• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Territorial connectivity:

This technological renewal for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda contributes to provide neighbors with a better mobile browsing experience, as well as positively impacting productive and industrial sectors relevant to the development of the region.

The technology and telecommunications company Entel, in line with its purpose of bringing technology closer to the people and improving connectivity, continues to expand and strengthen the deployment of its 4G mobile network. This, in addition to improving the service conditions received by its customers, also allows it to meet the needs arising from the health contingency, improving quality connectivity, both for teleworking and for distance learning or online procedures.

In this context, Entel has just implemented a technological renovation of its mobile services for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda, providing them with high-speed 4G coverage. With this implementation, more than 12 thousand neighbors will be able to see a significant improvement in the speed of navigation and downloading on their mobile devices. In addition to the citizen impact, this technological advance also favors the development of industries so relevant to the Antofagasta Region, such as mining, agriculture, among others.

This technological project is part of an important deployment that Entel has initiated this year to strengthen its 4G network nationwide, contemplating an annual investment of US $60 million, of which US $2.5 million will be invested in the Antofagasta Region.


“This is good news for the inhabitants of rural areas who will benefit from this technological renewal, since by moving from 3G to 4G they will experience a substantial improvement in the quality of their connectivity and will be able to access high-speed mobile internet, which also represents a development opportunity for the region’s main industries”, said Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs.

As reported by the company, Entel’s 4G network grew by 150% in the last 4 years, which explains, among other factors, that when analyzing the evolution of 4G users in the region, a sustained increase is observed since 2017, from 128,453 to 262,395 in 2020. Therefore, Entel, in its commitment to bring the infinite possibilities of technology to all Chileans, expects to continue expanding 4G coverage to other areas in the Antofagasta Region in the coming months.


Entel connects new areas to high-speed mobile 4G network in Antofagasta Region

24 Sep, 2021

Territorial connectivity:

This technological renewal for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda contributes to provide neighbors with a better mobile browsing experience, as well as positively impacting productive and industrial sectors relevant to the development of the region.

The technology and telecommunications company Entel, in line with its purpose of bringing technology closer to the people and improving connectivity, continues to expand and strengthen the deployment of its 4G mobile network. This, in addition to improving the service conditions received by its customers, also allows it to meet the needs arising from the health contingency, improving quality connectivity, both for teleworking and for distance learning or online procedures.

In this context, Entel has just implemented a technological renovation of its mobile services for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda, providing them with high-speed 4G coverage. With this implementation, more than 12 thousand neighbors will be able to see a significant improvement in the speed of navigation and downloading on their mobile devices. In addition to the citizen impact, this technological advance also favors the development of industries so relevant to the Antofagasta Region, such as mining, agriculture, among others.

This technological project is part of an important deployment that Entel has initiated this year to strengthen its 4G network nationwide, contemplating an annual investment of US $60 million, of which US $2.5 million will be invested in the Antofagasta Region.


“This is good news for the inhabitants of rural areas who will benefit from this technological renewal, since by moving from 3G to 4G they will experience a substantial improvement in the quality of their connectivity and will be able to access high-speed mobile internet, which also represents a development opportunity for the region’s main industries”, said Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs.

As reported by the company, Entel’s 4G network grew by 150% in the last 4 years, which explains, among other factors, that when analyzing the evolution of 4G users in the region, a sustained increase is observed since 2017, from 128,453 to 262,395 in 2020. Therefore, Entel, in its commitment to bring the infinite possibilities of technology to all Chileans, expects to continue expanding 4G coverage to other areas in the Antofagasta Region in the coming months.


Territorial connectivity:

This technological renewal for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda contributes to provide neighbors with a better mobile browsing experience, as well as positively impacting productive and industrial sectors relevant to the development of the region.

The technology and telecommunications company Entel, in line with its purpose of bringing technology closer to the people and improving connectivity, continues to expand and strengthen the deployment of its 4G mobile network. This, in addition to improving the service conditions received by its customers, also allows it to meet the needs arising from the health contingency, improving quality connectivity, both for teleworking and for distance learning or online procedures.

In this context, Entel has just implemented a technological renovation of its mobile services for the towns of Socaire and Sierra Gorda, providing them with high-speed 4G coverage. With this implementation, more than 12 thousand neighbors will be able to see a significant improvement in the speed of navigation and downloading on their mobile devices. In addition to the citizen impact, this technological advance also favors the development of industries so relevant to the Antofagasta Region, such as mining, agriculture, among others.

This technological project is part of an important deployment that Entel has initiated this year to strengthen its 4G network nationwide, contemplating an annual investment of US $60 million, of which US $2.5 million will be invested in the Antofagasta Region.


“This is good news for the inhabitants of rural areas who will benefit from this technological renewal, since by moving from 3G to 4G they will experience a substantial improvement in the quality of their connectivity and will be able to access high-speed mobile internet, which also represents a development opportunity for the region’s main industries”, said Claudio Anabalón, Entel’s Director of Public Affairs.

As reported by the company, Entel’s 4G network grew by 150% in the last 4 years, which explains, among other factors, that when analyzing the evolution of 4G users in the region, a sustained increase is observed since 2017, from 128,453 to 262,395 in 2020. Therefore, Entel, in its commitment to bring the infinite possibilities of technology to all Chileans, expects to continue expanding 4G coverage to other areas in the Antofagasta Region in the coming months.
