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  • Sobre Entel
Safer Internet Day:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, data traffic has increased by 59%, mainly triggered by the use of gaming applications and streaming platforms.

Greater connectivity implies a greater responsibility to be aware of the network threats and to educate regarding them.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have been forced to work at home, study remotely and use the Internet for entertainment. This has led to an increase in data traffic, in fact, since the pandemic began there has been a 59% growth in Chile.

Although the web brings a series of benefits and opportunities, citizens, adults, young people and children, must also be aware of the risks involved and the use of their data.

In this line, the technology and telecommunications company Entel jointly with the Ministry of Social Development, through the Undersecretary for Children, teamed up to provide recommendations to users and call for good practices regarding the use of the Internet.


“Cyber-attacks, grooming, scams and cyber-bullying are only some of the threats we encounter on the Internet. That is why as a company we are emphatic that education on these issues is extremely important to address these risks and adults can pass this knowledge to children, who not only use the networks for distance education, but also for entertainment, moreover, from Entel we have seen that gaming and streaming applications are the ones that have increased the most since the pandemic began”, explains Claudio Anabalón, Director of Public Affairs of Entel.

Greater connectivity has been key to addressing social distancing and confinement, as it offers a variety of benefits, such as learning, leisure time and social interaction. However, this brings with it a greater responsibility: citizens must inform themselves and then pass on that knowledge to children and adolescents.


Regarding this, the Minister of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar, pointed out that “for us, as the Ministry of Social Development and Family, from our Undersecretariat for Children, we have worked tirelessly, even with the Policía de Investigaciones, to be able to inform households and families about the importance of having a safe Internet. We have clearly transmitted that virtual abuse is a real abuse and that we have to be aware in our families that we have to talk, dialogue, be attentive to the signs, because behind a screen, whether it is a cell phone or a computer, there may be someone who is impersonating a child and there may be someone in our homes who is an abuser and we must know it”.

Likewise, institutions have focused mainly on the care of minors since, despite being digital natives, most of them are not aware of the abuses they can find on the Internet. Experts have identified that it is important for parents and guardians to be involved in the online life of children, to know what sites they browse, who they talk to and what information they share. In short, it is essential to guide the use of the Internet, educating, for example, about not sharing location, the existence of false identities on the Internet, not giving out personal data and, at the same time, giving children the necessary confidence to come to their parents in complex situations. According to data from the KIDS online study in Argentina, of the children and adolescents surveyed with regard to negative online experiences, 56% of the adolescents interviewed concluded that when they see or experience something on the Internet that bothers them, they talk about it with a friend, while 30% do so with a parent, 25% with a sibling, 24% with an adult they trust and 9% with a teacher.

Finally, and to raise awareness regarding cybersecurity, the technology and telecommunications company will illuminate the Entel Tower with the #DíaInternetlSeguro (#SafeInternetDay) and will provide users with the platform entel.cl/ciudadano-digital where they will find recommendations, advice and tips on how to use online platforms.


Entel and Ministry of Social Development deliver tips on how to deal with online dangers

9 Feb, 2021

Safer Internet Day:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, data traffic has increased by 59%, mainly triggered by the use of gaming applications and streaming platforms.

Greater connectivity implies a greater responsibility to be aware of the network threats and to educate regarding them.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have been forced to work at home, study remotely and use the Internet for entertainment. This has led to an increase in data traffic, in fact, since the pandemic began there has been a 59% growth in Chile.

Although the web brings a series of benefits and opportunities, citizens, adults, young people and children, must also be aware of the risks involved and the use of their data.

In this line, the technology and telecommunications company Entel jointly with the Ministry of Social Development, through the Undersecretary for Children, teamed up to provide recommendations to users and call for good practices regarding the use of the Internet.


“Cyber-attacks, grooming, scams and cyber-bullying are only some of the threats we encounter on the Internet. That is why as a company we are emphatic that education on these issues is extremely important to address these risks and adults can pass this knowledge to children, who not only use the networks for distance education, but also for entertainment, moreover, from Entel we have seen that gaming and streaming applications are the ones that have increased the most since the pandemic began”, explains Claudio Anabalón, Director of Public Affairs of Entel.

Greater connectivity has been key to addressing social distancing and confinement, as it offers a variety of benefits, such as learning, leisure time and social interaction. However, this brings with it a greater responsibility: citizens must inform themselves and then pass on that knowledge to children and adolescents.


Regarding this, the Minister of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar, pointed out that “for us, as the Ministry of Social Development and Family, from our Undersecretariat for Children, we have worked tirelessly, even with the Policía de Investigaciones, to be able to inform households and families about the importance of having a safe Internet. We have clearly transmitted that virtual abuse is a real abuse and that we have to be aware in our families that we have to talk, dialogue, be attentive to the signs, because behind a screen, whether it is a cell phone or a computer, there may be someone who is impersonating a child and there may be someone in our homes who is an abuser and we must know it”.

Likewise, institutions have focused mainly on the care of minors since, despite being digital natives, most of them are not aware of the abuses they can find on the Internet. Experts have identified that it is important for parents and guardians to be involved in the online life of children, to know what sites they browse, who they talk to and what information they share. In short, it is essential to guide the use of the Internet, educating, for example, about not sharing location, the existence of false identities on the Internet, not giving out personal data and, at the same time, giving children the necessary confidence to come to their parents in complex situations. According to data from the KIDS online study in Argentina, of the children and adolescents surveyed with regard to negative online experiences, 56% of the adolescents interviewed concluded that when they see or experience something on the Internet that bothers them, they talk about it with a friend, while 30% do so with a parent, 25% with a sibling, 24% with an adult they trust and 9% with a teacher.

Finally, and to raise awareness regarding cybersecurity, the technology and telecommunications company will illuminate the Entel Tower with the #DíaInternetlSeguro (#SafeInternetDay) and will provide users with the platform entel.cl/ciudadano-digital where they will find recommendations, advice and tips on how to use online platforms.


Safer Internet Day:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, data traffic has increased by 59%, mainly triggered by the use of gaming applications and streaming platforms.

Greater connectivity implies a greater responsibility to be aware of the network threats and to educate regarding them.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have been forced to work at home, study remotely and use the Internet for entertainment. This has led to an increase in data traffic, in fact, since the pandemic began there has been a 59% growth in Chile.

Although the web brings a series of benefits and opportunities, citizens, adults, young people and children, must also be aware of the risks involved and the use of their data.

In this line, the technology and telecommunications company Entel jointly with the Ministry of Social Development, through the Undersecretary for Children, teamed up to provide recommendations to users and call for good practices regarding the use of the Internet.


“Cyber-attacks, grooming, scams and cyber-bullying are only some of the threats we encounter on the Internet. That is why as a company we are emphatic that education on these issues is extremely important to address these risks and adults can pass this knowledge to children, who not only use the networks for distance education, but also for entertainment, moreover, from Entel we have seen that gaming and streaming applications are the ones that have increased the most since the pandemic began”, explains Claudio Anabalón, Director of Public Affairs of Entel.

Greater connectivity has been key to addressing social distancing and confinement, as it offers a variety of benefits, such as learning, leisure time and social interaction. However, this brings with it a greater responsibility: citizens must inform themselves and then pass on that knowledge to children and adolescents.


Regarding this, the Minister of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar, pointed out that “for us, as the Ministry of Social Development and Family, from our Undersecretariat for Children, we have worked tirelessly, even with the Policía de Investigaciones, to be able to inform households and families about the importance of having a safe Internet. We have clearly transmitted that virtual abuse is a real abuse and that we have to be aware in our families that we have to talk, dialogue, be attentive to the signs, because behind a screen, whether it is a cell phone or a computer, there may be someone who is impersonating a child and there may be someone in our homes who is an abuser and we must know it”.

Likewise, institutions have focused mainly on the care of minors since, despite being digital natives, most of them are not aware of the abuses they can find on the Internet. Experts have identified that it is important for parents and guardians to be involved in the online life of children, to know what sites they browse, who they talk to and what information they share. In short, it is essential to guide the use of the Internet, educating, for example, about not sharing location, the existence of false identities on the Internet, not giving out personal data and, at the same time, giving children the necessary confidence to come to their parents in complex situations. According to data from the KIDS online study in Argentina, of the children and adolescents surveyed with regard to negative online experiences, 56% of the adolescents interviewed concluded that when they see or experience something on the Internet that bothers them, they talk about it with a friend, while 30% do so with a parent, 25% with a sibling, 24% with an adult they trust and 9% with a teacher.

Finally, and to raise awareness regarding cybersecurity, the technology and telecommunications company will illuminate the Entel Tower with the #DíaInternetlSeguro (#SafeInternetDay) and will provide users with the platform entel.cl/ciudadano-digital where they will find recommendations, advice and tips on how to use online platforms.
