• Personas
  • Sobre Entel

The service will allow the citizens of this commune to access the possibilities offered by the internet for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.

The Tarapacá Region is among the areas with more internet users in the country, according to a report prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital.

The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi; and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, among other local authorities, participated this morning in the inauguration ceremony of digital connectivity of that operator for the commune of Alto Hospicio. This initiative, which is part of an investment plan of more than 250 million dollars for the installation of 1,200 wireless base stations throughout Chile, is expected to cover 2.9 million homes by 2021.

The service will allow the citizens of this locality to access the possibilities offered by broadband for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.


“The fixed Internet penetration in the Tarapacá Region reaches 52.1% of households, a figure that, although higher than the national average (49.8%), reflects the fact that a large percentage of inhabitants have yet to be connected. In this sense, we value the public-private alliance that is being generated today, which seeks to reduce the existing digital gap both in remote areas or areas with low access to digitalization and at a national level", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.


She added that the government “has set as a pillar that Chileans are more connected every day and that they have quality services, in addition to being protagonists of the digital revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications said that “connectivity is a means for the development of people, as it will allow citizens to have greater access, to have better job opportunities, expand their education, entrepreneurship and the many benefits offered by the Digital Revolution. The milestone that we are inaugurating today in Alto Hospicio will be the first step towards the total digitalization of the citizens of the Tarapacá Region”.


He added that “as President Sebastián Piñera mandated us, we have to reduce the digital gap and consolidate Chile’s regional leadership in technological development. For this, we must work on the construction of a public-private agenda that will lead us to achieve better standards, especially in terms of penetration of fixed and mobile services, in addition to increasing investment and new telecommunications infrastructure deployments”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, indicated that “this project has a multiple purpose for Entel. On the one hand, it allows us to bring the possibilities offered by technology to millions of Chileans and to contribute in a very concrete way to closing the digital gap that we still have in Chile. In addition, we are giving a new impulse to a line of strategic growth for the company, such as the Home segment, and injecting competition into the market, especially in sectors where today this service is not available or where there are no other alternatives in terms of commercial offerings”.

Digital Divide

According to the report “Internet use gap: an expression of social exclusion” prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital, 76.40% of the inhabitants of the Tarapacá Region are Internet users. This figure, represents a growth of 12.6 percentage points compared to the 63.8% recorded in 2013.

Subtel still has the challenge of delivering greater connectivity both to that region and to the whole country, where currently 44% of households do not have a fixed internet connection, which means that 1,495 localities do not have connectivity. To this end, work is being done to develop the construction of a digital highway throughout the country, consisting of a high-speed fiber optic network, which will light up a large part of Chile’s regions and schools, allowing an open and free WiFi network in the most crowded public places.


Chile advances in the reduction of the Digital Divide: MTT launches high-speed internet in Alto Hospicio

18 Ene, 2019

The service will allow the citizens of this commune to access the possibilities offered by the internet for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.

The Tarapacá Region is among the areas with more internet users in the country, according to a report prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital.

The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi; and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, among other local authorities, participated this morning in the inauguration ceremony of digital connectivity of that operator for the commune of Alto Hospicio. This initiative, which is part of an investment plan of more than 250 million dollars for the installation of 1,200 wireless base stations throughout Chile, is expected to cover 2.9 million homes by 2021.

The service will allow the citizens of this locality to access the possibilities offered by broadband for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.


“The fixed Internet penetration in the Tarapacá Region reaches 52.1% of households, a figure that, although higher than the national average (49.8%), reflects the fact that a large percentage of inhabitants have yet to be connected. In this sense, we value the public-private alliance that is being generated today, which seeks to reduce the existing digital gap both in remote areas or areas with low access to digitalization and at a national level", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.


She added that the government “has set as a pillar that Chileans are more connected every day and that they have quality services, in addition to being protagonists of the digital revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications said that “connectivity is a means for the development of people, as it will allow citizens to have greater access, to have better job opportunities, expand their education, entrepreneurship and the many benefits offered by the Digital Revolution. The milestone that we are inaugurating today in Alto Hospicio will be the first step towards the total digitalization of the citizens of the Tarapacá Region”.


He added that “as President Sebastián Piñera mandated us, we have to reduce the digital gap and consolidate Chile’s regional leadership in technological development. For this, we must work on the construction of a public-private agenda that will lead us to achieve better standards, especially in terms of penetration of fixed and mobile services, in addition to increasing investment and new telecommunications infrastructure deployments”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, indicated that “this project has a multiple purpose for Entel. On the one hand, it allows us to bring the possibilities offered by technology to millions of Chileans and to contribute in a very concrete way to closing the digital gap that we still have in Chile. In addition, we are giving a new impulse to a line of strategic growth for the company, such as the Home segment, and injecting competition into the market, especially in sectors where today this service is not available or where there are no other alternatives in terms of commercial offerings”.

Digital Divide

According to the report “Internet use gap: an expression of social exclusion” prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital, 76.40% of the inhabitants of the Tarapacá Region are Internet users. This figure, represents a growth of 12.6 percentage points compared to the 63.8% recorded in 2013.

Subtel still has the challenge of delivering greater connectivity both to that region and to the whole country, where currently 44% of households do not have a fixed internet connection, which means that 1,495 localities do not have connectivity. To this end, work is being done to develop the construction of a digital highway throughout the country, consisting of a high-speed fiber optic network, which will light up a large part of Chile’s regions and schools, allowing an open and free WiFi network in the most crowded public places.


The service will allow the citizens of this commune to access the possibilities offered by the internet for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.

The Tarapacá Region is among the areas with more internet users in the country, according to a report prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital.

The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt; the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi; and the CEO of Entel, Antonio Büchi, among other local authorities, participated this morning in the inauguration ceremony of digital connectivity of that operator for the commune of Alto Hospicio. This initiative, which is part of an investment plan of more than 250 million dollars for the installation of 1,200 wireless base stations throughout Chile, is expected to cover 2.9 million homes by 2021.

The service will allow the citizens of this locality to access the possibilities offered by broadband for entrepreneurship, information, entertainment, teleworking and online procedures.


“The fixed Internet penetration in the Tarapacá Region reaches 52.1% of households, a figure that, although higher than the national average (49.8%), reflects the fact that a large percentage of inhabitants have yet to be connected. In this sense, we value the public-private alliance that is being generated today, which seeks to reduce the existing digital gap both in remote areas or areas with low access to digitalization and at a national level", said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.


She added that the government “has set as a pillar that Chileans are more connected every day and that they have quality services, in addition to being protagonists of the digital revolution”.


Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications said that “connectivity is a means for the development of people, as it will allow citizens to have greater access, to have better job opportunities, expand their education, entrepreneurship and the many benefits offered by the Digital Revolution. The milestone that we are inaugurating today in Alto Hospicio will be the first step towards the total digitalization of the citizens of the Tarapacá Region”.


He added that “as President Sebastián Piñera mandated us, we have to reduce the digital gap and consolidate Chile’s regional leadership in technological development. For this, we must work on the construction of a public-private agenda that will lead us to achieve better standards, especially in terms of penetration of fixed and mobile services, in addition to increasing investment and new telecommunications infrastructure deployments”.


Entel’s CEO, Antonio Büchi, indicated that “this project has a multiple purpose for Entel. On the one hand, it allows us to bring the possibilities offered by technology to millions of Chileans and to contribute in a very concrete way to closing the digital gap that we still have in Chile. In addition, we are giving a new impulse to a line of strategic growth for the company, such as the Home segment, and injecting competition into the market, especially in sectors where today this service is not available or where there are no other alternatives in terms of commercial offerings”.

Digital Divide

According to the report “Internet use gap: an expression of social exclusion” prepared by the Digital Studies Center of Fundación País Digital, 76.40% of the inhabitants of the Tarapacá Region are Internet users. This figure, represents a growth of 12.6 percentage points compared to the 63.8% recorded in 2013.

Subtel still has the challenge of delivering greater connectivity both to that region and to the whole country, where currently 44% of households do not have a fixed internet connection, which means that 1,495 localities do not have connectivity. To this end, work is being done to develop the construction of a digital highway throughout the country, consisting of a high-speed fiber optic network, which will light up a large part of Chile’s regions and schools, allowing an open and free WiFi network in the most crowded public places.
