bring the urban art experience to Valdivia. We saw that the reception from people in Santiago and Iquique was very good, and we are sure that in this tremendous cultural pole, people will also enjoy these spectacular works that will be on the banks of the Calle-Calle”, said Entel’s Communications Manager, Fernando Rivas.


Along these lines, the creative director of Bla!, Felipe Zegers, added that “this activity, which intervenes in public spaces through art, brings works by renowned artists from different parts of the world. It is an opportunity for people to reconnect with art and the city, in a safe way, after difficult months due to restrictions”.


Meanwhile, the artistic director of Bla!, Payo Sochting, said it is a great pride to be in the Los Ríos Region for the first time and with a sustainable exhibition. “In addition to the fact that three of the works that we will exhibit, which are the Troll, the Robot and the Snails were made with recycled materials, we have a zero waste protocol, which has allowed us to make the tour with low impact to the ecosystem”, he said.


In turn, Luis Cuvertino, regional governor of Los Ríos, said that “I would like to thank the Valdivian citizens for this opportunity to hold this important activity in our region. We have been chosen among the regions of the country to have the exhibition of these works, so we call on all citizens, families, both adults, youth and children, to enjoy the presence of these creations, which are also environmental recovery. This exhibition will be in Valdivia for several days, so we hope to get to know them and logically value these instances after such hard times due to the pandemic”.


While the mayor of Valdivia, Carla Amtmann, said: “We are very happy that Hecho en Casa Entel can be held here in Valdivia, since it is an international event, which shows that our city is being looked at by the world to carry out this type of cultural activities. In addition, being free access, it has been integrated with various activities planned for spring and summer to further enhance all that our commune has to offer. We are delighted that it is open to the whole family and as a municipality we are ensuring that the attendance and participation of students from our rural schools is a priority”.


For his part, the presidential delegate for the Los Ríos Region, César Asenjo, emphasized that “it is very important to strengthen activities that promote our region at a national level, which is why we are grateful to Entel for choosing Valdivia as a destination, as we are convinced that by working as a team we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of our region, we will continue to strengthen the cultural development of the regional capital and the entire territory, especially when the pandemic that we are still living has strongly limited the cultural events in the territory, so this activity is key to boost culture, but always complying with all established sanitary measures”.

After passing through Valdivia, the exhibition will be shown in Concepción, which is the last city included in the regional tour.

A sustainable and inclusive festival

Hecho En Casa Entel has implemented sustainability actions progressively. This year, to continue with this commitment, the production of the artistic exhibition has a zero waste protocol, in addition to neutralizing the carbon footprint. In addition, as in the previous version, some works have been built from reused and recycled materials that will be donated, reused or recycled at the end of the festival.

According to the event organizers, the carbon footprint measurement will be audited by the sustainability agency Respect and the results will be published at the end of the event. The emissions will then be offset with carbon credits from an accredited national project.

They also explained that they are being advised by the sustainability trends laboratory Stgo. Slow, to implement more sustainable practices and promote the circular economy through a Zero Waste Protocol and full traceability of the event’s production.

Along with the above, among the actions that will be implemented, it was decided not to produce any type of stationery or brochures, except for the required signage, avoiding unnecessary waste of paper and associated waste.

Hecho En Casa Entel is also an inclusive event so that all families can enjoy the exhibition. To this end, an accessible route was designed (which will be available on the festival’s website www.hechoencasa.cl) so that people with disabilities can tour the festival without inconveniences; audio guides explaining each work are offered for visually impaired attendees, and the event’s organizing device and monitors were trained by Senadis (National Disability Service) in inclusion. The invitation is that people attending the event join in these practices, avoiding waste and preferring reusable materials.

Sanitary measures

Several safety measures have been taken to take care of people’s health. There will be alcohol gel dispensers at different points of the exhibition, in addition to signage that will mark the distance people should keep. Likewise, a suggested route has been designed to see all the works and there will be constant sanitization of the spaces and works, among other preventive actions.


“We know that this is an activity that will once again bring citizens together in public spaces, but in order to enjoy this exhibition in a responsible and safe manner it will be essential to take care of oneself and that those attending comply with basic sanitary measures, such as keeping their distance and the obligatory use of masks”, said Fernando Rivas.

In addition, to ensure compliance with the sanitary measures, there will be a device of monitors at each site, who will control that no crowds are generated and ensure the correct use of masks. In addition, replacement masks will be available in the event that someone does not have one or it breaks.

Details of the works

  1. Robot de Juguete (Toy Robot), by Hecho En Casa Entel, is this year’s iconic work. It is a structure of the 1950s and retro-futuristic design, seven meters high, built with technological scrap recovered from Entel’s waste warehouses, such as antennas, metal structures and pipes, among other elements. It was made by Bla!, organizer of the artistic exhibition together with Entel.
  2. Troll de Madera (Wooden Troll), by Danish artist Thomas Dambo, is a troll called “Ulla”, five meters high, built with three tons of reused wood.
  3. Pato de Hule (Rubber Duck), by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which was presented in Quinta Normal and Muelle Prat in 2017, is a giant inflatable work measuring 20 meters.
  4. Huevos Fritos Caídos del Cielo (Fried Eggs Fallen from Heaven), by Dutchman Henk Hofstra, is a work that was installed in 2016 in the central Plaza Italia in Santiago. This year will be only two eggs, the most iconic, which will surprise the citizenship.
  5. Caracoles de Colores (Colored Snails), by the Italians Cracking Art, were made with regenerated plastic. In 2018, they amazed santiaguinos in Plaza Italia and porteños in Muelle Vergara in Valparaíso.