• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

Specialized call center, free technical service with home attention in the Metropolitan Region, an unprecedented plan from CLP3,990, and replacement of 2G devices, are some of the experiences and programs offered by the technology and telecommunications company for people aged 70 and over.

The activity is also part of SOFOFA’s “Empresas Abiertas” (in English “Open Companies”) initiative, as part of its 140th anniversary.

Age is no longer an impediment to digitalization and to getting closer to technology, and Entel knows it. Therefore, as part of the month of the Elderly and in the context of the “Open Companies” initiative led by Sofofa as part of its 140th anniversary, the technology and telecommunications company opened its doors to celebrate those over 70 years old and to show them around the iconic Entel Tower and its growing commitment to this age group.

There is a growing interest on the part of the elderly to stay connected, use technology and acquire greater autonomy in the digital sphere, and Entel’s figures support this: one year after the launch, it has more than 100 thousand customers in this segment.

According to the Casen 2022 survey, there are almost four million elderly people in Chile, and the Observatory of Aging for a Chile with a Future found that as of 2021, 58% of this population uses smartphones to chat, make video calls and search for information. Even the use of social networks and streaming platforms are among the preferred ones by this age segment. Proof of this was the study conducted by Entel and Conecta Mayor last year, which showed that Facebook, YouTube, Netflix and TikTok are the apps they use the most.

In this context and considering its growing commitment to the elderly, Entel has implemented a series of initiatives to promote access and to bring technology ever closer to them. These include a specialized call center for this age group; technical service with home attention at no additional cost in the Metropolitan Region; and an unprecedented plan for people over 70 years of age who are beneficiaries of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) with which they get 12 GB to surf the Internet, 300 minutes to call anywhere in Chile, and free use of some applications, for CLP3,990.

The company is also working on a handset replacement plan for senior citizens who have devices compatible only with 2G technology.

Patricia Muñoz, Entel’s Director of Territory and Interest Groups, pointed out that “five years ago we observed the needs of this segment and began working to profile it and promote a view of them as vital, autonomous citizens with the capacity and curiosity to incorporate new tools. As part of this work, we have implemented a series of initiatives to bridge the digital divide and strengthen the link between this group and technology. Thus, in 2020 we donated 80 thousand ‘Conecta Mayor’ plans, with 24 months free of charge, to help facilitate the communication that had been challenged by quarantines, and last year we launched the Plan Persona Mayor, which has already been contracted by 60 thousand customers over 70 years of age. Our challenge is to continue to listen to their needs, understand them and develop effective solutions”.

Among the initiatives developed by Entel especially for the elderly, the following stand out:

  • Call center with specialized attention, to ensure a space of greater understanding and closeness. You only have to call 103 and you will automatically be recognized by your ID number.

  • Specialized support program for three months from the purchase of the device, to resolve doubts about the use of the product or the service contracted.

  • If they select the devices delivery option, people over 70 years of age will be able to resolve doubts and receive personalized advice at the time of receiving the product.

  • Technical service with home service, at no additional cost, in the Metropolitan Region and preferential schedules were established in stores throughout the country.

  • Replacement of cell phones compatible only with 2G technology. To date, 67% of the base of people over 70 years of age have made the change in the pilots being carried out in the regions of Biobío and Aysén.

  • Exclusive tab for senior citizens on Entel’s Digital Citizen website, with various recommendations related to internet use, mobile data, 5G, computer security, cybersecurity and safe internet, among others. https://www.entel.cl/personas-mayores


Entel opens its doors to celebrate seniors in their month

16 Oct, 2023

Specialized call center, free technical service with home attention in the Metropolitan Region, an unprecedented plan from CLP3,990, and replacement of 2G devices, are some of the experiences and programs offered by the technology and telecommunications company for people aged 70 and over.

The activity is also part of SOFOFA’s “Empresas Abiertas” (in English “Open Companies”) initiative, as part of its 140th anniversary.

Age is no longer an impediment to digitalization and to getting closer to technology, and Entel knows it. Therefore, as part of the month of the Elderly and in the context of the “Open Companies” initiative led by Sofofa as part of its 140th anniversary, the technology and telecommunications company opened its doors to celebrate those over 70 years old and to show them around the iconic Entel Tower and its growing commitment to this age group.

There is a growing interest on the part of the elderly to stay connected, use technology and acquire greater autonomy in the digital sphere, and Entel’s figures support this: one year after the launch, it has more than 100 thousand customers in this segment.

According to the Casen 2022 survey, there are almost four million elderly people in Chile, and the Observatory of Aging for a Chile with a Future found that as of 2021, 58% of this population uses smartphones to chat, make video calls and search for information. Even the use of social networks and streaming platforms are among the preferred ones by this age segment. Proof of this was the study conducted by Entel and Conecta Mayor last year, which showed that Facebook, YouTube, Netflix and TikTok are the apps they use the most.

In this context and considering its growing commitment to the elderly, Entel has implemented a series of initiatives to promote access and to bring technology ever closer to them. These include a specialized call center for this age group; technical service with home attention at no additional cost in the Metropolitan Region; and an unprecedented plan for people over 70 years of age who are beneficiaries of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) with which they get 12 GB to surf the Internet, 300 minutes to call anywhere in Chile, and free use of some applications, for CLP3,990.

The company is also working on a handset replacement plan for senior citizens who have devices compatible only with 2G technology.

Patricia Muñoz, Entel’s Director of Territory and Interest Groups, pointed out that “five years ago we observed the needs of this segment and began working to profile it and promote a view of them as vital, autonomous citizens with the capacity and curiosity to incorporate new tools. As part of this work, we have implemented a series of initiatives to bridge the digital divide and strengthen the link between this group and technology. Thus, in 2020 we donated 80 thousand ‘Conecta Mayor’ plans, with 24 months free of charge, to help facilitate the communication that had been challenged by quarantines, and last year we launched the Plan Persona Mayor, which has already been contracted by 60 thousand customers over 70 years of age. Our challenge is to continue to listen to their needs, understand them and develop effective solutions”.

Among the initiatives developed by Entel especially for the elderly, the following stand out:

  • Call center with specialized attention, to ensure a space of greater understanding and closeness. You only have to call 103 and you will automatically be recognized by your ID number.

  • Specialized support program for three months from the purchase of the device, to resolve doubts about the use of the product or the service contracted.

  • If they select the devices delivery option, people over 70 years of age will be able to resolve doubts and receive personalized advice at the time of receiving the product.

  • Technical service with home service, at no additional cost, in the Metropolitan Region and preferential schedules were established in stores throughout the country.

  • Replacement of cell phones compatible only with 2G technology. To date, 67% of the base of people over 70 years of age have made the change in the pilots being carried out in the regions of Biobío and Aysén.

  • Exclusive tab for senior citizens on Entel’s Digital Citizen website, with various recommendations related to internet use, mobile data, 5G, computer security, cybersecurity and safe internet, among others. https://www.entel.cl/personas-mayores


Specialized call center, free technical service with home attention in the Metropolitan Region, an unprecedented plan from CLP3,990, and replacement of 2G devices, are some of the experiences and programs offered by the technology and telecommunications company for people aged 70 and over.

The activity is also part of SOFOFA’s “Empresas Abiertas” (in English “Open Companies”) initiative, as part of its 140th anniversary.

Age is no longer an impediment to digitalization and to getting closer to technology, and Entel knows it. Therefore, as part of the month of the Elderly and in the context of the “Open Companies” initiative led by Sofofa as part of its 140th anniversary, the technology and telecommunications company opened its doors to celebrate those over 70 years old and to show them around the iconic Entel Tower and its growing commitment to this age group.

There is a growing interest on the part of the elderly to stay connected, use technology and acquire greater autonomy in the digital sphere, and Entel’s figures support this: one year after the launch, it has more than 100 thousand customers in this segment.

According to the Casen 2022 survey, there are almost four million elderly people in Chile, and the Observatory of Aging for a Chile with a Future found that as of 2021, 58% of this population uses smartphones to chat, make video calls and search for information. Even the use of social networks and streaming platforms are among the preferred ones by this age segment. Proof of this was the study conducted by Entel and Conecta Mayor last year, which showed that Facebook, YouTube, Netflix and TikTok are the apps they use the most.

In this context and considering its growing commitment to the elderly, Entel has implemented a series of initiatives to promote access and to bring technology ever closer to them. These include a specialized call center for this age group; technical service with home attention at no additional cost in the Metropolitan Region; and an unprecedented plan for people over 70 years of age who are beneficiaries of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) with which they get 12 GB to surf the Internet, 300 minutes to call anywhere in Chile, and free use of some applications, for CLP3,990.

The company is also working on a handset replacement plan for senior citizens who have devices compatible only with 2G technology.

Patricia Muñoz, Entel’s Director of Territory and Interest Groups, pointed out that “five years ago we observed the needs of this segment and began working to profile it and promote a view of them as vital, autonomous citizens with the capacity and curiosity to incorporate new tools. As part of this work, we have implemented a series of initiatives to bridge the digital divide and strengthen the link between this group and technology. Thus, in 2020 we donated 80 thousand ‘Conecta Mayor’ plans, with 24 months free of charge, to help facilitate the communication that had been challenged by quarantines, and last year we launched the Plan Persona Mayor, which has already been contracted by 60 thousand customers over 70 years of age. Our challenge is to continue to listen to their needs, understand them and develop effective solutions”.

Among the initiatives developed by Entel especially for the elderly, the following stand out:

  • Call center with specialized attention, to ensure a space of greater understanding and closeness. You only have to call 103 and you will automatically be recognized by your ID number.

  • Specialized support program for three months from the purchase of the device, to resolve doubts about the use of the product or the service contracted.

  • If they select the devices delivery option, people over 70 years of age will be able to resolve doubts and receive personalized advice at the time of receiving the product.

  • Technical service with home service, at no additional cost, in the Metropolitan Region and preferential schedules were established in stores throughout the country.

  • Replacement of cell phones compatible only with 2G technology. To date, 67% of the base of people over 70 years of age have made the change in the pilots being carried out in the regions of Biobío and Aysén.

  • Exclusive tab for senior citizens on Entel’s Digital Citizen website, with various recommendations related to internet use, mobile data, 5G, computer security, cybersecurity and safe internet, among others. https://www.entel.cl/personas-mayores
