• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

The initiative seeks to show the impact that the new network will have on cities and users.

This sector, which concentrates hospitals, educational centers, stores, offices and homes, will become a hyperconnected ecosystem for the use and experience of the more than 100 thousand people who pass through during the week.

As an example of the impact that 5G technology will have on our environment, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT, by its Spanish acronym), together with Entel and Ericsson, opened the first “5G Zone” in Latin America, for which frequencies specific to this technology, such as 3,500 MHz and 700 MHz, will be used. This, with the purpose of experimenting, together with the citizens, its enabling and transformational role.

In this line, this sector, which has an extension of almost 5.5 kilometers, will be located in the Providencia-Apoquindo axis, that is, from Pedro de Valdivia to Escuela Militar (communes of Providencia and Las Condes), an area where more than 100 thousand people usually pass during the week and where hospitals, stores, high-flow public transportation, public parks, offices, schools and universities, among others, coexist.


“The Chilean telecommunications sector is once again at the forefront in Latin America with this test that connects a sector of the city of Santiago with the bands of the future network”, said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “this 5G Zone will allow citizens to experience a hyperconnected ecosystem, with intelligent transportation and greater efficiency in travel times. In turn, we hope that these zones will soon be replicated throughout the country, so that people can be closer and closer to this technology that will forever transform our daily activities and allow the country to join the technological revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is a lot of interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring to the digital development of Chile”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, said that “while 5G technology will be transformational for the productive sectors, it will be even more so for people, as this new network will allow them to access new telemedicine services, distance education or live in smart cities that will improve the quality of life of their inhabitants, as they will be friendlier and more sustainable environments. The fact that today we are starting the first 5G Zone in Latin America confirms the commitment of the President Sebastián Piñera to prepare the country to face the new digital economy 4.0, connecting it with the most modern digital highways and therefore, shortening its technological and geographic gaps”.


For his part, Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, said that “the launch of this 5G Zone is a technological milestone for Chile and puts us at the forefront in terms of next-generation connectivity. However, the most important thing is that it is a contribution to development, which allows us to glimpse and explore different improvements that this technology will bring to our quality of life. Just as we previously showed the benefits of telemedicine in a clinic in La Granja or the potential of research in the 5G campus that we developed with Universidad de Chile, today we are making this experimental space available to the community, which will allow us to begin to get involved with this technology that is already coming”..

Towards a smart city

In the launching activity of the “5G Zone”, which took place this morning, an experimental test was carried out that consisted in the driving of a bicycle, where the Chilean cyclist, Sebastián Vásquez, who was three times world downhill champion and winner of races such as “Valparaíso Cerro Abajo”, could not see the track, being guided only through a 5G streaming through which the route was shown in real time.


“Ericsson is very proud to have been chosen by Entel to help the country take this important step towards 5G. This activation in Chile using our 5G technology reflects Ericsson’s pioneering spirit and our commitment to contribute to the country’s technological advancement, as we have always done in these 75 years since we started operating in the local market. We started 5G studies more than a decade ago, we are leaders in the development of essential patents for 5G, we were the first to implement 5G in 5 continents, and today we already have almost 80 active 5G commercial operations in 40 countries. We are very pleased to take the lead once again and record this achievement now also in Chile", said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile.

Since the “5G Zone” is an open space, in this experimental stage, some 5G-enabled phones in the 3,500 MHz band will be able to make use of this technology when they are within the aforementioned limits.

Status of 5G public tenders

Last Friday, January 15, 2021, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (SUBTEL) informed that the companies Borealnet, Claro, Entel, Movistar and Wom tied in the offers they made for the 5G Public Tenders of the 700 MHz, AWS and 3.5 GHz bands, reason whereby their awarding will be defined under the economic auction model in closed envelopes.

In this line, the regulator provided for that the order of the auctions of the tenders will be by block size (spectral capacity to be tendered). Thus, the auction of the Public Tender for the 700 MHz band (20 MHz block) will be held next Monday, February 8, 2021, while the auctions of the Public Tender for the AWS (30 MHz block) and 3.5 GHZ (150 MHz block) bands will be held next Thursday, February 11, 2021 and Tuesday, February 16, 2021, respectively.

In the case of the 5G Public Bidding in the 26 GHz band (four 400 MHz blocks), all bidders (Claro, Entel and Wom) will be awarded, without going through the bidding or auction process, since the available bandwidth is enough to satisfy the requirements of each one of them.


Government and Entel inaugurate the first “5G zone” in Latin America

19 Ene, 2021

The initiative seeks to show the impact that the new network will have on cities and users.

This sector, which concentrates hospitals, educational centers, stores, offices and homes, will become a hyperconnected ecosystem for the use and experience of the more than 100 thousand people who pass through during the week.

As an example of the impact that 5G technology will have on our environment, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT, by its Spanish acronym), together with Entel and Ericsson, opened the first “5G Zone” in Latin America, for which frequencies specific to this technology, such as 3,500 MHz and 700 MHz, will be used. This, with the purpose of experimenting, together with the citizens, its enabling and transformational role.

In this line, this sector, which has an extension of almost 5.5 kilometers, will be located in the Providencia-Apoquindo axis, that is, from Pedro de Valdivia to Escuela Militar (communes of Providencia and Las Condes), an area where more than 100 thousand people usually pass during the week and where hospitals, stores, high-flow public transportation, public parks, offices, schools and universities, among others, coexist.


“The Chilean telecommunications sector is once again at the forefront in Latin America with this test that connects a sector of the city of Santiago with the bands of the future network”, said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “this 5G Zone will allow citizens to experience a hyperconnected ecosystem, with intelligent transportation and greater efficiency in travel times. In turn, we hope that these zones will soon be replicated throughout the country, so that people can be closer and closer to this technology that will forever transform our daily activities and allow the country to join the technological revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is a lot of interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring to the digital development of Chile”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, said that “while 5G technology will be transformational for the productive sectors, it will be even more so for people, as this new network will allow them to access new telemedicine services, distance education or live in smart cities that will improve the quality of life of their inhabitants, as they will be friendlier and more sustainable environments. The fact that today we are starting the first 5G Zone in Latin America confirms the commitment of the President Sebastián Piñera to prepare the country to face the new digital economy 4.0, connecting it with the most modern digital highways and therefore, shortening its technological and geographic gaps”.


For his part, Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, said that “the launch of this 5G Zone is a technological milestone for Chile and puts us at the forefront in terms of next-generation connectivity. However, the most important thing is that it is a contribution to development, which allows us to glimpse and explore different improvements that this technology will bring to our quality of life. Just as we previously showed the benefits of telemedicine in a clinic in La Granja or the potential of research in the 5G campus that we developed with Universidad de Chile, today we are making this experimental space available to the community, which will allow us to begin to get involved with this technology that is already coming”..

Towards a smart city

In the launching activity of the “5G Zone”, which took place this morning, an experimental test was carried out that consisted in the driving of a bicycle, where the Chilean cyclist, Sebastián Vásquez, who was three times world downhill champion and winner of races such as “Valparaíso Cerro Abajo”, could not see the track, being guided only through a 5G streaming through which the route was shown in real time.


“Ericsson is very proud to have been chosen by Entel to help the country take this important step towards 5G. This activation in Chile using our 5G technology reflects Ericsson’s pioneering spirit and our commitment to contribute to the country’s technological advancement, as we have always done in these 75 years since we started operating in the local market. We started 5G studies more than a decade ago, we are leaders in the development of essential patents for 5G, we were the first to implement 5G in 5 continents, and today we already have almost 80 active 5G commercial operations in 40 countries. We are very pleased to take the lead once again and record this achievement now also in Chile", said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile.

Since the “5G Zone” is an open space, in this experimental stage, some 5G-enabled phones in the 3,500 MHz band will be able to make use of this technology when they are within the aforementioned limits.

Status of 5G public tenders

Last Friday, January 15, 2021, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (SUBTEL) informed that the companies Borealnet, Claro, Entel, Movistar and Wom tied in the offers they made for the 5G Public Tenders of the 700 MHz, AWS and 3.5 GHz bands, reason whereby their awarding will be defined under the economic auction model in closed envelopes.

In this line, the regulator provided for that the order of the auctions of the tenders will be by block size (spectral capacity to be tendered). Thus, the auction of the Public Tender for the 700 MHz band (20 MHz block) will be held next Monday, February 8, 2021, while the auctions of the Public Tender for the AWS (30 MHz block) and 3.5 GHZ (150 MHz block) bands will be held next Thursday, February 11, 2021 and Tuesday, February 16, 2021, respectively.

In the case of the 5G Public Bidding in the 26 GHz band (four 400 MHz blocks), all bidders (Claro, Entel and Wom) will be awarded, without going through the bidding or auction process, since the available bandwidth is enough to satisfy the requirements of each one of them.


The initiative seeks to show the impact that the new network will have on cities and users.

This sector, which concentrates hospitals, educational centers, stores, offices and homes, will become a hyperconnected ecosystem for the use and experience of the more than 100 thousand people who pass through during the week.

As an example of the impact that 5G technology will have on our environment, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT, by its Spanish acronym), together with Entel and Ericsson, opened the first “5G Zone” in Latin America, for which frequencies specific to this technology, such as 3,500 MHz and 700 MHz, will be used. This, with the purpose of experimenting, together with the citizens, its enabling and transformational role.

In this line, this sector, which has an extension of almost 5.5 kilometers, will be located in the Providencia-Apoquindo axis, that is, from Pedro de Valdivia to Escuela Militar (communes of Providencia and Las Condes), an area where more than 100 thousand people usually pass during the week and where hospitals, stores, high-flow public transportation, public parks, offices, schools and universities, among others, coexist.


“The Chilean telecommunications sector is once again at the forefront in Latin America with this test that connects a sector of the city of Santiago with the bands of the future network”, said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, who added that “this 5G Zone will allow citizens to experience a hyperconnected ecosystem, with intelligent transportation and greater efficiency in travel times. In turn, we hope that these zones will soon be replicated throughout the country, so that people can be closer and closer to this technology that will forever transform our daily activities and allow the country to join the technological revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi said that “5G will be a transformational force for the country and it is very important that all actors collaborate in its development. There is a lot of interest in joining this initiative to start experimenting with 5G, and we hope to soon announce new 5G Campuses throughout the country, with the benefit that this will bring to the digital development of Chile”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, said that “while 5G technology will be transformational for the productive sectors, it will be even more so for people, as this new network will allow them to access new telemedicine services, distance education or live in smart cities that will improve the quality of life of their inhabitants, as they will be friendlier and more sustainable environments. The fact that today we are starting the first 5G Zone in Latin America confirms the commitment of the President Sebastián Piñera to prepare the country to face the new digital economy 4.0, connecting it with the most modern digital highways and therefore, shortening its technological and geographic gaps”.


For his part, Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, said that “the launch of this 5G Zone is a technological milestone for Chile and puts us at the forefront in terms of next-generation connectivity. However, the most important thing is that it is a contribution to development, which allows us to glimpse and explore different improvements that this technology will bring to our quality of life. Just as we previously showed the benefits of telemedicine in a clinic in La Granja or the potential of research in the 5G campus that we developed with Universidad de Chile, today we are making this experimental space available to the community, which will allow us to begin to get involved with this technology that is already coming”..

Towards a smart city

In the launching activity of the “5G Zone”, which took place this morning, an experimental test was carried out that consisted in the driving of a bicycle, where the Chilean cyclist, Sebastián Vásquez, who was three times world downhill champion and winner of races such as “Valparaíso Cerro Abajo”, could not see the track, being guided only through a 5G streaming through which the route was shown in real time.


“Ericsson is very proud to have been chosen by Entel to help the country take this important step towards 5G. This activation in Chile using our 5G technology reflects Ericsson’s pioneering spirit and our commitment to contribute to the country’s technological advancement, as we have always done in these 75 years since we started operating in the local market. We started 5G studies more than a decade ago, we are leaders in the development of essential patents for 5G, we were the first to implement 5G in 5 continents, and today we already have almost 80 active 5G commercial operations in 40 countries. We are very pleased to take the lead once again and record this achievement now also in Chile", said Enzo Zunino, Country Head of Ericsson Chile.

Since the “5G Zone” is an open space, in this experimental stage, some 5G-enabled phones in the 3,500 MHz band will be able to make use of this technology when they are within the aforementioned limits.

Status of 5G public tenders

Last Friday, January 15, 2021, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (SUBTEL) informed that the companies Borealnet, Claro, Entel, Movistar and Wom tied in the offers they made for the 5G Public Tenders of the 700 MHz, AWS and 3.5 GHz bands, reason whereby their awarding will be defined under the economic auction model in closed envelopes.

In this line, the regulator provided for that the order of the auctions of the tenders will be by block size (spectral capacity to be tendered). Thus, the auction of the Public Tender for the 700 MHz band (20 MHz block) will be held next Monday, February 8, 2021, while the auctions of the Public Tender for the AWS (30 MHz block) and 3.5 GHZ (150 MHz block) bands will be held next Thursday, February 11, 2021 and Tuesday, February 16, 2021, respectively.

In the case of the 5G Public Bidding in the 26 GHz band (four 400 MHz blocks), all bidders (Claro, Entel and Wom) will be awarded, without going through the bidding or auction process, since the available bandwidth is enough to satisfy the requirements of each one of them.
