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Free online course:

Classes begin on August 3, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitana. Registration ends on Friday, July 29.

Undoubtedly, the hyperconnectivity and acceleration of the digital transformation to which the pandemic confronted us maintains a leading role, especially in the field of education. In this context, students have access to multiple benefits, but they also face risks that they must be aware of and be guided by their caregivers.

The fact that children and adolescents spend more time in front of screens requires the adults around them to ensure that they know how to “navigate” safely.

For this reason, and with the aim of adding value to the digital ecosystem, Entel signed an alliance with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez to offer a new version of the Educating in the Digital Age program. This is a free course, in online format, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitan, who face the challenge of educating children and adolescents in a highly digitalized world.

It will address issues such as the use that children and adolescents are making of the Internet and social networks; how educators can accompany them and minimize negative experiences, and enhance the possibilities that new technologies bring; and what practices and skills should be developed to combat misinformation.

“The current times have brought technology to all people in a vertiginous way and it is key to accompany underage students in this enormous challenge that is digitalization. Entel is happy to contribute to this objective with this training project for teachers and educators, in partnership with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez”, said Eilat Nachari, Entel’s Regulation, Legislation and Technology Consultant.

The program includes eight sessions of two hours each, led by an expert in the field. Among them are four professionals from Entel, a technology and telecommunications company and development partner of this course, who will guide the academics in matters of cybersecurity, technological trends and data analytics, among others.

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be awarded to those who have attended at least seven of the eight sessions.

Applications close on July 29 and classes begin on August 3. You can apply for free here . For more information click here or write to ciudadaniadigital@uai.cl.


Entel and UAI team up to train educators of underage students in a highly digitized world

25 Jul, 2022

Free online course:

Classes begin on August 3, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitana. Registration ends on Friday, July 29.

Undoubtedly, the hyperconnectivity and acceleration of the digital transformation to which the pandemic confronted us maintains a leading role, especially in the field of education. In this context, students have access to multiple benefits, but they also face risks that they must be aware of and be guided by their caregivers.

The fact that children and adolescents spend more time in front of screens requires the adults around them to ensure that they know how to “navigate” safely.

For this reason, and with the aim of adding value to the digital ecosystem, Entel signed an alliance with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez to offer a new version of the Educating in the Digital Age program. This is a free course, in online format, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitan, who face the challenge of educating children and adolescents in a highly digitalized world.

It will address issues such as the use that children and adolescents are making of the Internet and social networks; how educators can accompany them and minimize negative experiences, and enhance the possibilities that new technologies bring; and what practices and skills should be developed to combat misinformation.

“The current times have brought technology to all people in a vertiginous way and it is key to accompany underage students in this enormous challenge that is digitalization. Entel is happy to contribute to this objective with this training project for teachers and educators, in partnership with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez”, said Eilat Nachari, Entel’s Regulation, Legislation and Technology Consultant.

The program includes eight sessions of two hours each, led by an expert in the field. Among them are four professionals from Entel, a technology and telecommunications company and development partner of this course, who will guide the academics in matters of cybersecurity, technological trends and data analytics, among others.

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be awarded to those who have attended at least seven of the eight sessions.

Applications close on July 29 and classes begin on August 3. You can apply for free here . For more information click here or write to ciudadaniadigital@uai.cl.


Free online course:

Classes begin on August 3, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitana. Registration ends on Friday, July 29.

Undoubtedly, the hyperconnectivity and acceleration of the digital transformation to which the pandemic confronted us maintains a leading role, especially in the field of education. In this context, students have access to multiple benefits, but they also face risks that they must be aware of and be guided by their caregivers.

The fact that children and adolescents spend more time in front of screens requires the adults around them to ensure that they know how to “navigate” safely.

For this reason, and with the aim of adding value to the digital ecosystem, Entel signed an alliance with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez to offer a new version of the Educating in the Digital Age program. This is a free course, in online format, aimed at teachers, educators and caregivers in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Metropolitan, who face the challenge of educating children and adolescents in a highly digitalized world.

It will address issues such as the use that children and adolescents are making of the Internet and social networks; how educators can accompany them and minimize negative experiences, and enhance the possibilities that new technologies bring; and what practices and skills should be developed to combat misinformation.

“The current times have brought technology to all people in a vertiginous way and it is key to accompany underage students in this enormous challenge that is digitalization. Entel is happy to contribute to this objective with this training project for teachers and educators, in partnership with the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez”, said Eilat Nachari, Entel’s Regulation, Legislation and Technology Consultant.

The program includes eight sessions of two hours each, led by an expert in the field. Among them are four professionals from Entel, a technology and telecommunications company and development partner of this course, who will guide the academics in matters of cybersecurity, technological trends and data analytics, among others.

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be awarded to those who have attended at least seven of the eight sessions.

Applications close on July 29 and classes begin on August 3. You can apply for free here . For more information click here or write to ciudadaniadigital@uai.cl.
