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Distance education in pandemic:

The technology and telecommunications company has delivered sim cards to establishments located in places such as La Pintana, Santiago, Puerto Natales and Temuco, with the aim of guaranteeing connectivity for students and facilitating teaching.

The use of sim cards and the respective internet plans that Entel has donated to schools and colleges in different regions of the country will be extended until the end of the school year, thus allowing children and young people to adequately continue their distance education processes. This was announced by the technology and telecommunications company after analyzing the evolution of the pandemic and the uncertainty regarding the return to classes, extending the use of these plans that originally had a validity of three months.

Entel has donated a total of 7,570 sim cards, with a prepaid bag with 30GB monthly, to schools, foundations, municipalities and organizations in the Metropolitan, O’Higgins, La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Biobío and Magallanes regions.


“The current emergency has shown the importance of technology to keep us connected and, at the same time, to respect social distancing. But it has also shown us the shortcomings of those who do not have this tool, which is particularly sensitive in the case of children and the need to study at a distance. By extending the term of the plans we seek to guarantee connectivity so that children and young people can finish this school year with peace of mind, which has been full of challenges and obstacles", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Communities.

The experience of connectivity in education

The experiences of different schools throughout the country have shown the importance of having Internet access not only for tele-education, but also for the permanent support of educational institutions for students and parents

Betterland School, located in Lo Barnechea, is considered the most vulnerable school in the eastern zone. Implementing distance education was a great challenge, since many of the families are in a situation of vulnerability. Thanks to donations of 200 Entel plans, the students were able to continue their classes through Google Classroom and Zoom.

However, the educational role goes beyond teaching, and along these lines it was decided to also provide psychological support to the students’ families through online channels.


“This has undoubtedly been a challenge that has entailed a lot of effort. This pandemic has had both economic and emotional effects, so we decided to create a psychological support mechanism for our students and their circles”, explains Octavio Lizama, director of the Betterland School.

On the other hand, the implementation of distance education is even more difficult in Technical Professional Education, whose learning, due to its characteristics, is centered on practice.

Through Fundación Nocedal, 1,060 sim cards were delivered and distributed among the different schools of the foundation.

As of March 30, a few weeks after the beginning of the pandemic, only 69% of the students of the Almendral School, located in the El Castillo neighborhood of La Pintana, had connectivity. Today, 82% of its 1,009 students can connect. At the school, online classes are compulsory between 7th grade and 4th grade with at least one hour a day.

Similar is the experience of the Nocedal School (756 students), located in the same sector, which has Electronics and Telecommunications specialties, where the heads of specialty got a software that works as a simulator. Thus, the students have been able to simulate making connections and making circuits, among other things. Almost 80% of the teachers of the second cycle and middle school have online classes and, on average, 70% of the school’s children are able to connect.

Villa Cerro Dorotea, one of the most remote communities in the country, is located 24 kilometers from Puerto Natales, near the border with Argentina. The border school of the same name has 5 students, who, as in the rest of the country, have had to continue their classes from a distance. This school is one of the 9 establishments in the commune to which, through the Puerto Natales Municipal Education Corporation, Entel delivered sim cards and internet plans.


“We understand that having internet connection is a necessity for all students in the country. From our commitment as a technology and telecommunications company, we have sought to provide connectivity in different regions and localities, identifying where the needs are", points out Jimena del Valle.


Entel extends until the end of the school year the operation of more than 7 thousand internet plans donated to schools

30 Sep, 2020

Distance education in pandemic:

The technology and telecommunications company has delivered sim cards to establishments located in places such as La Pintana, Santiago, Puerto Natales and Temuco, with the aim of guaranteeing connectivity for students and facilitating teaching.

The use of sim cards and the respective internet plans that Entel has donated to schools and colleges in different regions of the country will be extended until the end of the school year, thus allowing children and young people to adequately continue their distance education processes. This was announced by the technology and telecommunications company after analyzing the evolution of the pandemic and the uncertainty regarding the return to classes, extending the use of these plans that originally had a validity of three months.

Entel has donated a total of 7,570 sim cards, with a prepaid bag with 30GB monthly, to schools, foundations, municipalities and organizations in the Metropolitan, O’Higgins, La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Biobío and Magallanes regions.


“The current emergency has shown the importance of technology to keep us connected and, at the same time, to respect social distancing. But it has also shown us the shortcomings of those who do not have this tool, which is particularly sensitive in the case of children and the need to study at a distance. By extending the term of the plans we seek to guarantee connectivity so that children and young people can finish this school year with peace of mind, which has been full of challenges and obstacles", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Communities.

The experience of connectivity in education

The experiences of different schools throughout the country have shown the importance of having Internet access not only for tele-education, but also for the permanent support of educational institutions for students and parents

Betterland School, located in Lo Barnechea, is considered the most vulnerable school in the eastern zone. Implementing distance education was a great challenge, since many of the families are in a situation of vulnerability. Thanks to donations of 200 Entel plans, the students were able to continue their classes through Google Classroom and Zoom.

However, the educational role goes beyond teaching, and along these lines it was decided to also provide psychological support to the students’ families through online channels.


“This has undoubtedly been a challenge that has entailed a lot of effort. This pandemic has had both economic and emotional effects, so we decided to create a psychological support mechanism for our students and their circles”, explains Octavio Lizama, director of the Betterland School.

On the other hand, the implementation of distance education is even more difficult in Technical Professional Education, whose learning, due to its characteristics, is centered on practice.

Through Fundación Nocedal, 1,060 sim cards were delivered and distributed among the different schools of the foundation.

As of March 30, a few weeks after the beginning of the pandemic, only 69% of the students of the Almendral School, located in the El Castillo neighborhood of La Pintana, had connectivity. Today, 82% of its 1,009 students can connect. At the school, online classes are compulsory between 7th grade and 4th grade with at least one hour a day.

Similar is the experience of the Nocedal School (756 students), located in the same sector, which has Electronics and Telecommunications specialties, where the heads of specialty got a software that works as a simulator. Thus, the students have been able to simulate making connections and making circuits, among other things. Almost 80% of the teachers of the second cycle and middle school have online classes and, on average, 70% of the school’s children are able to connect.

Villa Cerro Dorotea, one of the most remote communities in the country, is located 24 kilometers from Puerto Natales, near the border with Argentina. The border school of the same name has 5 students, who, as in the rest of the country, have had to continue their classes from a distance. This school is one of the 9 establishments in the commune to which, through the Puerto Natales Municipal Education Corporation, Entel delivered sim cards and internet plans.


“We understand that having internet connection is a necessity for all students in the country. From our commitment as a technology and telecommunications company, we have sought to provide connectivity in different regions and localities, identifying where the needs are", points out Jimena del Valle.


Distance education in pandemic:

The technology and telecommunications company has delivered sim cards to establishments located in places such as La Pintana, Santiago, Puerto Natales and Temuco, with the aim of guaranteeing connectivity for students and facilitating teaching.

The use of sim cards and the respective internet plans that Entel has donated to schools and colleges in different regions of the country will be extended until the end of the school year, thus allowing children and young people to adequately continue their distance education processes. This was announced by the technology and telecommunications company after analyzing the evolution of the pandemic and the uncertainty regarding the return to classes, extending the use of these plans that originally had a validity of three months.

Entel has donated a total of 7,570 sim cards, with a prepaid bag with 30GB monthly, to schools, foundations, municipalities and organizations in the Metropolitan, O’Higgins, La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Biobío and Magallanes regions.


“The current emergency has shown the importance of technology to keep us connected and, at the same time, to respect social distancing. But it has also shown us the shortcomings of those who do not have this tool, which is particularly sensitive in the case of children and the need to study at a distance. By extending the term of the plans we seek to guarantee connectivity so that children and young people can finish this school year with peace of mind, which has been full of challenges and obstacles", says Jimena del Valle, Entel’s Director of Sustainability and Communities.

The experience of connectivity in education

The experiences of different schools throughout the country have shown the importance of having Internet access not only for tele-education, but also for the permanent support of educational institutions for students and parents

Betterland School, located in Lo Barnechea, is considered the most vulnerable school in the eastern zone. Implementing distance education was a great challenge, since many of the families are in a situation of vulnerability. Thanks to donations of 200 Entel plans, the students were able to continue their classes through Google Classroom and Zoom.

However, the educational role goes beyond teaching, and along these lines it was decided to also provide psychological support to the students’ families through online channels.


“This has undoubtedly been a challenge that has entailed a lot of effort. This pandemic has had both economic and emotional effects, so we decided to create a psychological support mechanism for our students and their circles”, explains Octavio Lizama, director of the Betterland School.

On the other hand, the implementation of distance education is even more difficult in Technical Professional Education, whose learning, due to its characteristics, is centered on practice.

Through Fundación Nocedal, 1,060 sim cards were delivered and distributed among the different schools of the foundation.

As of March 30, a few weeks after the beginning of the pandemic, only 69% of the students of the Almendral School, located in the El Castillo neighborhood of La Pintana, had connectivity. Today, 82% of its 1,009 students can connect. At the school, online classes are compulsory between 7th grade and 4th grade with at least one hour a day.

Similar is the experience of the Nocedal School (756 students), located in the same sector, which has Electronics and Telecommunications specialties, where the heads of specialty got a software that works as a simulator. Thus, the students have been able to simulate making connections and making circuits, among other things. Almost 80% of the teachers of the second cycle and middle school have online classes and, on average, 70% of the school’s children are able to connect.

Villa Cerro Dorotea, one of the most remote communities in the country, is located 24 kilometers from Puerto Natales, near the border with Argentina. The border school of the same name has 5 students, who, as in the rest of the country, have had to continue their classes from a distance. This school is one of the 9 establishments in the commune to which, through the Puerto Natales Municipal Education Corporation, Entel delivered sim cards and internet plans.


“We understand that having internet connection is a necessity for all students in the country. From our commitment as a technology and telecommunications company, we have sought to provide connectivity in different regions and localities, identifying where the needs are", points out Jimena del Valle.
