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According to the company’s latest analysis:

The study marks a 23% growth in streaming usage nationwide.

In addition, Google Play, Dailymotion and Disney+ were the applications that grew the most during the first months of this year.

The use of cell phones has expanded and evolved in a significant and accelerated way in recent years, diversifying day-to-day tasks. In addition, this year has been marked by the return of face-to-face activities, without leaving aside remote formats in entertainment, work or education, and all of them are now performed with a smartphone in each person’s pocket.

In this context and according to Entel’s most recent analysis, mobile data usage in Chile has increased by 33% this year, comparing the period January-April 2022 with the same period in 2021. The study reflects a sustained rise in much of the national territory, from 402,181,014 gigabytes (GB) used in 2021 to 534,298,555 GB trafficked until last April and a 23% increase in the use of streaming nationwide.

In the case of the Metropolitan Region, a 32% growth was recorded, going from 116,603,944 GB in the first four months of 2021, to 153,933,142 GB during this year. In addition, the use of data associated with streaming for the region stands out, which, compared to the first four months of 2021, has increased by 14% this year.

In the southern region, the regions of Los Lagos, Los Ríos and La Araucanía showed the greatest increase in mobile data traffic during the period, with 53%, 46% and 44%, respectively.

“The evolution of data usage is consistent with the intensive communication needs that people have. For the same reason, we have deployed our new 5G network in all regions of the country to bring a better experience to all our customers in the national territory, as we have done during the last few years also by strengthening our 4G+ infrastructure throughout the country”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

To date, the deployment of Entel’s 5G project covers all regions of the country and is operating commercially in 15 of them.

Peaks of use and fastest growing apps

During 2022, citizens have returned to activities that were not permitted or were severely restricted during the last two years of the pandemic. One of the peaks of data traffic this year was generated on Sunday, March 20, on the closing day of the Lollapalooza music festival, which returned with three days of massive shows in Santiago. However, the peak so far this year was recorded on January 1, in the context of the traditional New Year’s greetings, reaching 5,692 GB trafficked. In addition, in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, March 7 was the day on which most people talked on the phone during the period analyzed, a date that coincides with the return to the country of Chileans who were in Ukraine in the midst of this international dispute.

In relation to the use of applications, the ones that grew the most at a national level during the period were Google Play, which is Google’s application store, with 238%, the video platform Dailymotion, with 204% and the streaming application Disney+, with 157%. While the popular app Instagram is the app that has generated the highest mobile data usage during the first four months of 2022, with more than 84,299 terabytes.

What is meant by mobile data usage or traffic? The technology and communications company reminds that every time a mobile device requests internet access and is not connected to a WiFi network, it will require the use of mobile data to browse, download or exchange information. In entel.cl/consumo-datos/, you can know the data consumption depending on each use.


infografia sobre evolución datos moviles entel 2022

Entel’s customers’ mobile data traffic up 33% during 2022

28 Jun, 2022

According to the company’s latest analysis:

The study marks a 23% growth in streaming usage nationwide.

In addition, Google Play, Dailymotion and Disney+ were the applications that grew the most during the first months of this year.

The use of cell phones has expanded and evolved in a significant and accelerated way in recent years, diversifying day-to-day tasks. In addition, this year has been marked by the return of face-to-face activities, without leaving aside remote formats in entertainment, work or education, and all of them are now performed with a smartphone in each person’s pocket.

In this context and according to Entel’s most recent analysis, mobile data usage in Chile has increased by 33% this year, comparing the period January-April 2022 with the same period in 2021. The study reflects a sustained rise in much of the national territory, from 402,181,014 gigabytes (GB) used in 2021 to 534,298,555 GB trafficked until last April and a 23% increase in the use of streaming nationwide.

In the case of the Metropolitan Region, a 32% growth was recorded, going from 116,603,944 GB in the first four months of 2021, to 153,933,142 GB during this year. In addition, the use of data associated with streaming for the region stands out, which, compared to the first four months of 2021, has increased by 14% this year.

In the southern region, the regions of Los Lagos, Los Ríos and La Araucanía showed the greatest increase in mobile data traffic during the period, with 53%, 46% and 44%, respectively.

“The evolution of data usage is consistent with the intensive communication needs that people have. For the same reason, we have deployed our new 5G network in all regions of the country to bring a better experience to all our customers in the national territory, as we have done during the last few years also by strengthening our 4G+ infrastructure throughout the country”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

To date, the deployment of Entel’s 5G project covers all regions of the country and is operating commercially in 15 of them.

Peaks of use and fastest growing apps

During 2022, citizens have returned to activities that were not permitted or were severely restricted during the last two years of the pandemic. One of the peaks of data traffic this year was generated on Sunday, March 20, on the closing day of the Lollapalooza music festival, which returned with three days of massive shows in Santiago. However, the peak so far this year was recorded on January 1, in the context of the traditional New Year’s greetings, reaching 5,692 GB trafficked. In addition, in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, March 7 was the day on which most people talked on the phone during the period analyzed, a date that coincides with the return to the country of Chileans who were in Ukraine in the midst of this international dispute.

In relation to the use of applications, the ones that grew the most at a national level during the period were Google Play, which is Google’s application store, with 238%, the video platform Dailymotion, with 204% and the streaming application Disney+, with 157%. While the popular app Instagram is the app that has generated the highest mobile data usage during the first four months of 2022, with more than 84,299 terabytes.

What is meant by mobile data usage or traffic? The technology and communications company reminds that every time a mobile device requests internet access and is not connected to a WiFi network, it will require the use of mobile data to browse, download or exchange information. In entel.cl/consumo-datos/, you can know the data consumption depending on each use.


infografia sobre evolución datos moviles entel 2022
According to the company’s latest analysis:

The study marks a 23% growth in streaming usage nationwide.

In addition, Google Play, Dailymotion and Disney+ were the applications that grew the most during the first months of this year.

The use of cell phones has expanded and evolved in a significant and accelerated way in recent years, diversifying day-to-day tasks. In addition, this year has been marked by the return of face-to-face activities, without leaving aside remote formats in entertainment, work or education, and all of them are now performed with a smartphone in each person’s pocket.

In this context and according to Entel’s most recent analysis, mobile data usage in Chile has increased by 33% this year, comparing the period January-April 2022 with the same period in 2021. The study reflects a sustained rise in much of the national territory, from 402,181,014 gigabytes (GB) used in 2021 to 534,298,555 GB trafficked until last April and a 23% increase in the use of streaming nationwide.

In the case of the Metropolitan Region, a 32% growth was recorded, going from 116,603,944 GB in the first four months of 2021, to 153,933,142 GB during this year. In addition, the use of data associated with streaming for the region stands out, which, compared to the first four months of 2021, has increased by 14% this year.

In the southern region, the regions of Los Lagos, Los Ríos and La Araucanía showed the greatest increase in mobile data traffic during the period, with 53%, 46% and 44%, respectively.

“The evolution of data usage is consistent with the intensive communication needs that people have. For the same reason, we have deployed our new 5G network in all regions of the country to bring a better experience to all our customers in the national territory, as we have done during the last few years also by strengthening our 4G+ infrastructure throughout the country”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

To date, the deployment of Entel’s 5G project covers all regions of the country and is operating commercially in 15 of them.

Peaks of use and fastest growing apps

During 2022, citizens have returned to activities that were not permitted or were severely restricted during the last two years of the pandemic. One of the peaks of data traffic this year was generated on Sunday, March 20, on the closing day of the Lollapalooza music festival, which returned with three days of massive shows in Santiago. However, the peak so far this year was recorded on January 1, in the context of the traditional New Year’s greetings, reaching 5,692 GB trafficked. In addition, in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, March 7 was the day on which most people talked on the phone during the period analyzed, a date that coincides with the return to the country of Chileans who were in Ukraine in the midst of this international dispute.

In relation to the use of applications, the ones that grew the most at a national level during the period were Google Play, which is Google’s application store, with 238%, the video platform Dailymotion, with 204% and the streaming application Disney+, with 157%. While the popular app Instagram is the app that has generated the highest mobile data usage during the first four months of 2022, with more than 84,299 terabytes.

What is meant by mobile data usage or traffic? The technology and communications company reminds that every time a mobile device requests internet access and is not connected to a WiFi network, it will require the use of mobile data to browse, download or exchange information. In entel.cl/consumo-datos/, you can know the data consumption depending on each use.


infografia sobre evolución datos moviles entel 2022