• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate US$ 230 million over the next 3 years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which it expects to start once the Comptroller’s Office takes note of the spectrum award decree of the last public tender.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, stressed that despite the complexity of 2020, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market and the services of the Home business”.

The consolidation of the operation in Peru and the deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure are among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year.


According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business plan defined and in execution, and a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2021 alone will result in almost US$ 560 million of investment. Of this amount, around US$ 430 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 130 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that of this amount, more than US$ 180 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile to continue increasing 4G capacity “given the continuous increase in data traffic from our customers, in addition to the initial deployment of the 5G network. This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position, in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network and the resulting good service and navigation experience that our customers have stand out”.

Of the investment in Peru, US$ 85 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network to implement fixed wireless and mobile internet services. US$ 20 million will also be invested in business for business and corporate customers, said Büchi.


As for the Home business, the investment in 2021 amounts to US$ 100 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important, considering that fiber optics is becoming increasingly relevant as an internet access technology in homes and that 5G technology will require a very demanding network topology for data transmission, with regard to providing higher speeds and very low latency, so sites must be connected with fiber”, explained Entel’s CEO.

On the other hand, more than US$ 90 million will be allocated in Chile for enterprise connectivity business, customer projects, IT and digital business, with a focus on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G


Regarding the upcoming deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of almost US$ 230 million to address the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. As indicated, this represents a very large operational effort of deployment in existing and new sites, which they expect to start as soon as the Comptroller General of the Republic takes into account the spectrum award decree of the last public bidding. The execution period is 3 years “and, given the requirements, it is quite tight”, assured Antonio Büchi.


“At Entel we have been committed since our origin with the connectivity of the country. During the last three years we have developed tests and demonstrations to show the population the potential of 5G, which has given us learning and knowledge about how it operates and how it should be deployed. In addition, we currently have the Experimental Zone, which is the only experience in an open space where people can test and learn about 5G in a real scenario", said the executive.


In relation to the result of the last tender, in which Entel obtained spectrum in the two tenders in which it participated, Büchi stated that “we are in a position to deploy our 5G project for the next three years to bring this technology closer to the people and, at the same time, continue contributing to the reduction of the digital divide that we still have in the country”.


In that sense, he reiterated that “the spectrum is a key resource for the mobile business, and these blocks in particular are of great importance for the development of 5G in the coming years, where Entel aspires, as always, to lead in an important way”.

2020 Assessment


Regarding Entel’s performance in 2020, Juan Hurtado highlighted that although the past year was complex,, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market in Chile and Peru and the Home business services in Chile”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO added that despite the highly competitive environment and the restrictions arising from the health emergency, Entel consolidated its competitive position in Chile, with postpaid market share growth of 2.3 percentage points.


“Entel’s total subscriber base in Chile increased by 832,000 lines during 2020, equivalent to a 16.7% rise regarding the end of 2019. In addition, we led subscription portability with 155,000 net portions in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Thus, Entel continues to lead the total mobile market, with a 31.9% share and the post-paid segment with a 34.8% share, according to figures from the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (Subtel) as of December.


“This is a sign of the importance that our services have in people’s daily lives, but it also shows the service experience Entel can offer its customers, having a modern and robust 4G+ network deployed throughout the country”, he stressed.


As for the residential segment in Chile, “we continue on a good growth path and with our fiber optic deployment”, said Büchi. In this regard, he stressed that the revenues of the Entel Hogar business (wired and wireless) grew 17.3% last year and that the customer base of the Entel Fibra service registered an explosive increase of 111.2%, thanks to the strong demand for high quality connectivity in 2020.

Project in Peru

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 7% growth in the customer base in 2020 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to continue to make sustainable progress in its objective of consolidating itself as a relevant player in that market. An important part of this growth was driven by a strong 20% increase in the postpaid customer base.


“In the fourth quarter we reached almost 27% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, which represents a year-on-year increase of more than two percentage points regarding 2019, and we continue to advance in our growth plan in a market where we see significant potential for growth”, stressed Antonio Büchi.


Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and affirmed that they will seek to grow and consolidate as a relevant player in Peru. In Chile, meanwhile, the objective is to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations. “And we have grown consistently in all these segments”, he said.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to sustain its leadership.


Entel plans to invest US$ 560 million in 2021 with strong focus on mobile and Home businesses

27 Abr, 2021

Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate US$ 230 million over the next 3 years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which it expects to start once the Comptroller’s Office takes note of the spectrum award decree of the last public tender.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, stressed that despite the complexity of 2020, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market and the services of the Home business”.

The consolidation of the operation in Peru and the deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure are among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year.


According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business plan defined and in execution, and a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2021 alone will result in almost US$ 560 million of investment. Of this amount, around US$ 430 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 130 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that of this amount, more than US$ 180 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile to continue increasing 4G capacity “given the continuous increase in data traffic from our customers, in addition to the initial deployment of the 5G network. This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position, in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network and the resulting good service and navigation experience that our customers have stand out”.

Of the investment in Peru, US$ 85 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network to implement fixed wireless and mobile internet services. US$ 20 million will also be invested in business for business and corporate customers, said Büchi.


As for the Home business, the investment in 2021 amounts to US$ 100 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important, considering that fiber optics is becoming increasingly relevant as an internet access technology in homes and that 5G technology will require a very demanding network topology for data transmission, with regard to providing higher speeds and very low latency, so sites must be connected with fiber”, explained Entel’s CEO.

On the other hand, more than US$ 90 million will be allocated in Chile for enterprise connectivity business, customer projects, IT and digital business, with a focus on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G


Regarding the upcoming deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of almost US$ 230 million to address the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. As indicated, this represents a very large operational effort of deployment in existing and new sites, which they expect to start as soon as the Comptroller General of the Republic takes into account the spectrum award decree of the last public bidding. The execution period is 3 years “and, given the requirements, it is quite tight”, assured Antonio Büchi.


“At Entel we have been committed since our origin with the connectivity of the country. During the last three years we have developed tests and demonstrations to show the population the potential of 5G, which has given us learning and knowledge about how it operates and how it should be deployed. In addition, we currently have the Experimental Zone, which is the only experience in an open space where people can test and learn about 5G in a real scenario", said the executive.


In relation to the result of the last tender, in which Entel obtained spectrum in the two tenders in which it participated, Büchi stated that “we are in a position to deploy our 5G project for the next three years to bring this technology closer to the people and, at the same time, continue contributing to the reduction of the digital divide that we still have in the country”.


In that sense, he reiterated that “the spectrum is a key resource for the mobile business, and these blocks in particular are of great importance for the development of 5G in the coming years, where Entel aspires, as always, to lead in an important way”.

2020 Assessment


Regarding Entel’s performance in 2020, Juan Hurtado highlighted that although the past year was complex,, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market in Chile and Peru and the Home business services in Chile”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO added that despite the highly competitive environment and the restrictions arising from the health emergency, Entel consolidated its competitive position in Chile, with postpaid market share growth of 2.3 percentage points.


“Entel’s total subscriber base in Chile increased by 832,000 lines during 2020, equivalent to a 16.7% rise regarding the end of 2019. In addition, we led subscription portability with 155,000 net portions in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Thus, Entel continues to lead the total mobile market, with a 31.9% share and the post-paid segment with a 34.8% share, according to figures from the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (Subtel) as of December.


“This is a sign of the importance that our services have in people’s daily lives, but it also shows the service experience Entel can offer its customers, having a modern and robust 4G+ network deployed throughout the country”, he stressed.


As for the residential segment in Chile, “we continue on a good growth path and with our fiber optic deployment”, said Büchi. In this regard, he stressed that the revenues of the Entel Hogar business (wired and wireless) grew 17.3% last year and that the customer base of the Entel Fibra service registered an explosive increase of 111.2%, thanks to the strong demand for high quality connectivity in 2020.

Project in Peru

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 7% growth in the customer base in 2020 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to continue to make sustainable progress in its objective of consolidating itself as a relevant player in that market. An important part of this growth was driven by a strong 20% increase in the postpaid customer base.


“In the fourth quarter we reached almost 27% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, which represents a year-on-year increase of more than two percentage points regarding 2019, and we continue to advance in our growth plan in a market where we see significant potential for growth”, stressed Antonio Büchi.


Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and affirmed that they will seek to grow and consolidate as a relevant player in Peru. In Chile, meanwhile, the objective is to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations. “And we have grown consistently in all these segments”, he said.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to sustain its leadership.


Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate US$ 230 million over the next 3 years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which it expects to start once the Comptroller’s Office takes note of the spectrum award decree of the last public tender.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, stressed that despite the complexity of 2020, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market and the services of the Home business”.

The consolidation of the operation in Peru and the deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure are among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year.


According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business plan defined and in execution, and a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2021 alone will result in almost US$ 560 million of investment. Of this amount, around US$ 430 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 130 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that of this amount, more than US$ 180 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile to continue increasing 4G capacity “given the continuous increase in data traffic from our customers, in addition to the initial deployment of the 5G network. This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position, in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network and the resulting good service and navigation experience that our customers have stand out”.

Of the investment in Peru, US$ 85 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network to implement fixed wireless and mobile internet services. US$ 20 million will also be invested in business for business and corporate customers, said Büchi.


As for the Home business, the investment in 2021 amounts to US$ 100 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important, considering that fiber optics is becoming increasingly relevant as an internet access technology in homes and that 5G technology will require a very demanding network topology for data transmission, with regard to providing higher speeds and very low latency, so sites must be connected with fiber”, explained Entel’s CEO.

On the other hand, more than US$ 90 million will be allocated in Chile for enterprise connectivity business, customer projects, IT and digital business, with a focus on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G


Regarding the upcoming deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of almost US$ 230 million to address the significant telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. As indicated, this represents a very large operational effort of deployment in existing and new sites, which they expect to start as soon as the Comptroller General of the Republic takes into account the spectrum award decree of the last public bidding. The execution period is 3 years “and, given the requirements, it is quite tight”, assured Antonio Büchi.


“At Entel we have been committed since our origin with the connectivity of the country. During the last three years we have developed tests and demonstrations to show the population the potential of 5G, which has given us learning and knowledge about how it operates and how it should be deployed. In addition, we currently have the Experimental Zone, which is the only experience in an open space where people can test and learn about 5G in a real scenario", said the executive.


In relation to the result of the last tender, in which Entel obtained spectrum in the two tenders in which it participated, Büchi stated that “we are in a position to deploy our 5G project for the next three years to bring this technology closer to the people and, at the same time, continue contributing to the reduction of the digital divide that we still have in the country”.


In that sense, he reiterated that “the spectrum is a key resource for the mobile business, and these blocks in particular are of great importance for the development of 5G in the coming years, where Entel aspires, as always, to lead in an important way”.

2020 Assessment


Regarding Entel’s performance in 2020, Juan Hurtado highlighted that although the past year was complex,, “we not only managed to maintain our competitive position, but also to meet and exceed several of our objectives, especially leveraged by the mobile market in Chile and Peru and the Home business services in Chile”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO added that despite the highly competitive environment and the restrictions arising from the health emergency, Entel consolidated its competitive position in Chile, with postpaid market share growth of 2.3 percentage points.


“Entel’s total subscriber base in Chile increased by 832,000 lines during 2020, equivalent to a 16.7% rise regarding the end of 2019. In addition, we led subscription portability with 155,000 net portions in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Thus, Entel continues to lead the total mobile market, with a 31.9% share and the post-paid segment with a 34.8% share, according to figures from the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (Subtel) as of December.


“This is a sign of the importance that our services have in people’s daily lives, but it also shows the service experience Entel can offer its customers, having a modern and robust 4G+ network deployed throughout the country”, he stressed.


As for the residential segment in Chile, “we continue on a good growth path and with our fiber optic deployment”, said Büchi. In this regard, he stressed that the revenues of the Entel Hogar business (wired and wireless) grew 17.3% last year and that the customer base of the Entel Fibra service registered an explosive increase of 111.2%, thanks to the strong demand for high quality connectivity in 2020.

Project in Peru

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 7% growth in the customer base in 2020 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to continue to make sustainable progress in its objective of consolidating itself as a relevant player in that market. An important part of this growth was driven by a strong 20% increase in the postpaid customer base.


“In the fourth quarter we reached almost 27% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, which represents a year-on-year increase of more than two percentage points regarding 2019, and we continue to advance in our growth plan in a market where we see significant potential for growth”, stressed Antonio Büchi.


Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and affirmed that they will seek to grow and consolidate as a relevant player in Peru. In Chile, meanwhile, the objective is to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations. “And we have grown consistently in all these segments”, he said.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to sustain its leadership.
