• Personas
  • Sobre Entel
Comparison March 2020 with March 2021:

In the Metropolitan Region, this traffic increased from 23,789,123 to 32,175,885 gigabytes, or 35.3%.

In March, videoconferencing applications, such as Zoom and Hangouts, set the tone among the most used. In addition, Instagram saw significant growth in its use during the month.

Since the health crisis began in March 2020, we have seen how mobile data traffic has been increasing due to teleworking, distance learning and the different daily actions that we used to perform in person and that are now done online.

Thus, in mid-March 2020, we experienced an unprecedented situation in the country, a total quarantine, forcing all people to stay at home to stop the spread of the virus. This measure was repeated during March of this year, when the number of infections increased again.

In this scenario, the technology and telecommunications company Entel has carried out a new data traffic analysis to show the variation between March 2020 and the same month of 2021, observing a 49.4% increase in mobile data traffic at national level, from 69,648,412 to 104,062,061 gigabytes (gb) in the aforementioned period.

The Metropolitan Region, following the national trend, has also shown a strong increase in mobile data traffic, rising from 23,789,123 gb in March 2020 to 32,175,884 gb in the same month of 2021, an increase of 35.3%.

At the same time, the analysis carried out showed that, at national level, if we compare the fixed data traffic of March 2020 and March 2021, it shows a strong increase, from 53,369,413 to 75,602,578 gb, which represents an increase of more than 41.7%.


“More than a year into the pandemic, we have witnessed data traffic growth levels continue to rise in the country. While the growth of more than 49.4% in mobile data and 41.7% in fixed data is significant, as a technology and telecommunications company we are prepared for these scenarios, because we have a robust network that allows us to maintain a quality service to our customers in these conditions”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Most used applications in March 2021:

Likewise, according to the analysis carried out by Entel, the Zoom and Hangouts meeting applications are the ones that have experienced the greatest growth, after the return of activities in March 2021, in the use by citizens. This period coincides with the start of the work and school year, ending the summer vacations.

On the other hand, the applications that lost ground were Spotify (-28%), Google Play (-27%) and PlayStation Games (-16%), which are mostly used for leisure and entertainment.

Top 5 most used apps during March 2021:

  • Hangouts (568%).
  • Zoom (220%).
  • Instagram (115%).
  • Netflix (23%).
  • Facebook & WhatsApp (22%).

According to Entel analysis, nationwide mobile data traffic increased 49.4% in one year

29 Abr, 2021

Comparison March 2020 with March 2021:

In the Metropolitan Region, this traffic increased from 23,789,123 to 32,175,885 gigabytes, or 35.3%.

In March, videoconferencing applications, such as Zoom and Hangouts, set the tone among the most used. In addition, Instagram saw significant growth in its use during the month.

Since the health crisis began in March 2020, we have seen how mobile data traffic has been increasing due to teleworking, distance learning and the different daily actions that we used to perform in person and that are now done online.

Thus, in mid-March 2020, we experienced an unprecedented situation in the country, a total quarantine, forcing all people to stay at home to stop the spread of the virus. This measure was repeated during March of this year, when the number of infections increased again.

In this scenario, the technology and telecommunications company Entel has carried out a new data traffic analysis to show the variation between March 2020 and the same month of 2021, observing a 49.4% increase in mobile data traffic at national level, from 69,648,412 to 104,062,061 gigabytes (gb) in the aforementioned period.

The Metropolitan Region, following the national trend, has also shown a strong increase in mobile data traffic, rising from 23,789,123 gb in March 2020 to 32,175,884 gb in the same month of 2021, an increase of 35.3%.

At the same time, the analysis carried out showed that, at national level, if we compare the fixed data traffic of March 2020 and March 2021, it shows a strong increase, from 53,369,413 to 75,602,578 gb, which represents an increase of more than 41.7%.


“More than a year into the pandemic, we have witnessed data traffic growth levels continue to rise in the country. While the growth of more than 49.4% in mobile data and 41.7% in fixed data is significant, as a technology and telecommunications company we are prepared for these scenarios, because we have a robust network that allows us to maintain a quality service to our customers in these conditions”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Most used applications in March 2021:

Likewise, according to the analysis carried out by Entel, the Zoom and Hangouts meeting applications are the ones that have experienced the greatest growth, after the return of activities in March 2021, in the use by citizens. This period coincides with the start of the work and school year, ending the summer vacations.

On the other hand, the applications that lost ground were Spotify (-28%), Google Play (-27%) and PlayStation Games (-16%), which are mostly used for leisure and entertainment.

Top 5 most used apps during March 2021:

  • Hangouts (568%).
  • Zoom (220%).
  • Instagram (115%).
  • Netflix (23%).
  • Facebook & WhatsApp (22%).

Comparison March 2020 with March 2021:

In the Metropolitan Region, this traffic increased from 23,789,123 to 32,175,885 gigabytes, or 35.3%.

In March, videoconferencing applications, such as Zoom and Hangouts, set the tone among the most used. In addition, Instagram saw significant growth in its use during the month.

Since the health crisis began in March 2020, we have seen how mobile data traffic has been increasing due to teleworking, distance learning and the different daily actions that we used to perform in person and that are now done online.

Thus, in mid-March 2020, we experienced an unprecedented situation in the country, a total quarantine, forcing all people to stay at home to stop the spread of the virus. This measure was repeated during March of this year, when the number of infections increased again.

In this scenario, the technology and telecommunications company Entel has carried out a new data traffic analysis to show the variation between March 2020 and the same month of 2021, observing a 49.4% increase in mobile data traffic at national level, from 69,648,412 to 104,062,061 gigabytes (gb) in the aforementioned period.

The Metropolitan Region, following the national trend, has also shown a strong increase in mobile data traffic, rising from 23,789,123 gb in March 2020 to 32,175,884 gb in the same month of 2021, an increase of 35.3%.

At the same time, the analysis carried out showed that, at national level, if we compare the fixed data traffic of March 2020 and March 2021, it shows a strong increase, from 53,369,413 to 75,602,578 gb, which represents an increase of more than 41.7%.


“More than a year into the pandemic, we have witnessed data traffic growth levels continue to rise in the country. While the growth of more than 49.4% in mobile data and 41.7% in fixed data is significant, as a technology and telecommunications company we are prepared for these scenarios, because we have a robust network that allows us to maintain a quality service to our customers in these conditions”, said Entel’s Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Manuel Araya.

Most used applications in March 2021:

Likewise, according to the analysis carried out by Entel, the Zoom and Hangouts meeting applications are the ones that have experienced the greatest growth, after the return of activities in March 2021, in the use by citizens. This period coincides with the start of the work and school year, ending the summer vacations.

On the other hand, the applications that lost ground were Spotify (-28%), Google Play (-27%) and PlayStation Games (-16%), which are mostly used for leisure and entertainment.

Top 5 most used apps during March 2021:

  • Hangouts (568%).
  • Zoom (220%).
  • Instagram (115%).
  • Netflix (23%).
  • Facebook & WhatsApp (22%).