• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

• Test conducted at Universidad de Chile is the first in South America that managed to reach the data transfer record of 25.4 Gb per second.

• It is the first test in Latin America conducted on 5G technology that will be commercially available by the end of 2018.

• Both companies used Ericsson’s millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed on Ericsson’s 28 GHz frequency, which supports the advanced features of 5G technology.

Entel and Ericsson conducted a 5G technology demonstration in Chile, which managed to achieve a record data transfer speed of over 24Gbps, the highest ever achieved in a test in South America. The technological milestone constitutes a relevant breakthrough, that will allow testing the capacities of 5G technology in an active network to telecommunications operators and other ecosystem partners, such as academic institutions, healthcare professionals, energy, agriculture and industry representatives.

The test, which took place at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile, in Santiago, used Ericsson’s 28 GHz millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed.

The solution presented considered base stations and prototype devices to demonstrate advanced 5G technologies including Massive MIMO, Massive Beamforming, Distributed MIMO, Multi-user MIMO and Beam Tracking. These, along with multi-gigabit data rates and ultra-low latency, represent requirements that will be key for future mobile broadband and industrial use cases.


For his part, Entel’s Vice President of Corporate Markets, Julian San Martin, said that “Ericsson and Entel are already working in a coordinated manner in testing the design of the future 5G network and training the teams, so that when it is deployed, this process will already be completed. We are proud to do this test in Santiago because we were able to show an efficient test of this future technology, which will allow customers and society in general to live connectivity experiences that will open doors to countless possibilities”.


Nicolás Brancoli, President of Ericsson South America, said: “The test we conducted in Chile is very relevant for what is to come with 5G technology. This technological leap will open up possibilities that are not yet possible to fully dimension. Customers will be able to enjoy new applications, such as augmented reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as intelligent transportation and remote medical assistance, which will create great opportunities. We expect 5G technology to be launched globally in 2019, and this test is one more step to prepare Chile for the next generation of mobile technology”.


Meanwhile, Patricio Aceituno, dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile, said: “As a faculty, we are proud to have been part of this moment, which shows how fast technology is advancing and how we must adapt to keep up. It is very important to continue innovating and studying how technology can improve the quality of life of Chileans”.

According to the most recent Ericsson Mobility Report, North America is expected to lead the adoption of 5G, as major operators have planned commercial launches starting in late 2018.

Globally, a major 5G spike is expected starting in 2020. Ericsson forecasts more than one billion 5G subscribers for mobile broadband by 2023, representing 12% of total mobile device subscriptions.

Like previous mobile access technologies, 5G is expected to be deployed first in dense urban areas with enhanced mobile broadband and fixed wireless access, which will be the first commercial uses. Other deployments will be in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, utilities and healthcare.

Ericsson is leading 5G innovations globally and was the first to bring to market a combined radio and core for 5G use cases, accelerating the journey to 5G with today’s networks.


Entel and Ericsson conducted 5G demonstration with record data transfer rates

28 Jun, 2018

• Test conducted at Universidad de Chile is the first in South America that managed to reach the data transfer record of 25.4 Gb per second.

• It is the first test in Latin America conducted on 5G technology that will be commercially available by the end of 2018.

• Both companies used Ericsson’s millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed on Ericsson’s 28 GHz frequency, which supports the advanced features of 5G technology.

Entel and Ericsson conducted a 5G technology demonstration in Chile, which managed to achieve a record data transfer speed of over 24Gbps, the highest ever achieved in a test in South America. The technological milestone constitutes a relevant breakthrough, that will allow testing the capacities of 5G technology in an active network to telecommunications operators and other ecosystem partners, such as academic institutions, healthcare professionals, energy, agriculture and industry representatives.

The test, which took place at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile, in Santiago, used Ericsson’s 28 GHz millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed.

The solution presented considered base stations and prototype devices to demonstrate advanced 5G technologies including Massive MIMO, Massive Beamforming, Distributed MIMO, Multi-user MIMO and Beam Tracking. These, along with multi-gigabit data rates and ultra-low latency, represent requirements that will be key for future mobile broadband and industrial use cases.


For his part, Entel’s Vice President of Corporate Markets, Julian San Martin, said that “Ericsson and Entel are already working in a coordinated manner in testing the design of the future 5G network and training the teams, so that when it is deployed, this process will already be completed. We are proud to do this test in Santiago because we were able to show an efficient test of this future technology, which will allow customers and society in general to live connectivity experiences that will open doors to countless possibilities”.


Nicolás Brancoli, President of Ericsson South America, said: “The test we conducted in Chile is very relevant for what is to come with 5G technology. This technological leap will open up possibilities that are not yet possible to fully dimension. Customers will be able to enjoy new applications, such as augmented reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as intelligent transportation and remote medical assistance, which will create great opportunities. We expect 5G technology to be launched globally in 2019, and this test is one more step to prepare Chile for the next generation of mobile technology”.


Meanwhile, Patricio Aceituno, dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile, said: “As a faculty, we are proud to have been part of this moment, which shows how fast technology is advancing and how we must adapt to keep up. It is very important to continue innovating and studying how technology can improve the quality of life of Chileans”.

According to the most recent Ericsson Mobility Report, North America is expected to lead the adoption of 5G, as major operators have planned commercial launches starting in late 2018.

Globally, a major 5G spike is expected starting in 2020. Ericsson forecasts more than one billion 5G subscribers for mobile broadband by 2023, representing 12% of total mobile device subscriptions.

Like previous mobile access technologies, 5G is expected to be deployed first in dense urban areas with enhanced mobile broadband and fixed wireless access, which will be the first commercial uses. Other deployments will be in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, utilities and healthcare.

Ericsson is leading 5G innovations globally and was the first to bring to market a combined radio and core for 5G use cases, accelerating the journey to 5G with today’s networks.


• Test conducted at Universidad de Chile is the first in South America that managed to reach the data transfer record of 25.4 Gb per second.

• It is the first test in Latin America conducted on 5G technology that will be commercially available by the end of 2018.

• Both companies used Ericsson’s millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed on Ericsson’s 28 GHz frequency, which supports the advanced features of 5G technology.

Entel and Ericsson conducted a 5G technology demonstration in Chile, which managed to achieve a record data transfer speed of over 24Gbps, the highest ever achieved in a test in South America. The technological milestone constitutes a relevant breakthrough, that will allow testing the capacities of 5G technology in an active network to telecommunications operators and other ecosystem partners, such as academic institutions, healthcare professionals, energy, agriculture and industry representatives.

The test, which took place at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile, in Santiago, used Ericsson’s 28 GHz millimeter band (mmWave) 5G Testbed.

The solution presented considered base stations and prototype devices to demonstrate advanced 5G technologies including Massive MIMO, Massive Beamforming, Distributed MIMO, Multi-user MIMO and Beam Tracking. These, along with multi-gigabit data rates and ultra-low latency, represent requirements that will be key for future mobile broadband and industrial use cases.


For his part, Entel’s Vice President of Corporate Markets, Julian San Martin, said that “Ericsson and Entel are already working in a coordinated manner in testing the design of the future 5G network and training the teams, so that when it is deployed, this process will already be completed. We are proud to do this test in Santiago because we were able to show an efficient test of this future technology, which will allow customers and society in general to live connectivity experiences that will open doors to countless possibilities”.


Nicolás Brancoli, President of Ericsson South America, said: “The test we conducted in Chile is very relevant for what is to come with 5G technology. This technological leap will open up possibilities that are not yet possible to fully dimension. Customers will be able to enjoy new applications, such as augmented reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as intelligent transportation and remote medical assistance, which will create great opportunities. We expect 5G technology to be launched globally in 2019, and this test is one more step to prepare Chile for the next generation of mobile technology”.


Meanwhile, Patricio Aceituno, dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile, said: “As a faculty, we are proud to have been part of this moment, which shows how fast technology is advancing and how we must adapt to keep up. It is very important to continue innovating and studying how technology can improve the quality of life of Chileans”.

According to the most recent Ericsson Mobility Report, North America is expected to lead the adoption of 5G, as major operators have planned commercial launches starting in late 2018.

Globally, a major 5G spike is expected starting in 2020. Ericsson forecasts more than one billion 5G subscribers for mobile broadband by 2023, representing 12% of total mobile device subscriptions.

Like previous mobile access technologies, 5G is expected to be deployed first in dense urban areas with enhanced mobile broadband and fixed wireless access, which will be the first commercial uses. Other deployments will be in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, utilities and healthcare.

Ericsson is leading 5G innovations globally and was the first to bring to market a combined radio and core for 5G use cases, accelerating the journey to 5G with today’s networks.
