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Tour Entel Electronic Recycling Campaign

More than 10 thousand kilometers and more than 50 locations in 90 days will be traveled by the Retruck, a mobile waste management solution that expects to collect about 20 thousand kilos from north to south of the country.

Around 8.7 kilos of electronic waste is generated annually by each Chilean according to reports from the United Nations (UN). This places us as the third Latin American country, after Uruguay and Costa Rica, that contributes the most to the more than 40 million tons of technological waste that cover the planet; something like 4,500 Eiffel Towers.

With the idea of expanding the electronic recycling work that Entel has been doing since 2013, this year the company developed the first mobile electronic recycling point, a Retruck, operated by the Chilean venture Arribamérica Recicla.

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour will cover more than 10 thousand kilometers of the country and more than 50 locations from north to south. Old or unused cell phones, batteries, cables, chargers, headphones, fixed telephones and modems can be recycled at this mobile recycling point, which begins its tour in the city of Antofagasta on August 8.


“At Entel we are a driving force in the transformation of society. Every day we work to promote initiatives that promote sustainability and thus improve the quality of life of people, making a responsible management of waste generated throughout the value chain. We have a responsibility to connect people with a cleaner and better world", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability.


“Chileans generate 17 million tons of garbage a year, and only 10% is recycled. However, 50% of Chileans are interested in recycling, but 40% do not have a place to do so, while 23% do not recycle because they are not in the habit of doing so. The National Environmental Survey 2018 says so, and we are working to change this reality, bringing recycling closer to people, but also with an educational purpose” says Camila De Bianchi, co-founder of Arribamérica Recicla.

90 days touring Chile

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour starts on August 8, from Antofagasta to the south, touring the following cities between August and September: San Pedro de Atacama, Taltal, Chañaral, Caldera, Copiapó, Vallenar, Huasco, Alto del Carmen, Chañaral de Aceituno, La Serena, Vicuña, Paihuano, Coquimbo, Ovalle, Monte Patria, Combarbalá, Illapel, Los Vilos, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Concón and Valparaíso.

At the end of September, the Entel Tour will start in the south of the country, beginning on the 28th in Puerto Montt, and then continue to Ensenada, Cochamó, Puelo, Hornopirén, Chaitén, Futaleufú, Palena, Coihaique, Cochrane, Puerto Aysén, Quellón, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Valdivia, Pucón Villarrica, Padre Las Casas, Los Ángeles, Concepción, Chillán, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Cauquenes, Curanipe, San Javier, Talca, Linares, Curicó, Santa Cruz, Sagrada Familia, Licantén, Pumanque and Rancagua.

In addition to receiving electronic waste, this will be an educational and recreational activity for the neighbors, as information will be provided on the role that all citizens have in the responsible care of the planet.

Meanwhile in the Metropolitan Region, a second Retruck will visit municipalities, schools and universities in the different communes, in a total of 72 activations.

The actions of the Entel Electronic Recycling Tour are in addition to the more than 700 electronic recycling points that Entel has in its stores and different public institutions and educational institutions.


Entel leads first major e-recycling crusade

9 Ago, 2019

Tour Entel Electronic Recycling Campaign

More than 10 thousand kilometers and more than 50 locations in 90 days will be traveled by the Retruck, a mobile waste management solution that expects to collect about 20 thousand kilos from north to south of the country.

Around 8.7 kilos of electronic waste is generated annually by each Chilean according to reports from the United Nations (UN). This places us as the third Latin American country, after Uruguay and Costa Rica, that contributes the most to the more than 40 million tons of technological waste that cover the planet; something like 4,500 Eiffel Towers.

With the idea of expanding the electronic recycling work that Entel has been doing since 2013, this year the company developed the first mobile electronic recycling point, a Retruck, operated by the Chilean venture Arribamérica Recicla.

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour will cover more than 10 thousand kilometers of the country and more than 50 locations from north to south. Old or unused cell phones, batteries, cables, chargers, headphones, fixed telephones and modems can be recycled at this mobile recycling point, which begins its tour in the city of Antofagasta on August 8.


“At Entel we are a driving force in the transformation of society. Every day we work to promote initiatives that promote sustainability and thus improve the quality of life of people, making a responsible management of waste generated throughout the value chain. We have a responsibility to connect people with a cleaner and better world", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability.


“Chileans generate 17 million tons of garbage a year, and only 10% is recycled. However, 50% of Chileans are interested in recycling, but 40% do not have a place to do so, while 23% do not recycle because they are not in the habit of doing so. The National Environmental Survey 2018 says so, and we are working to change this reality, bringing recycling closer to people, but also with an educational purpose” says Camila De Bianchi, co-founder of Arribamérica Recicla.

90 days touring Chile

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour starts on August 8, from Antofagasta to the south, touring the following cities between August and September: San Pedro de Atacama, Taltal, Chañaral, Caldera, Copiapó, Vallenar, Huasco, Alto del Carmen, Chañaral de Aceituno, La Serena, Vicuña, Paihuano, Coquimbo, Ovalle, Monte Patria, Combarbalá, Illapel, Los Vilos, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Concón and Valparaíso.

At the end of September, the Entel Tour will start in the south of the country, beginning on the 28th in Puerto Montt, and then continue to Ensenada, Cochamó, Puelo, Hornopirén, Chaitén, Futaleufú, Palena, Coihaique, Cochrane, Puerto Aysén, Quellón, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Valdivia, Pucón Villarrica, Padre Las Casas, Los Ángeles, Concepción, Chillán, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Cauquenes, Curanipe, San Javier, Talca, Linares, Curicó, Santa Cruz, Sagrada Familia, Licantén, Pumanque and Rancagua.

In addition to receiving electronic waste, this will be an educational and recreational activity for the neighbors, as information will be provided on the role that all citizens have in the responsible care of the planet.

Meanwhile in the Metropolitan Region, a second Retruck will visit municipalities, schools and universities in the different communes, in a total of 72 activations.

The actions of the Entel Electronic Recycling Tour are in addition to the more than 700 electronic recycling points that Entel has in its stores and different public institutions and educational institutions.


Tour Entel Electronic Recycling Campaign

More than 10 thousand kilometers and more than 50 locations in 90 days will be traveled by the Retruck, a mobile waste management solution that expects to collect about 20 thousand kilos from north to south of the country.

Around 8.7 kilos of electronic waste is generated annually by each Chilean according to reports from the United Nations (UN). This places us as the third Latin American country, after Uruguay and Costa Rica, that contributes the most to the more than 40 million tons of technological waste that cover the planet; something like 4,500 Eiffel Towers.

With the idea of expanding the electronic recycling work that Entel has been doing since 2013, this year the company developed the first mobile electronic recycling point, a Retruck, operated by the Chilean venture Arribamérica Recicla.

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour will cover more than 10 thousand kilometers of the country and more than 50 locations from north to south. Old or unused cell phones, batteries, cables, chargers, headphones, fixed telephones and modems can be recycled at this mobile recycling point, which begins its tour in the city of Antofagasta on August 8.


“At Entel we are a driving force in the transformation of society. Every day we work to promote initiatives that promote sustainability and thus improve the quality of life of people, making a responsible management of waste generated throughout the value chain. We have a responsibility to connect people with a cleaner and better world", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability.


“Chileans generate 17 million tons of garbage a year, and only 10% is recycled. However, 50% of Chileans are interested in recycling, but 40% do not have a place to do so, while 23% do not recycle because they are not in the habit of doing so. The National Environmental Survey 2018 says so, and we are working to change this reality, bringing recycling closer to people, but also with an educational purpose” says Camila De Bianchi, co-founder of Arribamérica Recicla.

90 days touring Chile

The Entel Electronic Recycling Tour starts on August 8, from Antofagasta to the south, touring the following cities between August and September: San Pedro de Atacama, Taltal, Chañaral, Caldera, Copiapó, Vallenar, Huasco, Alto del Carmen, Chañaral de Aceituno, La Serena, Vicuña, Paihuano, Coquimbo, Ovalle, Monte Patria, Combarbalá, Illapel, Los Vilos, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Concón and Valparaíso.

At the end of September, the Entel Tour will start in the south of the country, beginning on the 28th in Puerto Montt, and then continue to Ensenada, Cochamó, Puelo, Hornopirén, Chaitén, Futaleufú, Palena, Coihaique, Cochrane, Puerto Aysén, Quellón, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Castro, Chonchi, Osorno, Valdivia, Pucón Villarrica, Padre Las Casas, Los Ángeles, Concepción, Chillán, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Cauquenes, Curanipe, San Javier, Talca, Linares, Curicó, Santa Cruz, Sagrada Familia, Licantén, Pumanque and Rancagua.

In addition to receiving electronic waste, this will be an educational and recreational activity for the neighbors, as information will be provided on the role that all citizens have in the responsible care of the planet.

Meanwhile in the Metropolitan Region, a second Retruck will visit municipalities, schools and universities in the different communes, in a total of 72 activations.

The actions of the Entel Electronic Recycling Tour are in addition to the more than 700 electronic recycling points that Entel has in its stores and different public institutions and educational institutions.
