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ALAS20 Recognition

The only telecommunications company in the country recognized by this award to companies and investors from different areas in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

For the second consecutive year, the technology and telecommunications company Entel is part of ALAS20, obtaining the 8th place in the category Leading Company in Sustainability in Chile. This award recognizes the company’s efforts to publicly disclose information on sustainable development practices, rewarding its efforts to report its management in a transparent manner and aligned with the interests of the different stakeholders: customers, community, investors, suppliers and collaborators.

During the last decade, Entel has set itself the challenge of managing the business responsibly. This was reflected at the end of 2018 in a new purpose that made Entel’s role of bringing technology closer and facilitating its use more visible, generating opportunities in people’s daily lives, favoring the development and productivity of companies and their collaborators. In 2019, it continued its evolution by integrating sustainability into the business in order to generate value in the long term with a strategic sustainability plan, which complements the corporate strategy and aims to fulfill the purpose and vision of responsible transformation of society through technology.


“Today more than ever we see an opportunity to contribute to society with our business, to encourage more people and organizations to have better tools for their development and well-being, aiming at collaboration and dialogue, and celebrating diversity as a meeting point”, says Jimena del Valle, Director of Sustainability and Communities at Entel.

The definition of the strategic axes of transformation and their work components in each range of action, responded to an exercise of dialogue and work between different areas of the company. The material issues identified in 2018 and strategically prioritized were taken as a basis. During 2020, objectives, activities and initiatives to be developed in the medium and long term were defined, promoting and strengthening the work developed so far. For this purpose, internal campaigns and cross-cutting communication and socialization workshops were carried out in order to permeate the strategy among employees.


“Incorporating sustainability into the business strategy has been a process of constant learning and development over time, and awards like this reinforce that we are on the right track”, said Jimena about the participation in this Alas20 ranking.


Entel and its path of responsible, inclusive and conscious transformation

18 Nov, 2020

ALAS20 Recognition

The only telecommunications company in the country recognized by this award to companies and investors from different areas in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

For the second consecutive year, the technology and telecommunications company Entel is part of ALAS20, obtaining the 8th place in the category Leading Company in Sustainability in Chile. This award recognizes the company’s efforts to publicly disclose information on sustainable development practices, rewarding its efforts to report its management in a transparent manner and aligned with the interests of the different stakeholders: customers, community, investors, suppliers and collaborators.

During the last decade, Entel has set itself the challenge of managing the business responsibly. This was reflected at the end of 2018 in a new purpose that made Entel’s role of bringing technology closer and facilitating its use more visible, generating opportunities in people’s daily lives, favoring the development and productivity of companies and their collaborators. In 2019, it continued its evolution by integrating sustainability into the business in order to generate value in the long term with a strategic sustainability plan, which complements the corporate strategy and aims to fulfill the purpose and vision of responsible transformation of society through technology.


“Today more than ever we see an opportunity to contribute to society with our business, to encourage more people and organizations to have better tools for their development and well-being, aiming at collaboration and dialogue, and celebrating diversity as a meeting point”, says Jimena del Valle, Director of Sustainability and Communities at Entel.

The definition of the strategic axes of transformation and their work components in each range of action, responded to an exercise of dialogue and work between different areas of the company. The material issues identified in 2018 and strategically prioritized were taken as a basis. During 2020, objectives, activities and initiatives to be developed in the medium and long term were defined, promoting and strengthening the work developed so far. For this purpose, internal campaigns and cross-cutting communication and socialization workshops were carried out in order to permeate the strategy among employees.


“Incorporating sustainability into the business strategy has been a process of constant learning and development over time, and awards like this reinforce that we are on the right track”, said Jimena about the participation in this Alas20 ranking.


ALAS20 Recognition

The only telecommunications company in the country recognized by this award to companies and investors from different areas in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

For the second consecutive year, the technology and telecommunications company Entel is part of ALAS20, obtaining the 8th place in the category Leading Company in Sustainability in Chile. This award recognizes the company’s efforts to publicly disclose information on sustainable development practices, rewarding its efforts to report its management in a transparent manner and aligned with the interests of the different stakeholders: customers, community, investors, suppliers and collaborators.

During the last decade, Entel has set itself the challenge of managing the business responsibly. This was reflected at the end of 2018 in a new purpose that made Entel’s role of bringing technology closer and facilitating its use more visible, generating opportunities in people’s daily lives, favoring the development and productivity of companies and their collaborators. In 2019, it continued its evolution by integrating sustainability into the business in order to generate value in the long term with a strategic sustainability plan, which complements the corporate strategy and aims to fulfill the purpose and vision of responsible transformation of society through technology.


“Today more than ever we see an opportunity to contribute to society with our business, to encourage more people and organizations to have better tools for their development and well-being, aiming at collaboration and dialogue, and celebrating diversity as a meeting point”, says Jimena del Valle, Director of Sustainability and Communities at Entel.

The definition of the strategic axes of transformation and their work components in each range of action, responded to an exercise of dialogue and work between different areas of the company. The material issues identified in 2018 and strategically prioritized were taken as a basis. During 2020, objectives, activities and initiatives to be developed in the medium and long term were defined, promoting and strengthening the work developed so far. For this purpose, internal campaigns and cross-cutting communication and socialization workshops were carried out in order to permeate the strategy among employees.


“Incorporating sustainability into the business strategy has been a process of constant learning and development over time, and awards like this reinforce that we are on the right track”, said Jimena about the participation in this Alas20 ranking.
