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  • Sobre Entel
It is the only telecommunications company in Chile:

Ranking linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions highlighted the company among the 100 with the best performance in this area, in an analysis that included organizations from more than 30 countries.

The consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors is increasingly relevant for the market when deciding to invest in one company or another. In this context, the measurements that show those companies that have made the most progress and best comply with these parameters take on special relevance.

This is the case of the V.E’s Best Emerging Market Performers Ranking, linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions, which in its latest version highlighted Entel as the only telecommunications company in Chile and one of the seven companies in the country that ranked among the 100 companies with the best performance and whose approaches to social responsibility are the most advanced. This, in a reference universe of 855 companies from 31 different countries.

The composition of this ranking is updated twice a year. Among the topics measured, with more than 300 indicators, are human rights, environmental protection, corporate governance, business ethics, contributions to social development, among others.


“Investing and advancing in the implementation of ESG criteria, and in sustainability in general, is not only one of the main challenges for our company, but has strongly imbued the corporate culture and has become part of the DNA of our collaborators, who are responsible for carrying out this process”said Jimena Del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Environment.


She also emphasized that “the results of this measurement show the daily work and commitment that Entel has undertaken to be an increasingly conscious and sustainable organization, and this international index helps us to continue identifying opportunities for improvement and to advance along this path of constant learning”.

It should be recalled that Entel has also been highlighted for five consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in its DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance categories. In fact, since 2016 it is the only Chilean telecommunications company in this index.


Entel stands out in international ranking of emerging markets that evaluates sustainability criteria

25 Ago, 2021

It is the only telecommunications company in Chile:

Ranking linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions highlighted the company among the 100 with the best performance in this area, in an analysis that included organizations from more than 30 countries.

The consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors is increasingly relevant for the market when deciding to invest in one company or another. In this context, the measurements that show those companies that have made the most progress and best comply with these parameters take on special relevance.

This is the case of the V.E’s Best Emerging Market Performers Ranking, linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions, which in its latest version highlighted Entel as the only telecommunications company in Chile and one of the seven companies in the country that ranked among the 100 companies with the best performance and whose approaches to social responsibility are the most advanced. This, in a reference universe of 855 companies from 31 different countries.

The composition of this ranking is updated twice a year. Among the topics measured, with more than 300 indicators, are human rights, environmental protection, corporate governance, business ethics, contributions to social development, among others.


“Investing and advancing in the implementation of ESG criteria, and in sustainability in general, is not only one of the main challenges for our company, but has strongly imbued the corporate culture and has become part of the DNA of our collaborators, who are responsible for carrying out this process”said Jimena Del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Environment.


She also emphasized that “the results of this measurement show the daily work and commitment that Entel has undertaken to be an increasingly conscious and sustainable organization, and this international index helps us to continue identifying opportunities for improvement and to advance along this path of constant learning”.

It should be recalled that Entel has also been highlighted for five consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in its DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance categories. In fact, since 2016 it is the only Chilean telecommunications company in this index.


It is the only telecommunications company in Chile:

Ranking linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions highlighted the company among the 100 with the best performance in this area, in an analysis that included organizations from more than 30 countries.

The consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors is increasingly relevant for the market when deciding to invest in one company or another. In this context, the measurements that show those companies that have made the most progress and best comply with these parameters take on special relevance.

This is the case of the V.E’s Best Emerging Market Performers Ranking, linked to Moody’s ESG Solutions, which in its latest version highlighted Entel as the only telecommunications company in Chile and one of the seven companies in the country that ranked among the 100 companies with the best performance and whose approaches to social responsibility are the most advanced. This, in a reference universe of 855 companies from 31 different countries.

The composition of this ranking is updated twice a year. Among the topics measured, with more than 300 indicators, are human rights, environmental protection, corporate governance, business ethics, contributions to social development, among others.


“Investing and advancing in the implementation of ESG criteria, and in sustainability in general, is not only one of the main challenges for our company, but has strongly imbued the corporate culture and has become part of the DNA of our collaborators, who are responsible for carrying out this process”said Jimena Del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Environment.


She also emphasized that “the results of this measurement show the daily work and commitment that Entel has undertaken to be an increasingly conscious and sustainable organization, and this international index helps us to continue identifying opportunities for improvement and to advance along this path of constant learning”.

It should be recalled that Entel has also been highlighted for five consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in its DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance categories. In fact, since 2016 it is the only Chilean telecommunications company in this index.
