• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
International measurement:

The company ranked 21st in the overall ranking of the telecommunications industry, which meant a rise of two places regarding last year.

For the fourth consecutive year, Entel is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), an international measurement that recognizes the world’s leading companies in terms of sustainable performance. Entel is part of the DJSI Chile sustainable stock portfolio and the DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance (Latin American Integrated Markets), ranking 21st in the telecommunications industry.

Since 2016, Entel is the only Chilean telecommunications company that is part of the index, one of the most respected worldwide to measure the sustainable development of companies in their economic, social and environmental performance.


“The development of sustainability in Entel is a fundamental pillar for the company and has been a constant work, which is reflected by being part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth consecutive time. Today, we see how the work we have done has paid off and we have climbed two places in the global ranking, which shows us that we are on the right track”, said Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Community, Jimena del Valle.

The 2019 evaluation highlighted the efforts made by the telecommunications and technology company in different areas, such as the implementation of a new data protection policy, which seeks a more transparent communication to the user about the storage and use of data, as well as Entel’s commitments for its proper treatment and information security.

Also noteworthy is the company’s risk management, with regular monitoring and the incorporation of emerging risks, such as climate change and environmental protection. In the social area, Entel obtained the highest score in occupational health and safety, highlighting the implementation of flexible opening hours and teleworking for its employees. It also achieved a good performance in corporate citizenship, focused on promoting greater access to technology and communications, and proper management of electronic waste through the various recycling initiatives promoted by the company.

To learn more about Entel’s sustainability initiatives, visitentel.cl/sustentabilidad.


Entel recognized for fourth consecutive year in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

23 Sep, 2019

International measurement:

The company ranked 21st in the overall ranking of the telecommunications industry, which meant a rise of two places regarding last year.

For the fourth consecutive year, Entel is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), an international measurement that recognizes the world’s leading companies in terms of sustainable performance. Entel is part of the DJSI Chile sustainable stock portfolio and the DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance (Latin American Integrated Markets), ranking 21st in the telecommunications industry.

Since 2016, Entel is the only Chilean telecommunications company that is part of the index, one of the most respected worldwide to measure the sustainable development of companies in their economic, social and environmental performance.


“The development of sustainability in Entel is a fundamental pillar for the company and has been a constant work, which is reflected by being part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth consecutive time. Today, we see how the work we have done has paid off and we have climbed two places in the global ranking, which shows us that we are on the right track”, said Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Community, Jimena del Valle.

The 2019 evaluation highlighted the efforts made by the telecommunications and technology company in different areas, such as the implementation of a new data protection policy, which seeks a more transparent communication to the user about the storage and use of data, as well as Entel’s commitments for its proper treatment and information security.

Also noteworthy is the company’s risk management, with regular monitoring and the incorporation of emerging risks, such as climate change and environmental protection. In the social area, Entel obtained the highest score in occupational health and safety, highlighting the implementation of flexible opening hours and teleworking for its employees. It also achieved a good performance in corporate citizenship, focused on promoting greater access to technology and communications, and proper management of electronic waste through the various recycling initiatives promoted by the company.

To learn more about Entel’s sustainability initiatives, visitentel.cl/sustentabilidad.


International measurement:

The company ranked 21st in the overall ranking of the telecommunications industry, which meant a rise of two places regarding last year.

For the fourth consecutive year, Entel is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), an international measurement that recognizes the world’s leading companies in terms of sustainable performance. Entel is part of the DJSI Chile sustainable stock portfolio and the DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance (Latin American Integrated Markets), ranking 21st in the telecommunications industry.

Since 2016, Entel is the only Chilean telecommunications company that is part of the index, one of the most respected worldwide to measure the sustainable development of companies in their economic, social and environmental performance.


“The development of sustainability in Entel is a fundamental pillar for the company and has been a constant work, which is reflected by being part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth consecutive time. Today, we see how the work we have done has paid off and we have climbed two places in the global ranking, which shows us that we are on the right track”, said Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Community, Jimena del Valle.

The 2019 evaluation highlighted the efforts made by the telecommunications and technology company in different areas, such as the implementation of a new data protection policy, which seeks a more transparent communication to the user about the storage and use of data, as well as Entel’s commitments for its proper treatment and information security.

Also noteworthy is the company’s risk management, with regular monitoring and the incorporation of emerging risks, such as climate change and environmental protection. In the social area, Entel obtained the highest score in occupational health and safety, highlighting the implementation of flexible opening hours and teleworking for its employees. It also achieved a good performance in corporate citizenship, focused on promoting greater access to technology and communications, and proper management of electronic waste through the various recycling initiatives promoted by the company.

To learn more about Entel’s sustainability initiatives, visitentel.cl/sustentabilidad.
