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Innovation and IoT:

The teams of the British startup Camnexus, which offers IoT solutions, starred in the first streaming on 5G, breaking down geographical barriers and publicizing the scope of this technology that is preparing its arrival in our country.

The arrival of 5G is becoming more and more visible after the last spectrum tender for the deployment of this technology in Chile. However, the way for this development is still underway, and different actors have continued working on experimental demonstrations that allow testing the scope of the fifth generation network and bringing its benefits closer to the people.

In this line, in the 5G Space located in the Department of Electrical Engineering, FCFM, of Universidad de Chile (which was implemented together with Entel, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications and Ericsson), the first videoconference and live HD transcontinental transmission between Chile and the United Kingdom on 5G network was carried out, which achieved a speed of 450Mbps.

The test was carried out by Camnexus and Espacio 5G engineers. Camnexus is a startup based in Cambridge, England, that offers sustainable IoT solutions, within the framework of the “5G Accelerator” program, which supports technological solutions on the fifth generation network and is organized by Cambridge Wireless and Huawei in the United Kingdom.

The researchers present in both cities were able to see in real time a simulation of Massive IoT through the operation of 200 low-power wireless sensors that measure, in this case, water pressure, delivering data simultaneously to the network. The data from the devices can be viewed in real time on a customized and intuitive platform, with virtual assistants, allowing alarms to be received and also interrogation to know the status of the device and processes. In the simulation, it was demonstrated that after receiving an alarm, the device was connected from Chile to the United Kingdom in real time to verify the system warning. Simultaneously, the dashboard displays live streaming video from the area of the anomaly.


“The integration with 5G allows the incorporation of new capabilities, including low latency for critical operations with high reliability. This solution has an intelligence and processing system that determines whether there is an alert or not, and thereby decides whether to send any assistance team to the operation site, which will be very useful for the healthcare, agricultural and mining industries, among others”, says Camnexus founder and CEO Jessica Ocampos.


For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno added that “with this new 5G test, we are taking another step towards the implementation of this network in Chile, directly involving academia, the public and private sector through use cases that allow us to appreciate the full potential of this new technology. It is therefore essential to continue deepening the work that we have been developing from Subtel with the Campus 5G initiatives and the Observatory, in order to continue carrying out research and innovation activities that allow us to enhance our digital economy and industries 4.0”.

This experimental test is a concrete demonstration of the role of 5G as an enabling technology for others, since by defying geographical barriers it constitutes a contribution in terms of ubiquity, not only in the communication of people, but also in the remote monitoring of sensors. It also allows access to these platforms from anywhere in the world, contributing to real-time decision making, an extremely important feature when dealing with critical assets.

Strengthening the digital ecosystem

The test was conducted in the 5G Space, a laboratory opened in December 2020, whose objective is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


“This demonstration is a clear example of the benefits of innovation as an enabler of the digital ecosystem, where institutions from the academic, private and public world, contribute from their experience to make big changes and, in this case, demonstrate the capabilities that 5G brings to the industrial sector”, explains Entel’s Innovation Manager, Carlos Rodriguez.


“The Laboratory arises as a space for experimentation to continue conducting quality research and accelerating technology transfer processes. That is why we at the university saw that this initiative was in line with the objectives and capabilities of the laboratory, and we hope that more milestones of this type will continue to be achieved”, says the academic and coordinator of the Laboratory, Sandra Céspedes.

Thus, the experimental test demonstrated that collaboration is fundamental to achieve instances such as these, where different institutions are involved in the development and search for technological solutions. Entel, for its part, made available to the researchers the terminal and SIM Card that were used, while the 5G network of the Laboratory is from Ericsson and the experimental spectrum was delivered by Subtel in December last year, when the 5G Laboratory was inaugurated at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile.

About Camnexus

Camnexus, a British company based in Cambridge, develops and integrates low-power, long-range Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that allow companies operating in the food, water and energy sectors to achieve their sustainability goals and have a positive impact on people and the planet.

Camnexus was founded in Cambridge as a Cambridge University technology startup by two Cambridge University PhDs and alumni of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Universidad de Chile, Jessica Ocampos and Pablo Salas. Currently, with international operations, the technical team for IoT technology development is led by Juan Carlos Ocampos, also an alumnus of Universidad de Chile, with more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications solutions.


Chile held first transcontinental video call over fifth-generation network at Espacio 5G at Universidad de Chile and Entel

30 Jun, 2021

Innovation and IoT:

The teams of the British startup Camnexus, which offers IoT solutions, starred in the first streaming on 5G, breaking down geographical barriers and publicizing the scope of this technology that is preparing its arrival in our country.

The arrival of 5G is becoming more and more visible after the last spectrum tender for the deployment of this technology in Chile. However, the way for this development is still underway, and different actors have continued working on experimental demonstrations that allow testing the scope of the fifth generation network and bringing its benefits closer to the people.

In this line, in the 5G Space located in the Department of Electrical Engineering, FCFM, of Universidad de Chile (which was implemented together with Entel, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications and Ericsson), the first videoconference and live HD transcontinental transmission between Chile and the United Kingdom on 5G network was carried out, which achieved a speed of 450Mbps.

The test was carried out by Camnexus and Espacio 5G engineers. Camnexus is a startup based in Cambridge, England, that offers sustainable IoT solutions, within the framework of the “5G Accelerator” program, which supports technological solutions on the fifth generation network and is organized by Cambridge Wireless and Huawei in the United Kingdom.

The researchers present in both cities were able to see in real time a simulation of Massive IoT through the operation of 200 low-power wireless sensors that measure, in this case, water pressure, delivering data simultaneously to the network. The data from the devices can be viewed in real time on a customized and intuitive platform, with virtual assistants, allowing alarms to be received and also interrogation to know the status of the device and processes. In the simulation, it was demonstrated that after receiving an alarm, the device was connected from Chile to the United Kingdom in real time to verify the system warning. Simultaneously, the dashboard displays live streaming video from the area of the anomaly.


“The integration with 5G allows the incorporation of new capabilities, including low latency for critical operations with high reliability. This solution has an intelligence and processing system that determines whether there is an alert or not, and thereby decides whether to send any assistance team to the operation site, which will be very useful for the healthcare, agricultural and mining industries, among others”, says Camnexus founder and CEO Jessica Ocampos.


For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno added that “with this new 5G test, we are taking another step towards the implementation of this network in Chile, directly involving academia, the public and private sector through use cases that allow us to appreciate the full potential of this new technology. It is therefore essential to continue deepening the work that we have been developing from Subtel with the Campus 5G initiatives and the Observatory, in order to continue carrying out research and innovation activities that allow us to enhance our digital economy and industries 4.0”.

This experimental test is a concrete demonstration of the role of 5G as an enabling technology for others, since by defying geographical barriers it constitutes a contribution in terms of ubiquity, not only in the communication of people, but also in the remote monitoring of sensors. It also allows access to these platforms from anywhere in the world, contributing to real-time decision making, an extremely important feature when dealing with critical assets.

Strengthening the digital ecosystem

The test was conducted in the 5G Space, a laboratory opened in December 2020, whose objective is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


“This demonstration is a clear example of the benefits of innovation as an enabler of the digital ecosystem, where institutions from the academic, private and public world, contribute from their experience to make big changes and, in this case, demonstrate the capabilities that 5G brings to the industrial sector”, explains Entel’s Innovation Manager, Carlos Rodriguez.


“The Laboratory arises as a space for experimentation to continue conducting quality research and accelerating technology transfer processes. That is why we at the university saw that this initiative was in line with the objectives and capabilities of the laboratory, and we hope that more milestones of this type will continue to be achieved”, says the academic and coordinator of the Laboratory, Sandra Céspedes.

Thus, the experimental test demonstrated that collaboration is fundamental to achieve instances such as these, where different institutions are involved in the development and search for technological solutions. Entel, for its part, made available to the researchers the terminal and SIM Card that were used, while the 5G network of the Laboratory is from Ericsson and the experimental spectrum was delivered by Subtel in December last year, when the 5G Laboratory was inaugurated at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile.

About Camnexus

Camnexus, a British company based in Cambridge, develops and integrates low-power, long-range Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that allow companies operating in the food, water and energy sectors to achieve their sustainability goals and have a positive impact on people and the planet.

Camnexus was founded in Cambridge as a Cambridge University technology startup by two Cambridge University PhDs and alumni of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Universidad de Chile, Jessica Ocampos and Pablo Salas. Currently, with international operations, the technical team for IoT technology development is led by Juan Carlos Ocampos, also an alumnus of Universidad de Chile, with more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications solutions.


Innovation and IoT:

The teams of the British startup Camnexus, which offers IoT solutions, starred in the first streaming on 5G, breaking down geographical barriers and publicizing the scope of this technology that is preparing its arrival in our country.

The arrival of 5G is becoming more and more visible after the last spectrum tender for the deployment of this technology in Chile. However, the way for this development is still underway, and different actors have continued working on experimental demonstrations that allow testing the scope of the fifth generation network and bringing its benefits closer to the people.

In this line, in the 5G Space located in the Department of Electrical Engineering, FCFM, of Universidad de Chile (which was implemented together with Entel, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications and Ericsson), the first videoconference and live HD transcontinental transmission between Chile and the United Kingdom on 5G network was carried out, which achieved a speed of 450Mbps.

The test was carried out by Camnexus and Espacio 5G engineers. Camnexus is a startup based in Cambridge, England, that offers sustainable IoT solutions, within the framework of the “5G Accelerator” program, which supports technological solutions on the fifth generation network and is organized by Cambridge Wireless and Huawei in the United Kingdom.

The researchers present in both cities were able to see in real time a simulation of Massive IoT through the operation of 200 low-power wireless sensors that measure, in this case, water pressure, delivering data simultaneously to the network. The data from the devices can be viewed in real time on a customized and intuitive platform, with virtual assistants, allowing alarms to be received and also interrogation to know the status of the device and processes. In the simulation, it was demonstrated that after receiving an alarm, the device was connected from Chile to the United Kingdom in real time to verify the system warning. Simultaneously, the dashboard displays live streaming video from the area of the anomaly.


“The integration with 5G allows the incorporation of new capabilities, including low latency for critical operations with high reliability. This solution has an intelligence and processing system that determines whether there is an alert or not, and thereby decides whether to send any assistance team to the operation site, which will be very useful for the healthcare, agricultural and mining industries, among others”, says Camnexus founder and CEO Jessica Ocampos.


For his part, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Francisco Moreno added that “with this new 5G test, we are taking another step towards the implementation of this network in Chile, directly involving academia, the public and private sector through use cases that allow us to appreciate the full potential of this new technology. It is therefore essential to continue deepening the work that we have been developing from Subtel with the Campus 5G initiatives and the Observatory, in order to continue carrying out research and innovation activities that allow us to enhance our digital economy and industries 4.0”.

This experimental test is a concrete demonstration of the role of 5G as an enabling technology for others, since by defying geographical barriers it constitutes a contribution in terms of ubiquity, not only in the communication of people, but also in the remote monitoring of sensors. It also allows access to these platforms from anywhere in the world, contributing to real-time decision making, an extremely important feature when dealing with critical assets.

Strengthening the digital ecosystem

The test was conducted in the 5G Space, a laboratory opened in December 2020, whose objective is to have a space for teaching, research, exploration and development of applications and programs around 5G, where entrepreneurs, academics, students and partners will be able to promote innovation projects and solutions based on this technology.


“This demonstration is a clear example of the benefits of innovation as an enabler of the digital ecosystem, where institutions from the academic, private and public world, contribute from their experience to make big changes and, in this case, demonstrate the capabilities that 5G brings to the industrial sector”, explains Entel’s Innovation Manager, Carlos Rodriguez.


“The Laboratory arises as a space for experimentation to continue conducting quality research and accelerating technology transfer processes. That is why we at the university saw that this initiative was in line with the objectives and capabilities of the laboratory, and we hope that more milestones of this type will continue to be achieved”, says the academic and coordinator of the Laboratory, Sandra Céspedes.

Thus, the experimental test demonstrated that collaboration is fundamental to achieve instances such as these, where different institutions are involved in the development and search for technological solutions. Entel, for its part, made available to the researchers the terminal and SIM Card that were used, while the 5G network of the Laboratory is from Ericsson and the experimental spectrum was delivered by Subtel in December last year, when the 5G Laboratory was inaugurated at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile.

About Camnexus

Camnexus, a British company based in Cambridge, develops and integrates low-power, long-range Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that allow companies operating in the food, water and energy sectors to achieve their sustainability goals and have a positive impact on people and the planet.

Camnexus was founded in Cambridge as a Cambridge University technology startup by two Cambridge University PhDs and alumni of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Universidad de Chile, Jessica Ocampos and Pablo Salas. Currently, with international operations, the technical team for IoT technology development is led by Juan Carlos Ocampos, also an alumnus of Universidad de Chile, with more than 25 years of experience in telecommunications solutions.
