• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
311 communes in the country already have the technology:

The technology and telecommunications company delivered and already has the final acceptance of the works of 100% of Phase 2 of the project committed with Subtel, under the 3.5 GHz tender, two months before the deadline.

The symbolic handover took place with a ceremony in the region of La Araucanía, which was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications and the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

The activity took place in the town of Victoria, where a 5G connection was made between two communities and a Mapuche rogation was held.

A new milestone in the technological development of the country was celebrated with the official handover of 100% of Entel’s 5G technical project phase II. With this, the technology and telecommunications company is the first operator in the country to complete the project committed in the two phases of the last spectrum auction, which included the challenge of connecting isolated and remote locations, such as Puerto Williams, Putre, Rapa Nui and the Chiloé archipelago, with this new technology.

Entel began the first phase of deployment of its 5G project in October 2021 and concluded it in August last year, two months before the deadline committed in the bidding terms. This considered 1,105 base stations in 270 communes in all regions of the country, from Arica to Puerto Williams.

Then, at the end of last July, the delivery of 100% of phase two was completed, which included 266 additional base stations, focused on completing the communal coverage, in addition to all the regional capitals (16) and provincial capitals of the country (56), as well as all the state-owned properties comprising 199 public hospitals, 24 ministries and 16 intendancies. This second stage also considered complementary coverage to points of academic, social, scientific or productive interest, defined in the public tender, such as airfields, airports, places of scientific interest, universities and ports, where a more specific use of technology is projected, both in industrial and health sectors, smart cities and developments that contribute in these areas.

Base stations were also delivered in the communes of Tirúa, Ercilla, Los Sauces and Lumaco, in the regions of Biobío and La Araucanía, in an activity carried out in the town of Victoria. The event was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, and the general manager of Entel, Antonio Büchi, as well as regional authorities and Mapuche communities. A Mapuche rogation was also held on the occasion.

The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, said that “It is very important for the country that the companies that were awarded spectrum for the deployment of 5G networks comply with the committed deadlines, in order to reach people in a timely manner with quality services. It is in this sense that we are happy to see how Entel has completed within the deadline stage 2 of its project, but not only that but it will also finish during this month, a year in advance, stage 3 and final deployment, fulfilling the commitment and thereby helping to close the digital gap, generating more equity among the inhabitants of the country.”.

“We are very happy to celebrate today the delivery of 100% of our 5G Phase II project nationwide, two months ahead of the deadline. For us it is very important to fulfill our commitments and we have done it again in this phase 2. This milestone culminates the efforts of hundreds of people who worked to deliver better connectivity to all Chileans, even with restrictions such as those we had during the pandemic, where we had to deal with quarantines and serious mobility restrictions. In addition, in order to meet the deadline for the first stage, we reinforced the field team by 20%, adding 700 additional technicians throughout Chile. In addition to the challenges of reaching remote, isolated and geographically complex places, and also here, in the Araucanía Region, always working together with local and community authorities. This proves our commitment to the country, in bringing the infinite possibilities closer to everyone”, said Entel’s general manager, Antonio Büchi.

This technical achievement is part of the company’s investment plan for 2023 in 5G, which reaches US$205 million. This amount includes the works of phase 2, as well as various other commercial deployments to provide more capacity and coverage nationwide.

During the event, the challenges and complexities of deployment in the southern macro zone were also highlighted, This required a special handling by the company, with a management methodology to develop the 5G project with support from authorities, from the public and private sectors, mayors and special work with communities, understanding their macro vision, respecting it and understanding that development is built by all.

High interest in 5G technology

Thanks to the rapid deployment of Entel’s 5G network, every day more Chileans have access to its multiple benefits and there has been a high level of interest in the experience of this new technology, leading to a much faster uptake than with previous mobile technologies. In fact, just ten months after the launch, the company already had one million users who could connect to the 5G network, which in the case of 4G took 19 months and in 3G 57 months.

Currently, more than 50% of the total of mobile phones sold by Entel are enabled with 5G, and the projection for this year is to reach more than 1.5 million customers connected to this new technology.

As a result, in the first half of this year, the average monthly consumption of an Entel 5G customer increased by 50%, from 6.7 gigabytes in January to 10 gigabytes in June. On the other hand, mobile internet connections through this 5G network already represent 16% of its total mobile connections, equivalent to 1,202,736 customers effectively connected.


Entel is the first operator to complete 100% of the 5G Phase II project

7 Sep, 2023

311 communes in the country already have the technology:

The technology and telecommunications company delivered and already has the final acceptance of the works of 100% of Phase 2 of the project committed with Subtel, under the 3.5 GHz tender, two months before the deadline.

The symbolic handover took place with a ceremony in the region of La Araucanía, which was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications and the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

The activity took place in the town of Victoria, where a 5G connection was made between two communities and a Mapuche rogation was held.

A new milestone in the technological development of the country was celebrated with the official handover of 100% of Entel’s 5G technical project phase II. With this, the technology and telecommunications company is the first operator in the country to complete the project committed in the two phases of the last spectrum auction, which included the challenge of connecting isolated and remote locations, such as Puerto Williams, Putre, Rapa Nui and the Chiloé archipelago, with this new technology.

Entel began the first phase of deployment of its 5G project in October 2021 and concluded it in August last year, two months before the deadline committed in the bidding terms. This considered 1,105 base stations in 270 communes in all regions of the country, from Arica to Puerto Williams.

Then, at the end of last July, the delivery of 100% of phase two was completed, which included 266 additional base stations, focused on completing the communal coverage, in addition to all the regional capitals (16) and provincial capitals of the country (56), as well as all the state-owned properties comprising 199 public hospitals, 24 ministries and 16 intendancies. This second stage also considered complementary coverage to points of academic, social, scientific or productive interest, defined in the public tender, such as airfields, airports, places of scientific interest, universities and ports, where a more specific use of technology is projected, both in industrial and health sectors, smart cities and developments that contribute in these areas.

Base stations were also delivered in the communes of Tirúa, Ercilla, Los Sauces and Lumaco, in the regions of Biobío and La Araucanía, in an activity carried out in the town of Victoria. The event was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, and the general manager of Entel, Antonio Büchi, as well as regional authorities and Mapuche communities. A Mapuche rogation was also held on the occasion.

The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, said that “It is very important for the country that the companies that were awarded spectrum for the deployment of 5G networks comply with the committed deadlines, in order to reach people in a timely manner with quality services. It is in this sense that we are happy to see how Entel has completed within the deadline stage 2 of its project, but not only that but it will also finish during this month, a year in advance, stage 3 and final deployment, fulfilling the commitment and thereby helping to close the digital gap, generating more equity among the inhabitants of the country.”.

“We are very happy to celebrate today the delivery of 100% of our 5G Phase II project nationwide, two months ahead of the deadline. For us it is very important to fulfill our commitments and we have done it again in this phase 2. This milestone culminates the efforts of hundreds of people who worked to deliver better connectivity to all Chileans, even with restrictions such as those we had during the pandemic, where we had to deal with quarantines and serious mobility restrictions. In addition, in order to meet the deadline for the first stage, we reinforced the field team by 20%, adding 700 additional technicians throughout Chile. In addition to the challenges of reaching remote, isolated and geographically complex places, and also here, in the Araucanía Region, always working together with local and community authorities. This proves our commitment to the country, in bringing the infinite possibilities closer to everyone”, said Entel’s general manager, Antonio Büchi.

This technical achievement is part of the company’s investment plan for 2023 in 5G, which reaches US$205 million. This amount includes the works of phase 2, as well as various other commercial deployments to provide more capacity and coverage nationwide.

During the event, the challenges and complexities of deployment in the southern macro zone were also highlighted, This required a special handling by the company, with a management methodology to develop the 5G project with support from authorities, from the public and private sectors, mayors and special work with communities, understanding their macro vision, respecting it and understanding that development is built by all.

High interest in 5G technology

Thanks to the rapid deployment of Entel’s 5G network, every day more Chileans have access to its multiple benefits and there has been a high level of interest in the experience of this new technology, leading to a much faster uptake than with previous mobile technologies. In fact, just ten months after the launch, the company already had one million users who could connect to the 5G network, which in the case of 4G took 19 months and in 3G 57 months.

Currently, more than 50% of the total of mobile phones sold by Entel are enabled with 5G, and the projection for this year is to reach more than 1.5 million customers connected to this new technology.

As a result, in the first half of this year, the average monthly consumption of an Entel 5G customer increased by 50%, from 6.7 gigabytes in January to 10 gigabytes in June. On the other hand, mobile internet connections through this 5G network already represent 16% of its total mobile connections, equivalent to 1,202,736 customers effectively connected.


311 communes in the country already have the technology:

The technology and telecommunications company delivered and already has the final acceptance of the works of 100% of Phase 2 of the project committed with Subtel, under the 3.5 GHz tender, two months before the deadline.

The symbolic handover took place with a ceremony in the region of La Araucanía, which was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications and the Undersecretary of Telecommunications.

The activity took place in the town of Victoria, where a 5G connection was made between two communities and a Mapuche rogation was held.

A new milestone in the technological development of the country was celebrated with the official handover of 100% of Entel’s 5G technical project phase II. With this, the technology and telecommunications company is the first operator in the country to complete the project committed in the two phases of the last spectrum auction, which included the challenge of connecting isolated and remote locations, such as Puerto Williams, Putre, Rapa Nui and the Chiloé archipelago, with this new technology.

Entel began the first phase of deployment of its 5G project in October 2021 and concluded it in August last year, two months before the deadline committed in the bidding terms. This considered 1,105 base stations in 270 communes in all regions of the country, from Arica to Puerto Williams.

Then, at the end of last July, the delivery of 100% of phase two was completed, which included 266 additional base stations, focused on completing the communal coverage, in addition to all the regional capitals (16) and provincial capitals of the country (56), as well as all the state-owned properties comprising 199 public hospitals, 24 ministries and 16 intendancies. This second stage also considered complementary coverage to points of academic, social, scientific or productive interest, defined in the public tender, such as airfields, airports, places of scientific interest, universities and ports, where a more specific use of technology is projected, both in industrial and health sectors, smart cities and developments that contribute in these areas.

Base stations were also delivered in the communes of Tirúa, Ercilla, Los Sauces and Lumaco, in the regions of Biobío and La Araucanía, in an activity carried out in the town of Victoria. The event was attended by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, and the general manager of Entel, Antonio Büchi, as well as regional authorities and Mapuche communities. A Mapuche rogation was also held on the occasion.

The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, said that “It is very important for the country that the companies that were awarded spectrum for the deployment of 5G networks comply with the committed deadlines, in order to reach people in a timely manner with quality services. It is in this sense that we are happy to see how Entel has completed within the deadline stage 2 of its project, but not only that but it will also finish during this month, a year in advance, stage 3 and final deployment, fulfilling the commitment and thereby helping to close the digital gap, generating more equity among the inhabitants of the country.”.

“We are very happy to celebrate today the delivery of 100% of our 5G Phase II project nationwide, two months ahead of the deadline. For us it is very important to fulfill our commitments and we have done it again in this phase 2. This milestone culminates the efforts of hundreds of people who worked to deliver better connectivity to all Chileans, even with restrictions such as those we had during the pandemic, where we had to deal with quarantines and serious mobility restrictions. In addition, in order to meet the deadline for the first stage, we reinforced the field team by 20%, adding 700 additional technicians throughout Chile. In addition to the challenges of reaching remote, isolated and geographically complex places, and also here, in the Araucanía Region, always working together with local and community authorities. This proves our commitment to the country, in bringing the infinite possibilities closer to everyone”, said Entel’s general manager, Antonio Büchi.

This technical achievement is part of the company’s investment plan for 2023 in 5G, which reaches US$205 million. This amount includes the works of phase 2, as well as various other commercial deployments to provide more capacity and coverage nationwide.

During the event, the challenges and complexities of deployment in the southern macro zone were also highlighted, This required a special handling by the company, with a management methodology to develop the 5G project with support from authorities, from the public and private sectors, mayors and special work with communities, understanding their macro vision, respecting it and understanding that development is built by all.

High interest in 5G technology

Thanks to the rapid deployment of Entel’s 5G network, every day more Chileans have access to its multiple benefits and there has been a high level of interest in the experience of this new technology, leading to a much faster uptake than with previous mobile technologies. In fact, just ten months after the launch, the company already had one million users who could connect to the 5G network, which in the case of 4G took 19 months and in 3G 57 months.

Currently, more than 50% of the total of mobile phones sold by Entel are enabled with 5G, and the projection for this year is to reach more than 1.5 million customers connected to this new technology.

As a result, in the first half of this year, the average monthly consumption of an Entel 5G customer increased by 50%, from 6.7 gigabytes in January to 10 gigabytes in June. On the other hand, mobile internet connections through this 5G network already represent 16% of its total mobile connections, equivalent to 1,202,736 customers effectively connected.
