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  • Sobre Entel
Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate more than US $350 million over the next three years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which began in December last year and in which it has already invested US $60 million.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, pointed out that, despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

The deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure, as well as the consolidation of the operation in Peru, stand out among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year 2022.

According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business strategy defined and in execution, which is accompanied by a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2022 alone will result in more than US$ 665 million of investment, mainly focused on the mobile business, 4G and 5G, as well as the development of fiber to the home. Of this amount, around US$ 515 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 150 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.

Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that, of this amount, almost US $320 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile, both in 4G and 5G networks. “This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network, and the consequent good service and navigation experience of our customers, stand out, and to take concrete steps towards our goal of also leading in 5G”, said Büchi.

As for the Home business, the investment in 2022 amounts to US $106 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important because, together with the leasing of networks to third parties, it will allow us to exceed three million homes with fiber by the end of 2023”, explained Entel’s CEO.

Of the investment in Peru, US $77 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network.

On the other hand, US $88 million will be allocated to services for companies and corporations in Chile and US $20 million in Peru, mainly in connectivity projects for customers and digital business, focusing on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G

Regarding the deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of more than US $350 million to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. According to the information, to date they have already invested around US $60 million and have deployed more than 50% of the 5G base stations committed by tender for this first year, and there are antennas that are already approved in nine regions nationwide.

“We have the experience, capacity and spectrum required for the development of this new technology, where we aspire, as always, to lead in an important way”, , commented the executive.

2021 Evaluation

Regarding Entel’s performance in 2021, Juan Hurtado emphasized that despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO highlighted that they continue to lead the mobile market, with a 39.2% share over the service revenues of the mobile industry in Chile, this is 1.1 percentage points higher than the last quarter of 2020.

“Entel’s total mobile customer base in Chile amounted to 10.1 million during 2021, which is equivalent to a 9% increase regarding the end of 2020. In addition, we once again led in subscriber portability with 146,000 in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Regarding the residential segment in Chile, Büchi commented that 2021 was marked by intense competition, with several operators deploying fiber optic networks. “In the case of Entel, we continued on a good growth path. Our current coverage allowed us to reach 234 thousand RGUs on fiber as of December last year, this is 66% more than at the close of 2020”, he assured.

“The objective of growing in fiber optic services and being a relevant player in this segment is still fully in force, either through our own networks or those of third parties”, emphasized the executive.

Entel Peru operation

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 11% growth in the customer base in 2021 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to consolidate its position as a relevant player in this market. An important part of that growth was given by the strong 19% increase in the postpaid customer base.

“At the end of last year we already had a 24.4% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.0 percentage point regarding 2020, and we continue to advance in our development plan in a market where we see significant potential for further growth. In fact, our EBITDA in Peru increased by 54% regarding 2020, which shows how the operation has been gaining economies of scale", emphasized Antonio Büchi.

Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and stated that they have well-defined growth focuses: to continue growing in Peru and consolidate as a relevant player in that market; to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics (own or third-party network); and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to continue bringing technology closer and delivering the best experience, in order to sustain its leadership.


Entel plans to invest more than US $660 million in 2022 with strong focus on mobile and Home businesses

19 Abr, 2022

Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate more than US $350 million over the next three years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which began in December last year and in which it has already invested US $60 million.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, pointed out that, despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

The deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure, as well as the consolidation of the operation in Peru, stand out among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year 2022.

According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business strategy defined and in execution, which is accompanied by a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2022 alone will result in more than US$ 665 million of investment, mainly focused on the mobile business, 4G and 5G, as well as the development of fiber to the home. Of this amount, around US$ 515 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 150 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.

Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that, of this amount, almost US $320 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile, both in 4G and 5G networks. “This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network, and the consequent good service and navigation experience of our customers, stand out, and to take concrete steps towards our goal of also leading in 5G”, said Büchi.

As for the Home business, the investment in 2022 amounts to US $106 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important because, together with the leasing of networks to third parties, it will allow us to exceed three million homes with fiber by the end of 2023”, explained Entel’s CEO.

Of the investment in Peru, US $77 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network.

On the other hand, US $88 million will be allocated to services for companies and corporations in Chile and US $20 million in Peru, mainly in connectivity projects for customers and digital business, focusing on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G

Regarding the deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of more than US $350 million to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. According to the information, to date they have already invested around US $60 million and have deployed more than 50% of the 5G base stations committed by tender for this first year, and there are antennas that are already approved in nine regions nationwide.

“We have the experience, capacity and spectrum required for the development of this new technology, where we aspire, as always, to lead in an important way”, , commented the executive.

2021 Evaluation

Regarding Entel’s performance in 2021, Juan Hurtado emphasized that despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO highlighted that they continue to lead the mobile market, with a 39.2% share over the service revenues of the mobile industry in Chile, this is 1.1 percentage points higher than the last quarter of 2020.

“Entel’s total mobile customer base in Chile amounted to 10.1 million during 2021, which is equivalent to a 9% increase regarding the end of 2020. In addition, we once again led in subscriber portability with 146,000 in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Regarding the residential segment in Chile, Büchi commented that 2021 was marked by intense competition, with several operators deploying fiber optic networks. “In the case of Entel, we continued on a good growth path. Our current coverage allowed us to reach 234 thousand RGUs on fiber as of December last year, this is 66% more than at the close of 2020”, he assured.

“The objective of growing in fiber optic services and being a relevant player in this segment is still fully in force, either through our own networks or those of third parties”, emphasized the executive.

Entel Peru operation

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 11% growth in the customer base in 2021 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to consolidate its position as a relevant player in this market. An important part of that growth was given by the strong 19% increase in the postpaid customer base.

“At the end of last year we already had a 24.4% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.0 percentage point regarding 2020, and we continue to advance in our development plan in a market where we see significant potential for further growth. In fact, our EBITDA in Peru increased by 54% regarding 2020, which shows how the operation has been gaining economies of scale", emphasized Antonio Büchi.

Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and stated that they have well-defined growth focuses: to continue growing in Peru and consolidate as a relevant player in that market; to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics (own or third-party network); and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to continue bringing technology closer and delivering the best experience, in order to sustain its leadership.


Reported at the Shareholders’ Meeting:

The company will allocate more than US $350 million over the next three years for the deployment of the 5G network in Chile, which began in December last year and in which it has already invested US $60 million.

The company’s president, Juan Hurtado, pointed out that, despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

The deployment of 4G and 5G mobile and fixed fiber optic network infrastructure, as well as the consolidation of the operation in Peru, stand out among the priorities of the investment plan announced this morning by Entel for the year 2022.

According to the company’s president, Juan Hurtado, “Entel has a business strategy defined and in execution, which is accompanied by a significant but responsible investment plan, which in 2022 alone will result in more than US$ 665 million of investment, mainly focused on the mobile business, 4G and 5G, as well as the development of fiber to the home. Of this amount, around US$ 515 million will be allocated to operations in Chile and US$ 150 million to Peru, all financed with its own resources”.

Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, explained that, of this amount, almost US $320 million will be allocated to the mobile business in Chile, both in 4G and 5G networks. “This will allow us to consolidate a leadership position in which the coverage and quality of our 4G+ network, and the consequent good service and navigation experience of our customers, stand out, and to take concrete steps towards our goal of also leading in 5G”, said Büchi.

As for the Home business, the investment in 2022 amounts to US $106 million in Chile, mainly in the deployment of fiber optics and the connection of new customers. “This is very important because, together with the leasing of networks to third parties, it will allow us to exceed three million homes with fiber by the end of 2023”, explained Entel’s CEO.

Of the investment in Peru, US $77 million will be allocated to the mobile business, focused on increasing the capacity and quality of our 4G network, in addition to the deployment of the 5G network.

On the other hand, US $88 million will be allocated to services for companies and corporations in Chile and US $20 million in Peru, mainly in connectivity projects for customers and digital business, focusing on cloud, IOT, cybersecurity and Big Data.

Future 5G

Regarding the deployment of the 5G network, Entel informed that the plan for the next three years includes an investment of more than US $350 million to respond to the important telecommunications infrastructure requirements that this new technology will demand. According to the information, to date they have already invested around US $60 million and have deployed more than 50% of the 5G base stations committed by tender for this first year, and there are antennas that are already approved in nine regions nationwide.

“We have the experience, capacity and spectrum required for the development of this new technology, where we aspire, as always, to lead in an important way”, , commented the executive.

2021 Evaluation

Regarding Entel’s performance in 2021, Juan Hurtado emphasized that despite the challenging scenario derived from the global crisis generated by the pandemic, “we have a positive view of the results obtained, which are the result of how we had been preparing. We believe that we have lived up to what our customers expect from us, especially in this new era of connectivity and digitalization”.

And in the evaluation by markets, Entel’s CEO highlighted that they continue to lead the mobile market, with a 39.2% share over the service revenues of the mobile industry in Chile, this is 1.1 percentage points higher than the last quarter of 2020.

“Entel’s total mobile customer base in Chile amounted to 10.1 million during 2021, which is equivalent to a 9% increase regarding the end of 2020. In addition, we once again led in subscriber portability with 146,000 in the year”, the executive highlighted.

Regarding the residential segment in Chile, Büchi commented that 2021 was marked by intense competition, with several operators deploying fiber optic networks. “In the case of Entel, we continued on a good growth path. Our current coverage allowed us to reach 234 thousand RGUs on fiber as of December last year, this is 66% more than at the close of 2020”, he assured.

“The objective of growing in fiber optic services and being a relevant player in this segment is still fully in force, either through our own networks or those of third parties”, emphasized the executive.

Entel Peru operation

Regarding the operation in Peru, the company’s CEO highlighted that the 11% growth in the customer base in 2021 allowed Entel Peru to continue to drive the company’s consolidated results and to consolidate its position as a relevant player in this market. An important part of that growth was given by the strong 19% increase in the postpaid customer base.

“At the end of last year we already had a 24.4% share of mobile industry revenues in that country, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.0 percentage point regarding 2020, and we continue to advance in our development plan in a market where we see significant potential for further growth. In fact, our EBITDA in Peru increased by 54% regarding 2020, which shows how the operation has been gaining economies of scale", emphasized Antonio Büchi.

Finally, the executive referred to Entel’s strategic plan for this year and stated that they have well-defined growth focuses: to continue growing in Peru and consolidate as a relevant player in that market; to promote the offer of fixed services to the home over fiber optics (own or third-party network); and fixed services, IT and digital services for companies and corporations.

In the rest of the businesses, in which it faces more mature industries, Entel’s strategy aims to continue bringing technology closer and delivering the best experience, in order to sustain its leadership.
