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Entel Reutiliza por Chile Tour:

The initiative, led by Entel and Kyklos, is being carried out for the third consecutive year to contribute to digital inclusion through the repair of unused devices.

In its 2021 edition, the campaign collected more than 8,000 devices, of which 1,359 were donated to schools and foundations, while the rest were recycled.

The third version of Reutiliza, the successful campaign of Kyklos, Entel, the Inclusive Recycling Center (CiR) and Engineering Without Borders, which seeks to reduce the digital divide and contribute to the circular economy through the recycling or restoration of electronic devices, and their subsequent donation to students in vulnerable contexts, has already begun.

In a truck, the campaign will tour 39 locations throughout the country to receive cell phones, tablets, computers and computer accessories in disuse.

The tour will begin in Arica, where the truck will be on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14, between 16:00 and 20:00 hours in the Vicuña Mackenna Park receiving devices. Afterwards, the mobile collection and recycling point will visit Iquique, and then move on to the cities of Antofagasta and Calama. Reutiliza por Chile will then move on to Copiapó, Vallenar, La Serena, Ovalle, Quillota, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Quilpué, Villa Alemana, San Antonio, Santiago, Rancagua, San Fernando, Curicó, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talcahuano, Concepción, Los Ángeles, Temuco, Villarrica, Valdivia, La Unión, Osorno, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Puerto Aysén, Coyhaique, Chile Chico, Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas.

In addition to the electronic recycling mailboxes that the technology and telecommunications company has in public places in the different regions, it will deploy more than 300 new mailboxes that will be distributed in 70 communes in the country.

The devices received in the truck will be diagnosed and then repaired and reconditioned by the CiR for subsequent donation. Those that cannot be recovered will be recycled by Midas, to give them a correct final disposal and avoid contamination.

The campaign, which was conceived in 2020 to respond to the need of hundreds of students to stay connected due to the health contingency, collected more than 8,000 electronic devices in 2021, delivered both by citizens and by different companies. Of these, 1,359 devices (589 cell phones, 20 tablets, 176 CPUs and 574 notebooks) were donated to different educational institutions throughout Chile, such as the Patricio Mekis School, located in Maipú; the Ignacio Domeyko School, in Chañaral; the Italia School, in Los Niches, Curicó; the Niño y Patria Foundation and the Levantemos Chile Foundation, among others.

“In addition to the obvious environmental benefit associated with the reuse and recycling of disused devices, this initiative seeks to contribute to mitigate the lack of devices in many families in our country, which was evident during the pandemic with students who had problems to continue with their classes at a distance. That is why in this third version we have set ourselves the target of recovering at least 8,000 devices as in 2021, to continue contributing to the circular economy and digital inclusion", said Entel’s Director of Sustainability, Jimena del Valle.

It should be recalled that the Reutiliza campaign was awarded earlier this year by the Sustainability Hub of the PULSO newspaper, in the “Reduction of Inequalities” category, due to the social, economic and environmental impact it has generated since its inception in 2020.

“This campaign is very powerful, because it finds in the problem of electronic waste an opportunity to help families who do not have devices and the environment. We are very happy that this year it will be extended to all of Chile with the mobile point, in order to reach more people and prevent valuable resources from ending up in the trash”, said Sebastian Herceg, director of Corporate Affairs at Kyklos.

Details of the dates and locations where the truck will be located can be reviewed at entel.cl/reutiliza


Campaign will tour 39 locations and expects to recover 8,000 electronic devices for refurbishment and donation

13 Jun, 2022

Entel Reutiliza por Chile Tour:

The initiative, led by Entel and Kyklos, is being carried out for the third consecutive year to contribute to digital inclusion through the repair of unused devices.

In its 2021 edition, the campaign collected more than 8,000 devices, of which 1,359 were donated to schools and foundations, while the rest were recycled.

The third version of Reutiliza, the successful campaign of Kyklos, Entel, the Inclusive Recycling Center (CiR) and Engineering Without Borders, which seeks to reduce the digital divide and contribute to the circular economy through the recycling or restoration of electronic devices, and their subsequent donation to students in vulnerable contexts, has already begun.

In a truck, the campaign will tour 39 locations throughout the country to receive cell phones, tablets, computers and computer accessories in disuse.

The tour will begin in Arica, where the truck will be on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14, between 16:00 and 20:00 hours in the Vicuña Mackenna Park receiving devices. Afterwards, the mobile collection and recycling point will visit Iquique, and then move on to the cities of Antofagasta and Calama. Reutiliza por Chile will then move on to Copiapó, Vallenar, La Serena, Ovalle, Quillota, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Quilpué, Villa Alemana, San Antonio, Santiago, Rancagua, San Fernando, Curicó, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talcahuano, Concepción, Los Ángeles, Temuco, Villarrica, Valdivia, La Unión, Osorno, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Puerto Aysén, Coyhaique, Chile Chico, Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas.

In addition to the electronic recycling mailboxes that the technology and telecommunications company has in public places in the different regions, it will deploy more than 300 new mailboxes that will be distributed in 70 communes in the country.

The devices received in the truck will be diagnosed and then repaired and reconditioned by the CiR for subsequent donation. Those that cannot be recovered will be recycled by Midas, to give them a correct final disposal and avoid contamination.

The campaign, which was conceived in 2020 to respond to the need of hundreds of students to stay connected due to the health contingency, collected more than 8,000 electronic devices in 2021, delivered both by citizens and by different companies. Of these, 1,359 devices (589 cell phones, 20 tablets, 176 CPUs and 574 notebooks) were donated to different educational institutions throughout Chile, such as the Patricio Mekis School, located in Maipú; the Ignacio Domeyko School, in Chañaral; the Italia School, in Los Niches, Curicó; the Niño y Patria Foundation and the Levantemos Chile Foundation, among others.

“In addition to the obvious environmental benefit associated with the reuse and recycling of disused devices, this initiative seeks to contribute to mitigate the lack of devices in many families in our country, which was evident during the pandemic with students who had problems to continue with their classes at a distance. That is why in this third version we have set ourselves the target of recovering at least 8,000 devices as in 2021, to continue contributing to the circular economy and digital inclusion", said Entel’s Director of Sustainability, Jimena del Valle.

It should be recalled that the Reutiliza campaign was awarded earlier this year by the Sustainability Hub of the PULSO newspaper, in the “Reduction of Inequalities” category, due to the social, economic and environmental impact it has generated since its inception in 2020.

“This campaign is very powerful, because it finds in the problem of electronic waste an opportunity to help families who do not have devices and the environment. We are very happy that this year it will be extended to all of Chile with the mobile point, in order to reach more people and prevent valuable resources from ending up in the trash”, said Sebastian Herceg, director of Corporate Affairs at Kyklos.

Details of the dates and locations where the truck will be located can be reviewed at entel.cl/reutiliza


Entel Reutiliza por Chile Tour:

The initiative, led by Entel and Kyklos, is being carried out for the third consecutive year to contribute to digital inclusion through the repair of unused devices.

In its 2021 edition, the campaign collected more than 8,000 devices, of which 1,359 were donated to schools and foundations, while the rest were recycled.

The third version of Reutiliza, the successful campaign of Kyklos, Entel, the Inclusive Recycling Center (CiR) and Engineering Without Borders, which seeks to reduce the digital divide and contribute to the circular economy through the recycling or restoration of electronic devices, and their subsequent donation to students in vulnerable contexts, has already begun.

In a truck, the campaign will tour 39 locations throughout the country to receive cell phones, tablets, computers and computer accessories in disuse.

The tour will begin in Arica, where the truck will be on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14, between 16:00 and 20:00 hours in the Vicuña Mackenna Park receiving devices. Afterwards, the mobile collection and recycling point will visit Iquique, and then move on to the cities of Antofagasta and Calama. Reutiliza por Chile will then move on to Copiapó, Vallenar, La Serena, Ovalle, Quillota, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Quilpué, Villa Alemana, San Antonio, Santiago, Rancagua, San Fernando, Curicó, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talca, Linares, Chillán, Talcahuano, Concepción, Los Ángeles, Temuco, Villarrica, Valdivia, La Unión, Osorno, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Puerto Aysén, Coyhaique, Chile Chico, Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas.

In addition to the electronic recycling mailboxes that the technology and telecommunications company has in public places in the different regions, it will deploy more than 300 new mailboxes that will be distributed in 70 communes in the country.

The devices received in the truck will be diagnosed and then repaired and reconditioned by the CiR for subsequent donation. Those that cannot be recovered will be recycled by Midas, to give them a correct final disposal and avoid contamination.

The campaign, which was conceived in 2020 to respond to the need of hundreds of students to stay connected due to the health contingency, collected more than 8,000 electronic devices in 2021, delivered both by citizens and by different companies. Of these, 1,359 devices (589 cell phones, 20 tablets, 176 CPUs and 574 notebooks) were donated to different educational institutions throughout Chile, such as the Patricio Mekis School, located in Maipú; the Ignacio Domeyko School, in Chañaral; the Italia School, in Los Niches, Curicó; the Niño y Patria Foundation and the Levantemos Chile Foundation, among others.

“In addition to the obvious environmental benefit associated with the reuse and recycling of disused devices, this initiative seeks to contribute to mitigate the lack of devices in many families in our country, which was evident during the pandemic with students who had problems to continue with their classes at a distance. That is why in this third version we have set ourselves the target of recovering at least 8,000 devices as in 2021, to continue contributing to the circular economy and digital inclusion", said Entel’s Director of Sustainability, Jimena del Valle.

It should be recalled that the Reutiliza campaign was awarded earlier this year by the Sustainability Hub of the PULSO newspaper, in the “Reduction of Inequalities” category, due to the social, economic and environmental impact it has generated since its inception in 2020.

“This campaign is very powerful, because it finds in the problem of electronic waste an opportunity to help families who do not have devices and the environment. We are very happy that this year it will be extended to all of Chile with the mobile point, in order to reach more people and prevent valuable resources from ending up in the trash”, said Sebastian Herceg, director of Corporate Affairs at Kyklos.

Details of the dates and locations where the truck will be located can be reviewed at entel.cl/reutiliza
