• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Consolidated results:

Despite lower economic activity and a stagnant industry in Chile and Peru, the technology and telecommunications company reduced its level of indebtedness and grew in revenues from mobile services.

In addition, it concluded the year by obtaining approval of its fiber optic agreement with ON*NETFIBRA and finalizing an alliance with SpaceX.

Entel presented its financial results corresponding to the end of 2023 with net profits of Ch$88 billion, a period marked by milestones such as the approval of the sale of ON*NETFIBRA’s fiber optic business assets by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, which will allow it to increase its reach from 1.3 to 4.3 million home passed customers in Chile. It also ranked second in mobile telephony market share in Peru and was the only Latin American company to sign an alliance with SpaceX to offer basic satellite connectivity in the mobile market in the two markets in which it operates.

As reported by the technology and telecommunications company to the Financial Market Commission (CMF), consolidated revenues at the end of last year amounted to Ch$2,573 billion, a decrease of 18% compared to 2022, although the variation is -2.7% when subtracting the extraordinary effect of the sale of the data centers in both markets in that year and the sale of fiber in Chile in 2023. At the same time, he highlighted the 2% increase in mobile services, reaching 20.2 million mobile subscribers in Chile and Peru in the midst of a stagnant industry.

Ebitda amounted to Ch$762 billion, -3.5% excluding extraordinary effects, due to lower consumer spending which impacted revenues from handset sales and higher costs associated with inflation, energy and one-time costs in the first quarter.

Entel’s vice-president of Finance, Marcelo Bermúdez, valued these figures because despite a tight economic scenario of high investment for the industry and low growth,“the company reduced its level of indebtedness compared to the end of 2023 and increased its number of mobile service customers in Chile and Peru. Also, the closing of the ON*NETFIBRA deal generated significant revenues and will enable us to move forward with our target of expanding our offerings to homes and businesses”.

In the analysis by country, Bermudez highlighted the sustained consolidation of Entel as a relevant player in the Peruvian market, where it registered a base of 9,652,325 mobile customers, which implied adding 0.5% of customers by subscription in 12 months, in addition to the increase in ARPU in services (+5.8%). Despite this panorama, revenues in Peru amounted to $832 billion (-9%), mainly due to the lower economic activity that impacted the sale of handsets and accessories (-27%), which was partially offset by an increase of 1.8% in mobile services and 6.7% in fixed IT and digital services.

In relation to the Chilean operation, he highlighted the 1.7% growth in the total subscriber base, totaling 10,593,518 customers, an increase of 5%, which led to total revenues of Ch$1,733 million. In this context, the main novelties were higher revenues from wireless (+2%) and fixed-line services (+4%), which offset the drop in handset and accessory sales (-8%), due to lower consumer spending.

Meanwhile, in Entel Hogar services, 70% corresponded to the sale of fiber optic services (+13%), which is one of the company’s strategic development lines.

Corporate reputation and sustainability

The impact of Entel’s work has recently been highlighted in various measurements. According to the Merco Empresas ranking, for the eighth consecutive year Entel Chile remained in the Top 10 with the best reputation and in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in the DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific categories, where it ranked in the top 10% of the industry at a global level by improving its performance in 15 of the 25 criteria evaluated.


Entel closes 2023 with net income of $88 billion after sale of assets and better margins in Peruvian subsidiary

25 Ene, 2024

Consolidated results:

Despite lower economic activity and a stagnant industry in Chile and Peru, the technology and telecommunications company reduced its level of indebtedness and grew in revenues from mobile services.

In addition, it concluded the year by obtaining approval of its fiber optic agreement with ON*NETFIBRA and finalizing an alliance with SpaceX.

Entel presented its financial results corresponding to the end of 2023 with net profits of Ch$88 billion, a period marked by milestones such as the approval of the sale of ON*NETFIBRA’s fiber optic business assets by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, which will allow it to increase its reach from 1.3 to 4.3 million home passed customers in Chile. It also ranked second in mobile telephony market share in Peru and was the only Latin American company to sign an alliance with SpaceX to offer basic satellite connectivity in the mobile market in the two markets in which it operates.

As reported by the technology and telecommunications company to the Financial Market Commission (CMF), consolidated revenues at the end of last year amounted to Ch$2,573 billion, a decrease of 18% compared to 2022, although the variation is -2.7% when subtracting the extraordinary effect of the sale of the data centers in both markets in that year and the sale of fiber in Chile in 2023. At the same time, he highlighted the 2% increase in mobile services, reaching 20.2 million mobile subscribers in Chile and Peru in the midst of a stagnant industry.

Ebitda amounted to Ch$762 billion, -3.5% excluding extraordinary effects, due to lower consumer spending which impacted revenues from handset sales and higher costs associated with inflation, energy and one-time costs in the first quarter.

Entel’s vice-president of Finance, Marcelo Bermúdez, valued these figures because despite a tight economic scenario of high investment for the industry and low growth,“the company reduced its level of indebtedness compared to the end of 2023 and increased its number of mobile service customers in Chile and Peru. Also, the closing of the ON*NETFIBRA deal generated significant revenues and will enable us to move forward with our target of expanding our offerings to homes and businesses”.

In the analysis by country, Bermudez highlighted the sustained consolidation of Entel as a relevant player in the Peruvian market, where it registered a base of 9,652,325 mobile customers, which implied adding 0.5% of customers by subscription in 12 months, in addition to the increase in ARPU in services (+5.8%). Despite this panorama, revenues in Peru amounted to $832 billion (-9%), mainly due to the lower economic activity that impacted the sale of handsets and accessories (-27%), which was partially offset by an increase of 1.8% in mobile services and 6.7% in fixed IT and digital services.

In relation to the Chilean operation, he highlighted the 1.7% growth in the total subscriber base, totaling 10,593,518 customers, an increase of 5%, which led to total revenues of Ch$1,733 million. In this context, the main novelties were higher revenues from wireless (+2%) and fixed-line services (+4%), which offset the drop in handset and accessory sales (-8%), due to lower consumer spending.

Meanwhile, in Entel Hogar services, 70% corresponded to the sale of fiber optic services (+13%), which is one of the company’s strategic development lines.

Corporate reputation and sustainability

The impact of Entel’s work has recently been highlighted in various measurements. According to the Merco Empresas ranking, for the eighth consecutive year Entel Chile remained in the Top 10 with the best reputation and in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in the DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific categories, where it ranked in the top 10% of the industry at a global level by improving its performance in 15 of the 25 criteria evaluated.


Consolidated results:

Despite lower economic activity and a stagnant industry in Chile and Peru, the technology and telecommunications company reduced its level of indebtedness and grew in revenues from mobile services.

In addition, it concluded the year by obtaining approval of its fiber optic agreement with ON*NETFIBRA and finalizing an alliance with SpaceX.

Entel presented its financial results corresponding to the end of 2023 with net profits of Ch$88 billion, a period marked by milestones such as the approval of the sale of ON*NETFIBRA’s fiber optic business assets by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, which will allow it to increase its reach from 1.3 to 4.3 million home passed customers in Chile. It also ranked second in mobile telephony market share in Peru and was the only Latin American company to sign an alliance with SpaceX to offer basic satellite connectivity in the mobile market in the two markets in which it operates.

As reported by the technology and telecommunications company to the Financial Market Commission (CMF), consolidated revenues at the end of last year amounted to Ch$2,573 billion, a decrease of 18% compared to 2022, although the variation is -2.7% when subtracting the extraordinary effect of the sale of the data centers in both markets in that year and the sale of fiber in Chile in 2023. At the same time, he highlighted the 2% increase in mobile services, reaching 20.2 million mobile subscribers in Chile and Peru in the midst of a stagnant industry.

Ebitda amounted to Ch$762 billion, -3.5% excluding extraordinary effects, due to lower consumer spending which impacted revenues from handset sales and higher costs associated with inflation, energy and one-time costs in the first quarter.

Entel’s vice-president of Finance, Marcelo Bermúdez, valued these figures because despite a tight economic scenario of high investment for the industry and low growth,“the company reduced its level of indebtedness compared to the end of 2023 and increased its number of mobile service customers in Chile and Peru. Also, the closing of the ON*NETFIBRA deal generated significant revenues and will enable us to move forward with our target of expanding our offerings to homes and businesses”.

In the analysis by country, Bermudez highlighted the sustained consolidation of Entel as a relevant player in the Peruvian market, where it registered a base of 9,652,325 mobile customers, which implied adding 0.5% of customers by subscription in 12 months, in addition to the increase in ARPU in services (+5.8%). Despite this panorama, revenues in Peru amounted to $832 billion (-9%), mainly due to the lower economic activity that impacted the sale of handsets and accessories (-27%), which was partially offset by an increase of 1.8% in mobile services and 6.7% in fixed IT and digital services.

In relation to the Chilean operation, he highlighted the 1.7% growth in the total subscriber base, totaling 10,593,518 customers, an increase of 5%, which led to total revenues of Ch$1,733 million. In this context, the main novelties were higher revenues from wireless (+2%) and fixed-line services (+4%), which offset the drop in handset and accessory sales (-8%), due to lower consumer spending.

Meanwhile, in Entel Hogar services, 70% corresponded to the sale of fiber optic services (+13%), which is one of the company’s strategic development lines.

Corporate reputation and sustainability

The impact of Entel’s work has recently been highlighted in various measurements. According to the Merco Empresas ranking, for the eighth consecutive year Entel Chile remained in the Top 10 with the best reputation and in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in the DJSI Chile and DJSI MILA Pacific categories, where it ranked in the top 10% of the industry at a global level by improving its performance in 15 of the 25 criteria evaluated.
